microsoft software licensing cloud savings ea ict procurement vmware it oracle negotiations enterprise agreement organizations agreements microsoft cloud office365 experts licenses negotiation optimization data microsoft 365 contract renewals software license audit support sam cloud bundles microsoft contract cost optimize azure second-hand software license expert budget cfo cloud computing windows softwarelicensing compliance asset management qlicense audit ibm security microsoft products productivity tool windows 11 enterprise windows 11 pro windows 10 windows 11 digital security infrastructure protection value addition cloud solution provider licensing subscription new commerce experience cost control strategies expenditure subscription licenses volume licensing agreement servers enterprise agreements volume licensing it managers control analysis insights information on-premises services products copilot networking pre-owned licenses artificial intelligence audit findings regulatory compliance technology tools audit remediation risk assessment auditing process audit readiness compliance monitoring audit preparation and support audit defense strategies auditing and compliance audit support tools audit support best practices audit support solutions audit readiness and support external audit support internal audit support compliance audit assistance audit support services indirect contract size fortune 500 indirect contract microsoft volume licensing microsoft licensing models microsoft software licensing contractual terms in microsoft contract considerations strategic customer exemptions indirect contract limitations contractual limitations direct agreement benefits fortune 500 eligibility public sector exclusion indirect contract implications fortune 500 contracts microsoft ea renewal process microsoft ea negotiations enterprise agreement trends microsoft enterprise agreement asset utilization it asset inventory software management itam metrics itam tools itam software asset acquisition asset disposal it asset reporting it asset tracking it asset auditing itam best practices it asset documentation asset planning itam project management itam it management finance management computing cost software investment esa on-premise software hardware inventory money independent auditor audit penalties microsoft product terms it road map independent advise software licensing exchange server lsp eas save on software purchase product cycles microsoft price increase ceo cio hybride information technology sales licentiebeheer optimalisatie contractonderhandeling workshop onafhankelijk softwarelicenties commercial mental health healthcare review tweedehands infrastructure network
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