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Oh Composable World!
Oh Composable World!
Oh Composable World!
.sortBy((b) =>
Oh Composable World!
Oh Composable World!
const dotChainy = str =>
.split(' ')
.map(c => c.trim())
.filter(x => x.length > 3)
const doin_Thangs = str =>
.groupBy(s => s.length)
.orderBy(x => x.length)
const reactiveUpInHere = el =>
fromEvent(el, 'keyup')
.map(e =>
.filter(text => text.length > 2)
const dotChainy = str =>
.split(' ')
.map(c => c.trim())
.filter(x => x.length > 3)
const dotChainy = str =>
.split(' ')
.map(c => c.trim())
.filter(x => x.length > 3)
const dotChainy = str =>
.split(' ')
.map(c => c.trim())
.filter(x => x.length > 3)
Chain Dot Com '
const dotChainy = str =>
.split(' ')
.map(c => c.trim())
.filter(x => x.length > 3)
‘chain dot com '
const dotChainy = str =>
.split(' ')
.map(c => c.trim())
.filter(x => x.length > 3)
['chain', 'dot', 'com ']
const dotChainy = str =>
.split(' ')
.map(c => c.trim())
.filter(x => x.length > 3)
['chain', 'dot', 'com']
const dotChainy = str =>
.split(' ')
.map(c => c.trim())
.filter(x => x.length > 3)
['com', 'dot', 'chain']
const dotChainy = str => {
const lower = str.toLowerCase()
const words = lower.split(' ')
for(let i in words) {
words[i] = words[i].trim()
let keepers = []
for(let i in words) {
if(words[i].length > 3) {
return keepers.join('')
const dotChainy = str => {
const lower = str.toLowerCase()
const words = lower.split(' ')
for(let i in words) {
words[i] = words[i].trim()
let keepers = []
for(let i in words) {
if(words[i].length > 3) {
return keepers.join('')
class AppMailer {
constructor() {
this.emailer = new Emailer()
removeInvalidAddresses() {
for(let i in this.addresses) {
if(!this.addresses[i].match(/@/)) {
this.addresses.splice(i, 1)
sendEmail({from, to}) {
this.addresses = to
Oh Composable World!
“the major contributor to this complexity in many systems is
the handling of state and the burden that this adds when
trying to analyse and reason about the system.”
Out of the Tar Pit 2006
-Ben Moseley & Peter Marks
Oh Composable World!
Oh Composable World!
const dotChainy = str =>
.split(' ')
.map(c => c.trim())
.filter(x => x.length > 3)
Oh Composable World!
Oh Composable World!
Oh Composable World!
Programming !== Math
try {
return f(x)
} catch(e) {
if(x) {
return f()
} else {
return y
for(let thing in things) {
if(thing.amount > 100) keepers.push(
for (i = 0; i < cars.length; i++) {
text += cars[i] + "<br>";
while (i < 10) {
text += "The number is " + i;
let stuff = [1,2,3]
stuff = [1,2]
stuff.splice(0, 2)
Side Effects
Programming !== Math
Programming != Math
f . g
f . g
f . g = x => f(g(x))
Category theory
fn fn
Oh Composable World!
Oh Composable World!
Oh Composable World!
Oh Composable World!
a b
const contrivedEx1 = str => {
const trimmed = str.trim()
const number = parseInt(trimmed)
const nextNumber = number + 1
return String.fromCharCode(nextNumber)
contrivedEx1(' 64 ')
// 'A'
const contrivedEx1 = str =>
.map(trimmed => parseInt(trimmed))
.map(number => number + 1)
.map(nextNumber =>
const contrivedEx1 = str => {
const trimmed = str.trim()
const number = parseInt(trimmed)
const nextNumber = number + 1
return String.fromCharCode(nextNumber)
contrivedEx1(' 64 ')
// [‘A’]
const contrivedEx1 = str =>
.map(trimmed => new Number(trimmed))
.map(number => number + 1)
.map(nextNumber =>
const contrivedEx1 = str => {
const trimmed = str.trim()
const number = parseInt(trimmed)
const nextNumber = number + 1
return String.fromCharCode(nextNumber)
contrivedEx1(' 64 ')
// [‘A’]
const contrivedEx1 = str =>
.map(trimmed => new Number(trimmed))
.map(number => number + 1)
.map(nextNumber =>
const contrivedEx1 = str => {
const trimmed = str.trim()
const number = parseInt(trimmed)
const nextNumber = number + 1
return String.fromCharCode(nextNumber)
contrivedEx1(' 64 ')
// [‘A’]
const contrivedEx1 = str =>
.map(trimmed => new Number(trimmed))
.map(number => number + 1)
.map(nextNumber =>
contrivedEx1(' 64 ')
// Box(‘A’)
const Box = x =>
map: f => Box(f(x))
const contrivedEx1 = str =>
.map(trimmed => new Number(trimmed))
.map(number => number + 1)
.map(nextNumber =>
contrivedEx1(' 64 ')
// Box(‘A’)
const Box = x =>
map: f => Box(f(x))
const contrivedEx1 = str =>
.map(trimmed => new Number(trimmed))
.map(number => number + 1)
.fold(nextNumber =>
contrivedEx1(' 64 ')
// ‘A’
const Box = x =>
map: f => Box(f(x)),
fold: f => f(x)
Oh Composable World!
Oh Composable World!
Unified call syntax
Minimized state
Captured Assignment
Forced Control Flow
Side Effects
const range = (i, count) =>
unfold(x => if(x <= count) [x, x+1], i)
// [ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ]
const alphabet = () =>
unfold(x => if(x < 26) [String.fromCharCode(x+65), x+1], 0)
// [A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z]
Side Effects
Side Effects
Promise(6).then(six => six / 2)
// Promise(3)
Promise(6).then(six => Promise(six / 2))
// Promise(3)
Promise(6).map(six => six / 2)
// Promise(3)
Promise(6).chain(six => Promise(six / 2))
// Promise(3)
Promise(6).then(six => six / 2)
// Promise(3)
Promise(6).then(six => Promise(six / 2))
// Promise(3)
Promise(6).map(six => six / 2)
// Promise(3)
Promise(6).chain(six => Promise(six / 2))
// Promise(3)
Promise(6).then(six => six / 2)
// Promise(3)
Promise(6).then(six => Promise(six / 2))
// Promise(3)
Promise(6).map(six => six / 2)
// Promise(3)
Promise(6).chain(six => Promise(six / 2))
// Promise(3)
const contrivedEx2 = () =>
fs.readFile('cfg.json', 'utf-8', (err, contents) => {
if(err) throw err
const newContents = contents.replace(/8/g, '6')
fs.writeFile('cfg1.json', newContents, (err, _) => {
if(err) throw err
const readFile = futurize(fs.readFile)
const writeFile = futurize(fs.writeFile)
const contrivedEx2 = () =>
readFile('cfg.json', 'utf-8')
.map(contents => contents.replace(/8/g, '6'))
.chain(replaced => writeFile('cfg1.json', replaced))
const contrivedEx2 = () =>
fs.readFile('cfg.json', 'utf-8', (err, contents) => {
if(err) throw err
const newContents = contents.replace(/8/g, '6')
fs.writeFile('cfg1.json', newContents, (err, _) => {
if(err) throw err
const readFile = futurize(fs.readFile)
const writeFile = futurize(fs.writeFile)
const contrivedEx2 = () =>
readFile('cfg.json', 'utf-8')
.map(contents => contents.replace(/8/g, '6'))
.chain(replaced => writeFile('cfg1.json', replaced))
const readFile = futurize(fs.readFile)
const writeFile = futurize(fs.writeFile)
const contrivedEx2 = () =>
readFile('cfg.json', 'utf-8')
.map(contents => contents.replace(/8/g, '6'))
.chain(replaced => writeFile('cfg1.json', replaced))
contrivedEx2().fork(e => console.error(e),
r => console.log('success!'))
const lib = username =>
.map(ts => truncateTo130(ts))
.chain(ts => writeFile('tweets.json', ts))
const lib = username =>
.map(ts => truncateTo130(ts))
.chain(ts => writeFile('tweets.json', ts))
.chain(f => saveToS3(f))
const lib = username =>
.map(ts => truncateTo130(ts))
.chain(ts => writeFile('tweets.json', ts))
.chain(f => saveToS3(f))
.fork(e => console.error(e),
r => console.log(r))
Oh Composable World!
Side Effects
Left('no ducks :(').fold(e => `we had an error: ${e}`,
s => s.toUpperCase())
// we had an error: no ducks :(
Right('ducks').fold(e => `we had an error: ${e}`,
s => s.toUpperCase())
Left('no ducks :(').fold(e => `we had an error: ${e}`,
s => s.toUpperCase())
// we had an error: no ducks :(
Right('ducks').fold(e => `we had an error: ${e}`,
s => s.toUpperCase())
Left('no ducks :(').fold(e => `we had an error: ${e}`,
s => s.toUpperCase())
// we had an error: no ducks :(
Right('ducks').fold(e => `we had an error: ${e}`,
s => s.toUpperCase())
leftOrRight.fold(e => `we had an error: ${e}`,
s => s.toUpperCase())
Right({hair: 'brown'})
.map(obj =>
.map(brown => brown.length)
.chain(five => Right(five * 2))
// Right(10)
.map(obj =>
.map(brown => brown.length)
.chain(five => Left(five * 2))
// Left('ignored')
const getConfig = () => {
try {
return fs.readFileSync('cfg.json')
} catch(e) {
return null
const contrivedEx3 = () => {
const cfg = getConfig()
if(cfg) {
const parsed = JSON.parse(cfg)
return parsed.port
} else {
return 3000
const getConfig = () =>
const contrivedEx3 = () =>
.fold(e => 3000, c => c.port)
const getConfig = () =>
const contrivedEx3 = () =>
.fold(e => 3000, c => c.port)
const getConfig = () => {
try {
return fs.readFileSync('cfg.json')
} catch(e) {
return null
const contrivedEx3 = () => {
const cfg = getConfig()
if(cfg) {
const parsed = JSON.parse(cfg)
return parsed.port
} else {
return 3000
const contrivedEx4 = user => {
const address = user.address
if(address) {
const zip = address.match(/(d{5})$/i)
if(zip) {
const city = cityByZip(zip)
if(city) {
return city
} else {
return "can't find city"
return "can't find city"
const contrivedEx4 = user =>
.chain(a => fromNullable(a.match(/(d{5})$/i)))
.chain(zip => fromNullable(cityByZip(zip)))
.fold(() => "can't find city", city => city)
const contrivedEx4 = user => {
const address = user.address
if(address) {
const zip = address.match(/(d{5})$/i)
if(zip) {
const city = cityByZip(zip)
if(city) {
return city
} else {
return "can't find city"
return "can't find city"
const contrivedEx4 = user =>
.chain(a => fromNullable(a.match(/(d{5})$/i)))
.chain(zip => fromNullable(cityByZip(zip)))
.fold(() => "can't find city", city => city)
Side Effects
const depObjs = b =>
List(b.deps).flatMap(next =>
findDependencyByProject(, b.previous.deps)
.fold(x => x,
found => makeArgs(next, found)))
const mapBuildsAndDepsForDiffQueue = (builds) =>
.filter(b => b.previous)
.flatMap(b => makeArgs(b, b.previous).concat(depObjs(b)))
.filter(b => b)
const filterExistingDiffs = (items) =>
List(items).traverse(Task.of, (i) =>
find(Diff, { BuildId: i.buildId, DiffId: i.prevId, type: i.method })
.map(e => e.swap().getOrElse(null))
.map(bs => bs.filter(x => x).toJS())
const buildProject = ({branch, sha}) =>
.chain(() => isReleaseOrMainBranch(branch))
.fold(() => _.noop,
() =>
.chain(() =>
.fold(() => Task.of(null),
head =>
makeVrtDeployment(head, sha)
.chain(() => createPrApp(head, sha))))
Oh Composable World!
Oh Composable World!
const vrtReport = ({sha, email, platforms}) =>
.chain(plats =>
.chain(shots =>
.fold(() => findLastRef(),
() => findBuild({sha}))
.chain(ref =>
renderReport(shots, ref, email)))
.fork(e => e, r => r)
Harder to hack
const getConfig = () =>
const contrivedEx3 = () =>
.fold(e => 3000, c => c.port)
Oh Composable World!
const ProfileLink = user =>
<a href={`/users/${}`}>{}</a>
const Header = str =>
<h1>Now Viewing {str}</h1>
Component :: a -> JSX
const Comp = g =>
fold: g,
contramap: f =>
Comp(x => g(f(x)))
const Comp = g =>
fold: g,
contramap: f =>
Comp(x => g(f(x)))
const Heading = str =>
<h1>Now Viewing {str}</h1>
const Title = Comp(Heading).contramap(s => s.pageName)
const Title = Comp(Heading).contramap(s => s.pageName)
Title.fold({ pageName: ‘Home',
currentUser: { id: 2, name: 'Chris Harrison’ } })
// <h1>Now Viewing Home</h1>
const Comp = g =>
fold: g,
contramap: f =>
Comp(x => g(f(x)))
const Heading = str =>
<h1>Now Viewing {str}</h1>
const Comp = g =>
fold: g,
contramap: f =>
Comp(x => g(f(x)))
const Comp = g =>
fold: g,
contramap: f =>
Comp(x => g(f(x))),
concat: other =>
Comp(x => <div>{g(x)} {other.fold(x)}</div>)
const ProfileLink = user =>
<a href={`/users/${}`}>{}</a>)
const Heading = str =>
<h1>Now Viewing {str}</h1>
const Heading = Comp(Title).contramap(s => s.pageName)
const Link = Comp(ProfileLink).contramap(s => s.currentUser)
const App = Heading.concat(Link)
const ProfileLink = user =>
<a href={`/users/${}`}>{}</a>)
const Heading = str =>
<h1>Now Viewing {str}</h1>
const Heading = Comp(Title).contramap(s => s.pageName)
const Link = Comp(ProfileLink).contramap(s => s.currentUser)
const App = Heading.concat(Link)
App.fold({ pageName: ‘Home',
currentUser: { name: 'Chris Harrison’ } })
// <div>
// <h1>Now Viewing Home</h1>
// <a href="/users/22">Chris Harrison</a>
// </div>
Reducer :: (a, b) -> a
const Reducer = g =>
fold: g,
contramap: f =>
Reducer((acc, x) => g(acc, f(x))),
map: f =>
Reducer((acc, x) => f(g(acc, x)))
const r = Reducer((acc, x) => acc.concat(x))
.contramap(x => `The number is ${x}`)
.map(x => x + '! ')
[1,2,3].reduce(r.fold, '')
// The number is 1! The number is 2! The number is 3!
const Reducer = g =>
fold: g,
contramap: f =>
Reducer((acc, x) => g(acc, f(x))),
map: f =>
Reducer((acc, x) => f(g(acc, x)))
const Reducer = g =>
fold: g,
contramap: f =>
Reducer((acc, x) => g(acc, f(x))),
map: f =>
Reducer((acc, x) => f(g(acc, x)))
const Reducer = g =>
fold: g,
contramap: f =>
Reducer((acc, x) => g(acc, f(x))),
map: f =>
Reducer((acc, x) => f(g(acc, x))),
concat: o =>
Reducer((acc, x) => o.fold(g(acc, x), x))
const appReducer = Reducer((state, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'set_visibility_filter':
return Object.assign({}, state, {
visibilityFilter: action.filter
return state
const todoReducer = Reducer((state, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'new_todo':
const t = { id: 0, title: action.payload.title }
return Object.assign({}, state, {
todos: state.todos.concat(t)
return state
const todoApp =
.contramap(action => Object.assign({filter: 'all'}, action))
.map(s => Object.assign({}, s, {lastUpdated: Date()}))
const todoApp =
.contramap(action => Object.assign({filter: 'all'}, action))
.map(s => Object.assign({}, s, {lastUpdated: Date()}))
todoApp.fold({visibilityFilter: ‘complete'},
{type: ‘set_visibility_filter'})
// { visibilityFilter: 'all',
// lastUpdated: 'Sun Aug 21 2016 11:04:48 GMT-0700 (PDT)' }
const todoApp =
.contramap(action => Object.assign({filter: 'all'}, action))
.map(s => Object.assign({}, s, {lastUpdated: Date()}))
todoApp.fold({visibilityFilter: ‘complete'},
{type: ‘set_visibility_filter'})
// { visibilityFilter: 'all',
// lastUpdated: 'Sun Aug 21 2016 11:04:48 GMT-0700 (PDT)' }
Hoc :: Component -> Component
const Hoc = g =>
fold: g,
concat: other =>
Hoc(x => g(other.fold(x)))
const hoc = Hoc(withReducer(‘state', 'dispatch', todoApp.fold, {todos: []}))
const Todos = hoc.fold(({ state, dispatch }) =>
<span>Filter: {state.visibilityFilter}</span>
{ => <li>{t.title}</li>) }
<button onClick={() =>
dispatch({ type: 'new_todo', payload: {title: 'New todo'}})}>
Add Todo
<button onClick={() =>
dispatch({ type: 'set_visibility_filter' })}>
Set Visibility
const App = Heading.contramap(s => s.pageName)
.concat(Link.contramap(s => s.currentUser))
.fold({ pageName: 'Home',
currentUser: {id: 2, name: 'Boris' } })
ReactDOM.render(App, document.getElementById('body'))
const TodoComp = Component(classToFn(Todos))
const Heading = Component(s => <h1>Now Viewing {s}</h1>)
const Link = Component(u => <a href={`/users/${}`}>{}</a>)
map =
compose =
program construction
// Functor
Box.of(20).map(x => x / 2)
// Box(10)
// Monad
Box.of(true).chain(x => Box.of(!x))
// Box(false)
// Monoid
// Box('smallpox')
// Applicative
Box.of(x => x + 1).ap(2)
// Box(3)
// Traversable
Box.of(3).traverse(Either.of, x => fromNullable(x))
// Right(Box(3))
// Natural transformation
// Box(null)
Oh Composable World!
Oh Composable World!
Professor Frisby’s Composable JavaScript

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Oh Composable World!

  • 7. const dotChainy = str => str .toLowerCase() .split(' ') .map(c => c.trim()) .reverse() .filter(x => x.length > 3) .join('')
  • 8. const doin_Thangs = str => _(str) .words() .groupBy(s => s.length) .orderBy(x => x.length) .take(2) .flatten() .value()
  • 9. const reactiveUpInHere = el => fromEvent(el, 'keyup') .map(e => .filter(text => text.length > 2) .throttle(500) .distinctUntilChanged()
  • 11. const dotChainy = str => str .toLowerCase() .split(' ') .map(c => c.trim()) .reverse() .filter(x => x.length > 3) .join('')
  • 12. const dotChainy = str => str .toLowerCase() .split(' ') .map(c => c.trim()) .reverse() .filter(x => x.length > 3) .join('')
  • 13. const dotChainy = str => str .toLowerCase() .split(' ') .map(c => c.trim()) .reverse() .filter(x => x.length > 3) .join('') Chain Dot Com '
  • 14. const dotChainy = str => str .toLowerCase() .split(' ') .map(c => c.trim()) .reverse() .filter(x => x.length > 3) .join('') ‘chain dot com '
  • 15. const dotChainy = str => str .toLowerCase() .split(' ') .map(c => c.trim()) .reverse() .filter(x => x.length > 3) .join('') ['chain', 'dot', 'com ']
  • 16. const dotChainy = str => str .toLowerCase() .split(' ') .map(c => c.trim()) .reverse() .filter(x => x.length > 3) .join('') ['chain', 'dot', 'com']
  • 17. const dotChainy = str => str .toLowerCase() .split(' ') .map(c => c.trim()) .reverse() .filter(x => x.length > 3) .join('') ['com', 'dot', 'chain']
  • 18. const dotChainy = str => { const lower = str.toLowerCase() const words = lower.split(' ') words.reverse() for(let i in words) { words[i] = words[i].trim() } let keepers = [] for(let i in words) { if(words[i].length > 3) { keepers.push(words[i]) } } return keepers.join('') }
  • 19. const dotChainy = str => { const lower = str.toLowerCase() const words = lower.split(' ') words.reverse() for(let i in words) { words[i] = words[i].trim() } let keepers = [] for(let i in words) { if(words[i].length > 3) { keepers.push(words[i]) } } return keepers.join('') }
  • 20. class AppMailer { constructor() { this.emailer = new Emailer() } removeInvalidAddresses() { for(let i in this.addresses) { if(!this.addresses[i].match(/@/)) { this.addresses.splice(i, 1) } } } sendEmail({from, to}) { this.addresses = to this.emailer.setSender(from) this.removeInvalidAddresses() this.emailer.setRecipients(this.addresses) this.emailer.send() }
  • 22. “the major contributor to this complexity in many systems is the handling of state and the burden that this adds when trying to analyse and reason about the system.” Out of the Tar Pit 2006 -Ben Moseley & Peter Marks
  • 25. const dotChainy = str => str .toLowerCase() .split(' ') .map(c => c.trim()) .reverse() .filter(x => x.length > 3) .join('')
  • 32. try { return f(x) } catch(e) { console.error(e) }
  • 33. if(x) { return f() } else { return y }
  • 34. for(let thing in things) { if(thing.amount > 100) keepers.push( } for (i = 0; i < cars.length; i++) { text += cars[i] + "<br>"; } while (i < 10) { text += "The number is " + i; i++; }
  • 35. let stuff = [1,2,3] stuff = [1,2]
  • 40. f . g
  • 42. f . g = x => f(g(x))
  • 45. fn fn
  • 46. fnfn
  • 55. const contrivedEx1 = str => { const trimmed = str.trim() const number = parseInt(trimmed) const nextNumber = number + 1 return String.fromCharCode(nextNumber) } contrivedEx1(' 64 ') // 'A'
  • 56. const contrivedEx1 = str => [str.trim()] .map(trimmed => parseInt(trimmed)) .map(number => number + 1) .map(nextNumber => String.fromCharCode(nextNumber)) const contrivedEx1 = str => { const trimmed = str.trim() const number = parseInt(trimmed) const nextNumber = number + 1 return String.fromCharCode(nextNumber) } contrivedEx1(' 64 ') // [‘A’]
  • 57. const contrivedEx1 = str => [str.trim()] .map(trimmed => new Number(trimmed)) .map(number => number + 1) .map(nextNumber => String.fromCharCode(nextNumber)) const contrivedEx1 = str => { const trimmed = str.trim() const number = parseInt(trimmed) const nextNumber = number + 1 return String.fromCharCode(nextNumber) } contrivedEx1(' 64 ') // [‘A’]
  • 58. const contrivedEx1 = str => [str.trim()] .map(trimmed => new Number(trimmed)) .map(number => number + 1) .map(nextNumber => String.fromCharCode(nextNumber)) const contrivedEx1 = str => { const trimmed = str.trim() const number = parseInt(trimmed) const nextNumber = number + 1 return String.fromCharCode(nextNumber) } contrivedEx1(' 64 ') // [‘A’]
  • 59. const contrivedEx1 = str => Box(str.trim()) .map(trimmed => new Number(trimmed)) .map(number => number + 1) .map(nextNumber => String.fromCharCode(nextNumber)) contrivedEx1(' 64 ') // Box(‘A’) const Box = x => ({ map: f => Box(f(x)) })
  • 60. const contrivedEx1 = str => Box(str.trim()) .map(trimmed => new Number(trimmed)) .map(number => number + 1) .map(nextNumber => String.fromCharCode(nextNumber)) contrivedEx1(' 64 ') // Box(‘A’) const Box = x => ({ map: f => Box(f(x)) })
  • 61. const contrivedEx1 = str => Box(str.trim()) .map(trimmed => new Number(trimmed)) .map(number => number + 1) .fold(nextNumber => String.fromCharCode(nextNumber)) contrivedEx1(' 64 ') // ‘A’ const Box = x => ({ map: f => Box(f(x)), fold: f => f(x) })
  • 64. Unified call syntax Minimized state Captured Assignment Forced Control Flow
  • 66. Loops
  • 68. const range = (i, count) => unfold(x => if(x <= count) [x, x+1], i) range(5,10) // [ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ]
  • 69. const alphabet = () => unfold(x => if(x < 26) [String.fromCharCode(x+65), x+1], 0) alphabet() // [A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z]
  • 72. Promise(6).then(six => six / 2) // Promise(3) Promise(6).then(six => Promise(six / 2)) // Promise(3) Promise(6).map(six => six / 2) // Promise(3) Promise(6).chain(six => Promise(six / 2)) // Promise(3)
  • 73. Promise(6).then(six => six / 2) // Promise(3) Promise(6).then(six => Promise(six / 2)) // Promise(3) Promise(6).map(six => six / 2) // Promise(3) Promise(6).chain(six => Promise(six / 2)) // Promise(3)
  • 74. Promise(6).then(six => six / 2) // Promise(3) Promise(6).then(six => Promise(six / 2)) // Promise(3) Promise(6).map(six => six / 2) // Promise(3) Promise(6).chain(six => Promise(six / 2)) // Promise(3)
  • 75. const contrivedEx2 = () => fs.readFile('cfg.json', 'utf-8', (err, contents) => { if(err) throw err const newContents = contents.replace(/8/g, '6') fs.writeFile('cfg1.json', newContents, (err, _) => { if(err) throw err console.log('success!') }) })
  • 76. const readFile = futurize(fs.readFile) const writeFile = futurize(fs.writeFile) const contrivedEx2 = () => readFile('cfg.json', 'utf-8') .map(contents => contents.replace(/8/g, '6')) .chain(replaced => writeFile('cfg1.json', replaced))
  • 77. const contrivedEx2 = () => fs.readFile('cfg.json', 'utf-8', (err, contents) => { if(err) throw err const newContents = contents.replace(/8/g, '6') fs.writeFile('cfg1.json', newContents, (err, _) => { if(err) throw err console.log('success!') }) }) const readFile = futurize(fs.readFile) const writeFile = futurize(fs.writeFile) const contrivedEx2 = () => readFile('cfg.json', 'utf-8') .map(contents => contents.replace(/8/g, '6')) .chain(replaced => writeFile('cfg1.json', replaced))
  • 78. const readFile = futurize(fs.readFile) const writeFile = futurize(fs.writeFile) const contrivedEx2 = () => readFile('cfg.json', 'utf-8') .map(contents => contents.replace(/8/g, '6')) .chain(replaced => writeFile('cfg1.json', replaced)) contrivedEx2().fork(e => console.error(e), r => console.log('success!'))
  • 79. const lib = username => getTweets(username) .map(ts => truncateTo130(ts)) .chain(ts => writeFile('tweets.json', ts)) lib(‘@drboolean’)
  • 80. const lib = username => getTweets(username) .map(ts => truncateTo130(ts)) .chain(ts => writeFile('tweets.json', ts)) lib(‘@drboolean’) .chain(f => saveToS3(f))
  • 81. const lib = username => getTweets(username) .map(ts => truncateTo130(ts)) .chain(ts => writeFile('tweets.json', ts)) lib(‘@drboolean’) .chain(f => saveToS3(f)) .fork(e => console.error(e), r => console.log(r))
  • 86. Left('no ducks :(').fold(e => `we had an error: ${e}`, s => s.toUpperCase()) // we had an error: no ducks :( Right('ducks').fold(e => `we had an error: ${e}`, s => s.toUpperCase()) //"DUCKS"
  • 87. Left('no ducks :(').fold(e => `we had an error: ${e}`, s => s.toUpperCase()) // we had an error: no ducks :( Right('ducks').fold(e => `we had an error: ${e}`, s => s.toUpperCase()) //"DUCKS"
  • 88. Left('no ducks :(').fold(e => `we had an error: ${e}`, s => s.toUpperCase()) // we had an error: no ducks :( Right('ducks').fold(e => `we had an error: ${e}`, s => s.toUpperCase()) //"DUCKS"
  • 89. leftOrRight.fold(e => `we had an error: ${e}`, s => s.toUpperCase())
  • 90. Right({hair: 'brown'}) .map(obj => .map(brown => brown.length) .chain(five => Right(five * 2)) // Right(10)
  • 91. Left('ignored') .map(obj => .map(brown => brown.length) .chain(five => Left(five * 2)) // Left('ignored')
  • 92. const getConfig = () => { try { return fs.readFileSync('cfg.json') } catch(e) { return null } } const contrivedEx3 = () => { const cfg = getConfig() if(cfg) { const parsed = JSON.parse(cfg) return parsed.port } else { return 3000 } }
  • 93. const getConfig = () => Either.try(fs.readFileSync)('cfg.json') const contrivedEx3 = () => getConfig() .map(JSON.parse) .fold(e => 3000, c => c.port)
  • 94. const getConfig = () => Either.try(fs.readFileSync)('cfg.json') const contrivedEx3 = () => getConfig() .map(JSON.parse) .fold(e => 3000, c => c.port) const getConfig = () => { try { return fs.readFileSync('cfg.json') } catch(e) { return null } } const contrivedEx3 = () => { const cfg = getConfig() if(cfg) { const parsed = JSON.parse(cfg) return parsed.port } else { return 3000 } }
  • 95. Claim
  • 96. const contrivedEx4 = user => { const address = user.address if(address) { const zip = address.match(/(d{5})$/i) if(zip) { const city = cityByZip(zip) if(city) { return city } else { return "can't find city" } } } return "can't find city" }
  • 97. const contrivedEx4 = user => fromNullable(user.address) .chain(a => fromNullable(a.match(/(d{5})$/i))) .chain(zip => fromNullable(cityByZip(zip))) .fold(() => "can't find city", city => city)
  • 98. const contrivedEx4 = user => { const address = user.address if(address) { const zip = address.match(/(d{5})$/i) if(zip) { const city = cityByZip(zip) if(city) { return city } else { return "can't find city" } } } return "can't find city" } const contrivedEx4 = user => fromNullable(user.address) .chain(a => fromNullable(a.match(/(d{5})$/i))) .chain(zip => fromNullable(cityByZip(zip))) .fold(() => "can't find city", city => city)
  • 100. const depObjs = b => List(b.deps).flatMap(next => findDependencyByProject(, b.previous.deps) .fold(x => x, found => makeArgs(next, found))) const mapBuildsAndDepsForDiffQueue = (builds) => List(builds) .filter(b => b.previous) .flatMap(b => makeArgs(b, b.previous).concat(depObjs(b))) .filter(b => b) .toJS() const filterExistingDiffs = (items) => List(items).traverse(Task.of, (i) => find(Diff, { BuildId: i.buildId, DiffId: i.prevId, type: i.method }) .map(e => e.swap().getOrElse(null)) .map(bs => bs.filter(x => x).toJS())
  • 101. const buildProject = ({branch, sha}) => queueUnzipWwwOnS3(sha) .chain(() => isReleaseOrMainBranch(branch)) .fold(() => _.noop, () => generateReport(sha) .chain(queueDiffsForTileBuildsAndDeps) .chain(() => getHeadCommit(sha) .fold(() => Task.of(null), head => makeVrtDeployment(head, sha) .chain(() => createPrApp(head, sha)))) .fork(console.error, console.log))
  • 104. const vrtReport = ({sha, email, platforms}) => rejectFinishedPlatformOptions(platforms) .chain(plats => .chain(shots => fromNullable(sha) .fold(() => findLastRef(), () => findBuild({sha})) .chain(ref => renderReport(shots, ref, email))) .fork(e => e, r => r)
  • 106. const getConfig = () => Either.try(fs.readFileSync)('cfg.json') const contrivedEx3 = () => getConfig() .map(JSON.parse) .fold(e => 3000, c => c.port)
  • 107. Safer
  • 109. const ProfileLink = user => <a href={`/users/${}`}>{}</a> const Header = str => <h1>Now Viewing {str}</h1>
  • 110. Component :: a -> JSX
  • 115. const Comp = g => ({ fold: g, contramap: f => Comp(x => g(f(x))) })
  • 116. const Comp = g => ({ fold: g, contramap: f => Comp(x => g(f(x))) }) const Heading = str => <h1>Now Viewing {str}</h1> const Title = Comp(Heading).contramap(s => s.pageName)
  • 117. const Title = Comp(Heading).contramap(s => s.pageName) Title.fold({ pageName: ‘Home', currentUser: { id: 2, name: 'Chris Harrison’ } }) // <h1>Now Viewing Home</h1> const Comp = g => ({ fold: g, contramap: f => Comp(x => g(f(x))) }) const Heading = str => <h1>Now Viewing {str}</h1>
  • 118. const Comp = g => ({ fold: g, contramap: f => Comp(x => g(f(x))) })
  • 119. const Comp = g => ({ fold: g, contramap: f => Comp(x => g(f(x))), concat: other => Comp(x => <div>{g(x)} {other.fold(x)}</div>) })
  • 120. const ProfileLink = user => <a href={`/users/${}`}>{}</a>) const Heading = str => <h1>Now Viewing {str}</h1> const Heading = Comp(Title).contramap(s => s.pageName) const Link = Comp(ProfileLink).contramap(s => s.currentUser) const App = Heading.concat(Link)
  • 121. const ProfileLink = user => <a href={`/users/${}`}>{}</a>) const Heading = str => <h1>Now Viewing {str}</h1> const Heading = Comp(Title).contramap(s => s.pageName) const Link = Comp(ProfileLink).contramap(s => s.currentUser) const App = Heading.concat(Link) App.fold({ pageName: ‘Home', currentUser: { name: 'Chris Harrison’ } }) // <div> // <h1>Now Viewing Home</h1> // <a href="/users/22">Chris Harrison</a> // </div>
  • 122. Reducer :: (a, b) -> a
  • 123. const Reducer = g => ({ fold: g, contramap: f => Reducer((acc, x) => g(acc, f(x))), map: f => Reducer((acc, x) => f(g(acc, x))) })
  • 124. const r = Reducer((acc, x) => acc.concat(x)) .contramap(x => `The number is ${x}`) .map(x => x + '! ') [1,2,3].reduce(r.fold, '') // The number is 1! The number is 2! The number is 3! const Reducer = g => ({ fold: g, contramap: f => Reducer((acc, x) => g(acc, f(x))), map: f => Reducer((acc, x) => f(g(acc, x))) })
  • 125. const Reducer = g => ({ fold: g, contramap: f => Reducer((acc, x) => g(acc, f(x))), map: f => Reducer((acc, x) => f(g(acc, x))) })
  • 126. const Reducer = g => ({ fold: g, contramap: f => Reducer((acc, x) => g(acc, f(x))), map: f => Reducer((acc, x) => f(g(acc, x))), concat: o => Reducer((acc, x) => o.fold(g(acc, x), x)) })
  • 127. const appReducer = Reducer((state, action) => { switch (action.type) { case 'set_visibility_filter': return Object.assign({}, state, { visibilityFilter: action.filter }) default: return state } })
  • 128. const todoReducer = Reducer((state, action) => { switch (action.type) { case 'new_todo': const t = { id: 0, title: action.payload.title } return Object.assign({}, state, { todos: state.todos.concat(t) }) default: return state } })
  • 129. const todoApp = appReducer .concat(todoReducer) .contramap(action => Object.assign({filter: 'all'}, action)) .map(s => Object.assign({}, s, {lastUpdated: Date()}))
  • 130. const todoApp = appReducer .concat(todoReducer) .contramap(action => Object.assign({filter: 'all'}, action)) .map(s => Object.assign({}, s, {lastUpdated: Date()})) todoApp.fold({visibilityFilter: ‘complete'}, {type: ‘set_visibility_filter'}) // { visibilityFilter: 'all', // lastUpdated: 'Sun Aug 21 2016 11:04:48 GMT-0700 (PDT)' }
  • 131. const todoApp = appReducer .contramap(action => Object.assign({filter: 'all'}, action)) .concat(todoReducer) .map(s => Object.assign({}, s, {lastUpdated: Date()})) todoApp.fold({visibilityFilter: ‘complete'}, {type: ‘set_visibility_filter'}) // { visibilityFilter: 'all', // lastUpdated: 'Sun Aug 21 2016 11:04:48 GMT-0700 (PDT)' }
  • 132. Hoc :: Component -> Component
  • 133. const Hoc = g => ({ fold: g, concat: other => Hoc(x => g(other.fold(x))) })
  • 134. const hoc = Hoc(withReducer(‘state', 'dispatch', todoApp.fold, {todos: []})) const Todos = hoc.fold(({ state, dispatch }) => <div> <span>Filter: {state.visibilityFilter}</span> <ul> { => <li>{t.title}</li>) } </ul> <button onClick={() => dispatch({ type: 'new_todo', payload: {title: 'New todo'}})}> Add Todo </button> <button onClick={() => dispatch({ type: 'set_visibility_filter' })}> Set Visibility </button> </div> )
  • 135. const App = Heading.contramap(s => s.pageName) .concat(TodoComp) .concat(Link.contramap(s => s.currentUser)) .fold({ pageName: 'Home', currentUser: {id: 2, name: 'Boris' } }) ReactDOM.render(App, document.getElementById('body')) const TodoComp = Component(classToFn(Todos)) const Heading = Component(s => <h1>Now Viewing {s}</h1>) const Link = Component(u => <a href={`/users/${}`}>{}</a>)
  • 137. map = compose = program construction
  • 138. // Functor Box.of(20).map(x => x / 2) // Box(10) // Monad Box.of(true).chain(x => Box.of(!x)) // Box(false) // Monoid Box.of('small').concat(Box.of('pox')) // Box('smallpox') // Applicative Box.of(x => x + 1).ap(2) // Box(3) // Traversable Box.of(3).traverse(Either.of, x => fromNullable(x)) // Right(Box(3)) // Natural transformation eitherToBox(fromNullable(null)) // Box(null)