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Web Development in
    Trends and Technologies

About Speaker

• Dmitry Buzdin
• C.T.Co Software Architect
• Java User Group Latvia
• Agile Latvia
• Coding in Java for Money

The Question

• Java + Web = ?
• Demo
• The best Java Web Framework announced


• Most of the public Web sites are in PHP
• Java is for “enterprises”
• Enterprises are inefficient
• Is Java inefficient?...


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Engage 2019 - De04. Java with Domino After XPages
Engage 2019 - De04. Java with Domino After XPagesEngage 2019 - De04. Java with Domino After XPages
Engage 2019 - De04. Java with Domino After XPages

This document discusses paths forward for developers using Java and XPages with Domino after HCL's acquisition. It outlines that XPages introduced Java development to Domino but faced limitations. Going forward, options include returning to LotusScript, using Node.js, continuing with XPages, focusing on REST APIs, integrating additional Java technologies into Domino, or moving to a standalone Java server. The document provides pros and cons of REST APIs and integrating additional Java technologies into Domino. It also discusses tools that can help with running applications on a standalone Java server while still accessing Domino data.

Intro to nodejs
Intro to nodejsIntro to nodejs
Intro to nodejs

This document provides an overview of a lunch and learn session about Node.js. It will discuss why Node.js may not be suitable for some tasks, describe key Node.js concepts like the event loop and asynchronous programming, and show examples of how Node.js has already been used within MDL frameworks like Seneca and groki-server. The session aims to explain Node.js keywords and what they mean, as well as what to expect, including an overview of the event loop and how to take advantage of multiple cores.

node.jsjavascriptevent loop
Blazor - The New Silverlight?
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Blazor - The New Silverlight?

WebAssembly is a new Web Standard for portable code that runs in the browser. Blazor is a Microsoft Project where you can write C# and ASP.NET Core Razor code – making use of WebAssembly. In this session you are invited to start the journey to a new world, a world that can change programming for the Web in the years to come.

Is Java Dead for Web?

What’s the Problem?
• Layered nightmare
• Jar hell
• Boiling complexity
• Enterprise insanity
• Xml madness
• No code without IDE
Java Layered Architecture XIV cent.

So Many Options...


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The State of Frontend
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The State of Frontend was presented at Vadodara Frontend Developer's meetup on 4th Apr, 2016. It covers the past, present and the future trends in the frontend development.

web designcsshtml5
Rise of the hybrids
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Rise of the hybrids

Hybrid applications combine web development skills with native containers to create cross-platform mobile apps. While frameworks like Ionic and allow developing hybrids quickly, performance issues remain on Android. React Native offers better performance by using native UI components instead of a webview, allowing developers to write once with React and deploy natively to iOS and Android. It has potential to replace other "native wrapper" frameworks by bringing React's declarative paradigm directly to mobile.

JSFoo-2017 Takeaways
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JSFoo-2017 Takeaways

The Hotstar web team attended JSFoo 2017 conference. Here are some of the key takeaways. Some of the technologies excited us and some we believe have a business impact.


• Would you pick Java for your next cool
  web project?

Java is Cool but...

• One-man team
• I have to deliver tomorrow
• Productivity is what matters...
• Leave Java for enterprises where it belongs

Obvious Choice

What People Choose?

• Groovy
• Ruby
• Python
• Scala


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A quick overview on Node.js to see how Javascript is changing server programming : brief history & motivations, what makes NodeJS so special/popular/difficult, typical use cases, and a few popular tools around the NodeJs world : npm, Grunt, IISNode, Tools for Visual Studio, …

Basics for front end developer
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Basics for front end developer

This document discusses the misunderstanding of the complexity of front-end development. It notes that while visual design and CSS/HTML may look easy, front-end development requires skills like communication, analyzing layouts, identifying components, abstracting behaviors, shaping appearance, and integrating different aspects. The development process takes around 9 months and involves tasks at different stages from design to deployment. It also discusses the reasons one may or may not want to pursue front-end development as a career.

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Supersize me: Making Drupal go large

My talk from Drupalcamp London Business Day on 1st March 2013 When building big websites, you're going to face a lot of problems regardless of your technology choice. This talk unveils some of the common problems, and shows how the Drupal community will help you solve these problems.

drupalweb developmentperformance
What People Want?
• Instant code refresh
• Convention over configuration
• Full-stack solution
• Components and extensions
• Ajax
• Productivity!
Seen Anything Like That
       in Java?




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ES2015 / ES6: Basics of modern Javascript

Presentation I gave at a local MeetIT meetup in Toruń, Poland on 19th February 2016. Polish slides available on my channel as well

SFJS 6-19-2012
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This document discusses WD.js, a Node.js library for functional testing web applications using the WebDriver protocol. It provides a small, easy to install library for running JavaScript tests across browsers and mobile devices. The document outlines the ecosystem of related libraries, demonstrates WD.js, and discusses lessons learned around test organization, parallelization, and speeding up the testing process.

Embracing OSS in the enterprise
Embracing OSS in the enterpriseEmbracing OSS in the enterprise
Embracing OSS in the enterprise

This document discusses open source software (OSS) and provides advice for overcoming cultural resistance to using OSS in organizations. It notes common objections from management like concerns over cost, security, and support. It recommends starting small with non-critical projects, emphasizing quality open source options, and educating management on OSS licensing models and the business benefits of OSS like faster innovation and attracting technical talent.

What We Have Seen

• Dead simple
• Productivity delivered
• Old idioms thrown away
• Builds on experience of other frameworks
• Caution - Play is not a toy!

Check List
• instant code refresh
• convention over configuration
• full-stack solution
• components and extensions
• ajax
• productivity!
The Best?

• Play is great framework, but not the best
• The best Java Web Framework is...

The Best Java Web



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TSSJS 2011 - JRuby
TSSJS 2011 - JRubyTSSJS 2011 - JRuby
TSSJS 2011 - JRuby

JRuby allows developers to use the Ruby programming language on the Java Virtual Machine. It provides a solid, reliable implementation of Ruby that integrates well with existing Java libraries and tools. JRuby brings the features of Ruby like its elegant syntax to Java developers, while also bringing the large Java ecosystem to Ruby developers. It allows both communities to work together on the same platform.

Productive Rails development with RubyMine
Productive Rails development with RubyMineProductive Rails development with RubyMine
Productive Rails development with RubyMine

RubyMine is an IDE created by JetBrains that provides tools to aid in productive Ruby and Rails development. The presentation provides an overview of RubyMine's features including code completion, navigation, refactoring support, debugging tools, and integration with version control systems and other JetBrains products. The demo sections illustrate how RubyMine assists with common Rails development tasks and allows customizing the IDE through settings, snippets, and keyboard shortcuts. Other JetBrains products like IntelliJ IDEA, TeamCity and YouTrack are also highlighted as being useful for Ruby developers.

The Dark Side of Single Page Applications
The Dark Side of Single Page ApplicationsThe Dark Side of Single Page Applications
The Dark Side of Single Page Applications

The story of all the pitfalls we had while transferring from the good old web to a Backbone single page application... and all the great solutions we've came up with

ruby on railsjavascript

• Java is suitable for doing Web
• Java evolves (slowly)
• I have picked-up Play for my next home

What Should You Do?

• Learn several Web frameworks
• Learn dynamic language
• Know Java bright and dark sides
• Know Java boundaries and how to push them

Thank You!


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Java and the Web

  • 1. Web Development in Java Trends and Technologies 1
  • 2. About Speaker • Dmitry Buzdin • C.T.Co Software Architect • Java User Group Latvia • Agile Latvia • Coding in Java for Money 2
  • 3. The Question • Java + Web = ? • Demo • The best Java Web Framework announced 3
  • 4. Today • Most of the public Web sites are in PHP • Java is for “enterprises” • Enterprises are inefficient • Is Java inefficient?... 4
  • 5. Is Java Dead for Web? 5
  • 6. What’s the Problem? • Layered nightmare • Jar hell • Boiling complexity • Enterprise insanity • Xml madness • No code without IDE 6
  • 9. Question? • Would you pick Java for your next cool web project? 9
  • 10. Java is Cool but... • One-man team • I have to deliver tomorrow • Productivity is what matters... • Leave Java for enterprises where it belongs 10
  • 12. What People Choose? • Groovy • Ruby • Python • Scala • PHP 12
  • 13. What People Want? • Instant code refresh • Convention over configuration • Full-stack solution • Components and extensions • Ajax • REST • Productivity! 13
  • 14. Seen Anything Like That in Java? 14
  • 16. DEMO 16
  • 17. What We Have Seen • Dead simple • Productivity delivered • Old idioms thrown away • Builds on experience of other frameworks • Caution - Play is not a toy! 17
  • 18. Check List • instant code refresh • convention over configuration • full-stack solution • components and extensions • ajax • REST • productivity! 18
  • 19. The Best? • Play is great framework, but not the best • The best Java Web Framework is... 19
  • 20. The Best Java Web Framework An Empty Jar 20
  • 21. Conclusions • Java is suitable for doing Web • Java evolves (slowly) • I have picked-up Play for my next home project... 21
  • 22. What Should You Do? • Learn several Web frameworks • Learn dynamic language • Know Java bright and dark sides • Know Java boundaries and how to push them 22
  • 23. Thank You! 23