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A DataFrame Abstraction
Layer for SparkR
Chris Freeman
• What is SparkR?
• History of DataFrames
• Why DataFrames?
• How do DataFrames work?
• Demo
• On the Roadmap
• Questions
What is SparkR?
• New R language API for Spark and SparkSQL
• Exposes existing Spark functionality in an R-
friendly syntax via the DataFrame API
• Has its own shell, but can also be imported like a
standard R package and used with Rstudio.
What is SparkR?
• An opportunity to make Spark accessible to the
large community of R developers who already
have clear ideas about how to do analytics in R
• No need to learn a new programming paradigm
when working with Spark
History of DataFrames
• SparkR began as an R package that ported
Spark’s core functionality (RDDs) to the R
• The next logical step was to add SparkSQL and
• Initial implementation of SQLContext and
SchemaRDDs working in SparkR
History of DataFrames
History of DataFrames
History of DataFrames
History of DataFrames
Maybe this isn’t such a bad thing…
How can I use Spark to do something
"Michael, 29"
"Andy, 30"
"Justin, 19"
"Bob, 22"
"Chris, 28"
"Garth, 36"
"Tasha, 24"
"Mac, 30"
"Neil, 32"
Let’s say we wanted to do this with regular RDDs. What would that look like?
How can I use Spark to do something
peopleRDD <- textFile(sc, “people.txt”)
lines <- flatMap(peopleRDD,
function(line) {
strsplit(line, ", ")
How can I use Spark to do something
peopleRDD <- textFile(sc, “people.txt”)
lines <- flatMap(peopleRDD,
function(line) {
strsplit(line, ", ")
ageInt <- lapply(lines,
function(line) {
How can I use Spark to do something
peopleRDD <- textFile(sc, “people.txt”)
lines <- flatMap(peopleRDD,
function(line) {
strsplit(line, ", ")
ageInt <- lapply(lines,
function(line) {
sum <- reduce(ageInt,function(x,y) {x+y})
How can I use Spark to do something
peopleRDD <- textFile(sc, “people.txt”)
lines <- flatMap(peopleRDD,
function(line) {
strsplit(line, ", ")
ageInt <- lapply(lines,
function(line) {
sum <- reduce(ageInt,function(x,y) {x+y})
avg <- sum / count(peopleRDD)
How can I use Spark to do something
peopleRDD <- textFile(sc, “people.txt”)
lines <- flatMap(peopleRDD,
function(line) {
strsplit(line, ", ")
ageInt <- lapply(lines,
function(line) {
sum <- reduce(ageInt,function(x,y) {x+y})
avg <- sum / count(peopleRDD)
There’s got to be a better way.
What I’d hoped to see
{"name":"Michael", "age":29}
{"name":"Andy", "age":30}
{"name":"Justin", "age":19}
{"name":"Bob", "age":22}
{"name":"Chris", "age":28}
{"name":"Garth", "age":36}
{"name":"Tasha", "age":24}
{"name":"Mac", "age":30}
{"name":"Neil", "age":32}
What I’d hoped to see
df <- read.df(sqlCtx, “people.json”, “json”)
What I’d hoped to see
df <- read.df(sqlCtx, “people.json”, “json”)
avg <- select(df, avg(df$age))
Why DataFrames?
• Uses the distributed, parallel capabilities offered
by RDDs, but imposes a schema on the data
• More structure == Easier access and
• Natural extension of existing R conventions since
DataFrames are already the standard
Why DataFrames?
• Super awesome distributed, in-memory
Why DataFrames?
• Super awesome distributed, in-memory
• Schemas == metadata, structure, declarative
instead of imperative
Why DataFrames?
• Super awesome distributed, in-memory
• Schemas == metadata, structure, declarative
instead of imperative
• ????
Why DataFrames?
• Super awesome distributed, in-memory
• Schemas == metadata, structure, declarative
instead of imperative
• ????
• Profit
DataFrames in SparkR
• Multiple Components:
– A set of native S4 classes and methods that
live inside a standard R package
– A SparkR backend that passes data
structures and method calls to the JVM
– A set of “helper” methods written in Scala
Why does the structure matter?
• Native R classes allow us to extend the existing
DataFrame API by adding R-like syntax and
• Handoff to the JVM gives us full access to
Spark’s DAG capabilities and Catalyst
optimizations, e.g. constant-folding, predicate
pushdown, and code generation.
SparkR DataFrame Features
• Column access using ‘$’ or ‘[ ]’ just like in R
• dplyr-like DataFrame manipulation:
– filter
– groupBy
– summarize
– mutate
• Access to external R packages that extend R
Demo Time!
On the Roadmap
• Spark 1.4: SparkR becomes an official API
– Primarily focused on SparkSQL/DataFrame
• Spark 1.5: Extend SparkR to include machine learning
capabilities (e.g. sparkML)
• For more information, be sure to check out “SparkR: The
Past, Present, and Future” at 4:30 on the Data Science
Integration with
• Drag-and-drop GUI for data analysis
• Spark functionality built directly into existing
tools using SparkR
• Interact with a remote Spark cluster from your
desktop via Alteryx Designer
• Combine local and in-database data sources in
one workflow.
Developer Community
• SparkR originated at UC Berkeley AMPLAB, with
additional contributions from Alteryx, Intel,
Databricks, and others.
• Working on integration with Spark Packages
– Easily extend Spark with new functionality and
distribute via the Spark Package repository
Slides, Demo, and Data available on GitHub at:

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A Data Frame Abstraction Layer for SparkR-(Chris Freeman, Alteryx)

  • 1. A DataFrame Abstraction Layer for SparkR Chris Freeman
  • 2. Agenda • What is SparkR? • History of DataFrames • Why DataFrames? • How do DataFrames work? • Demo • On the Roadmap • Questions 2
  • 3. What is SparkR? • New R language API for Spark and SparkSQL • Exposes existing Spark functionality in an R- friendly syntax via the DataFrame API • Has its own shell, but can also be imported like a standard R package and used with Rstudio. 3
  • 4. What is SparkR? • An opportunity to make Spark accessible to the large community of R developers who already have clear ideas about how to do analytics in R • No need to learn a new programming paradigm when working with Spark 4
  • 5. History of DataFrames • SparkR began as an R package that ported Spark’s core functionality (RDDs) to the R language. • The next logical step was to add SparkSQL and SchemaRDDs. • Initial implementation of SQLContext and SchemaRDDs working in SparkR 5
  • 10. Maybe this isn’t such a bad thing… 10
  • 11. How can I use Spark to do something simple? "Michael, 29" "Andy, 30" "Justin, 19" "Bob, 22" "Chris, 28" "Garth, 36" "Tasha, 24" "Mac, 30" "Neil, 32" 11 Let’s say we wanted to do this with regular RDDs. What would that look like?
  • 12. How can I use Spark to do something simple? peopleRDD <- textFile(sc, “people.txt”) lines <- flatMap(peopleRDD, function(line) { strsplit(line, ", ") }) 12
  • 13. How can I use Spark to do something simple? peopleRDD <- textFile(sc, “people.txt”) lines <- flatMap(peopleRDD, function(line) { strsplit(line, ", ") }) ageInt <- lapply(lines, function(line) { as.numeric(line[2]) }) 13
  • 14. How can I use Spark to do something simple? peopleRDD <- textFile(sc, “people.txt”) lines <- flatMap(peopleRDD, function(line) { strsplit(line, ", ") }) ageInt <- lapply(lines, function(line) { as.numeric(line[2]) }) sum <- reduce(ageInt,function(x,y) {x+y}) 14
  • 15. How can I use Spark to do something simple? peopleRDD <- textFile(sc, “people.txt”) lines <- flatMap(peopleRDD, function(line) { strsplit(line, ", ") }) ageInt <- lapply(lines, function(line) { as.numeric(line[2]) }) sum <- reduce(ageInt,function(x,y) {x+y}) avg <- sum / count(peopleRDD) 15
  • 16. How can I use Spark to do something simple? peopleRDD <- textFile(sc, “people.txt”) lines <- flatMap(peopleRDD, function(line) { strsplit(line, ", ") }) ageInt <- lapply(lines, function(line) { as.numeric(line[2]) }) sum <- reduce(ageInt,function(x,y) {x+y}) avg <- sum / count(peopleRDD) 16
  • 17. There’s got to be a better way. 17
  • 18. What I’d hoped to see {"name":"Michael", "age":29} {"name":"Andy", "age":30} {"name":"Justin", "age":19} {"name":"Bob", "age":22} {"name":"Chris", "age":28} {"name":"Garth", "age":36} {"name":"Tasha", "age":24} {"name":"Mac", "age":30} {"name":"Neil", "age":32} 18
  • 19. What I’d hoped to see df <- read.df(sqlCtx, “people.json”, “json”) 19
  • 20. What I’d hoped to see df <- read.df(sqlCtx, “people.json”, “json”) avg <- select(df, avg(df$age)) 20
  • 21. Why DataFrames? • Uses the distributed, parallel capabilities offered by RDDs, but imposes a schema on the data • More structure == Easier access and manipulation • Natural extension of existing R conventions since DataFrames are already the standard 21
  • 22. Why DataFrames? • Super awesome distributed, in-memory collections 22
  • 23. Why DataFrames? • Super awesome distributed, in-memory collections • Schemas == metadata, structure, declarative instead of imperative 23
  • 24. Why DataFrames? • Super awesome distributed, in-memory collections • Schemas == metadata, structure, declarative instead of imperative • ???? 24
  • 25. Why DataFrames? • Super awesome distributed, in-memory collections • Schemas == metadata, structure, declarative instead of imperative • ???? • Profit 25
  • 26. DataFrames in SparkR • Multiple Components: – A set of native S4 classes and methods that live inside a standard R package – A SparkR backend that passes data structures and method calls to the JVM – A set of “helper” methods written in Scala 26
  • 27. Why does the structure matter? • Native R classes allow us to extend the existing DataFrame API by adding R-like syntax and interactions • Handoff to the JVM gives us full access to Spark’s DAG capabilities and Catalyst optimizations, e.g. constant-folding, predicate pushdown, and code generation. 27
  • 28. SparkR DataFrame Features • Column access using ‘$’ or ‘[ ]’ just like in R • dplyr-like DataFrame manipulation: – filter – groupBy – summarize – mutate • Access to external R packages that extend R syntax 28
  • 30. On the Roadmap • Spark 1.4: SparkR becomes an official API – Primarily focused on SparkSQL/DataFrame implementation • Spark 1.5: Extend SparkR to include machine learning capabilities (e.g. sparkML) • For more information, be sure to check out “SparkR: The Past, Present, and Future” at 4:30 on the Data Science track. 30
  • 31. Integration with • Drag-and-drop GUI for data analysis • Spark functionality built directly into existing tools using SparkR • Interact with a remote Spark cluster from your desktop via Alteryx Designer • Combine local and in-database data sources in one workflow. 31
  • 32. Developer Community • SparkR originated at UC Berkeley AMPLAB, with additional contributions from Alteryx, Intel, Databricks, and others. • Working on integration with Spark Packages – Easily extend Spark with new functionality and distribute via the Spark Package repository 32
  • 33. Questions? Slides, Demo, and Data available on GitHub at: SparkR_DataFrame_Demo @15lettermax cafreeman 33