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Education &
on Multiple
Strategies & tools
to support health
caring for people
living with MCC.
Module 4 Interprofessional Collaboration
Full citations for this presentation appear in the notes section of the
Slide 1 Speaker Notes
This is the fourth module of the HHS Education & Training Curriculum on Multiple Chronic Conditions (MCC)—a six-module curriculum designed
for academic faculty, educators and trainers to inform healthcare professionals caring for persons living with multiple chronic conditions. Based
on the MCC Education and Training Framework (, these modules
provide knowledge and tools healthcare professionals can use as they improve quality of care of persons living with MCC.
Terminology used throughout this presentation:
• Multiple chronic conditions (MCC) is defined many ways in the literature and in practice. For the purposes of this presentation, MCC is
defined as a person with two or more concurrent chronic conditions. Other similar terms used are complex patient, multimorbidity and
comorbidity for this population.
• “Persons living with multiple chronic conditions” (PLWMCC) is used instead of “patient” to place greater emphasis on the individual
being at the center of care.
Each module has a PowerPoint® slide presentation that can be saved, modified, and used in your presentations with health professionals at any
stage of education (undergraduate, graduate or continuing education). The notes in the presentation will help guide your talking points during
the presentations.
Visit to download this and other modules—and to access
helpful tools and resources.
Suggested citation:
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Multiple Chronic Conditions Initiative. Education and Training Curriculum on Multiple Chronic
Conditions. Washington, DC. June 2015.
Learning Objectives for this module
After completing this module, you will be able to:
 Articulate why Interprofessional Collaboration (INTER)
is beneficial to persons living with multiple chronic
conditions (PLWMCC)
 Apply INTER strategies for continuity of care for
PLWMCC across settings
Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4
Slide 2 Speaker Notes
This module, “Interprofessional collaboration” of the MCC curriculum provides:
1. An overview of interprofessional collaboration as an effective mechanism for healthcare professionals to help people manage their
multiple chronic conditions, and;
2. Practical strategies and resources for integrating interprofessional collaboration into practice.

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This document outlines 9 essentials that are core components of all master's nursing programs. It discusses the transformation of healthcare and how master's education must prepare graduates to lead change, advance excellence through learning, build collaborative teams, integrate care services, design innovative practices, and translate evidence into practice. The essentials address background from sciences and humanities, organizational leadership, quality improvement, translating scholarship, informatics, health policy, interprofessional collaboration, population health, and advanced nursing practice.

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This document discusses developing interprofessional education. It begins with an agenda for a presentation on IPE that includes background, content, faculty development, and challenges/opportunities. Objectives are provided related to IPE competencies, learning experiences, and assessment. Reasons for IPE include improving healthcare and addressing issues identified in reports. Definitions of interprofessional education and practice are given. National reports calling for IPE are summarized. Paradigm shifts in healthcare are noted. Competencies, premises, content selection, teaching methods, and assessment are discussed for developing an IPE program.

Create a 6 -slide PowerPoint presentation that describes communica
Create a 6 -slide PowerPoint presentation that describes communicaCreate a 6 -slide PowerPoint presentation that describes communica
Create a 6 -slide PowerPoint presentation that describes communica

Create a 6 -slide PowerPoint presentation that describes communication barriers within an interdisciplinary team and how those barriers affect patient safety and health care outcomes. Offer a solution in which you recommend evidence-based strategies to improve communication within the team and explain how the strategies benefit the team and patients. The ability to effectively communicate as part of interdisciplinary collaboration is essential for patient safety and successful health care delivery. By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria: · Competency 1: Explain the principles and practices of highly effective interdisciplinary collaboration. . Describe communication barriers that can occur within an interdisciplinary team. . Recommend evidence-based strategies to improve communication within an interdisciplinary team. . Explain how specific communication strategies benefit both team members and patients. · Competency 3: Explain the internal and external factors that can affect the health of individuals, families, communities, and populations. . Explain how communication barriers between members of an interdisciplinary team can affect patient safety and health care outcomes. · Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with the expectations of a nursing professional. . Write content clearly and logically with correct use of grammar, punctuation, APA formatting, and mechanics. · Effective communication is important in all organizations and is especially important in the area of health care. Communication can come in many forms, but the crucial factor is whether the communication is effective. · Collaboration among teams is important for the delivery of appropriate medical care and for providing the specialized skills necessary to meet the needs of patients and the public. Assessing the needs of a community may involve communication across several public service providers and private entities. · Maintaining open communication and collaboration among teams is essential to assess the needs of a community or those of patients and their families within a health care system. The same communication skills must be evident within the interdisciplinary health care team, or across the public and private sectors in a community, in order to promote collaboration and understanding and to provide the utmost quality service Internet Resources Access the following resources by clicking the links provided. Please note that URLs change frequently. Permissions for the following links have either been granted or deemed appropriate for educational use at the time of course publication. · Proper Patient Care – Team Communication | Transcript. · Interprofessional Team | Transcript. · Transforming Conflict to Collaboration in Healthcare | Transcript. · Interdisciplinary Team Care: Case 1 | Transcript. ssessment Instruc ...

Overview of Contents in this module
 How interprofessional collaboration helps PLWMCC
 Components of an effective interprofessional
 Putting interprofessional collaboration into practice
Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4
Slide 3 Speaker Notes
This module is divided into three sections: How interprofessional collaboration helps PLWMCC, components of an effective interprofessional
collaboration and putting interprofessional collaboration into practice. These modules address interprofessional collaboration components,
strategies and tools to better help you care for persons living with multiple chronic conditions.
How Interprofessional Collaboration Helps
Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4
Slide 4 Speaker Notes
This section will define Interprofessional collaboration, identify key INTER competencies to care for PLWMCC and the benefits of INTER for
clinicians and PLWMCC.

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The document outlines the 9 essentials of a Master's education in nursing according to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). The essentials are: 1) Background for practice from sciences and humanities, 2) Organizational and systems leadership, 3) Quality improvement and safety, 4) Translating and integrating scholarship into practice, 5) Informatics and healthcare technologies, 6) Health policy and advocacy, 7) Interprofessional collaboration, 8) Clinical prevention and population health, and 9) Master's-level nursing practice. The essentials guide nursing curriculum and prepare graduates for diverse areas of practice through advanced nursing knowledge and leadership skills.

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The document discusses moral dilemmas in healthcare informatics that could be addressed using an ethical decision-making framework. It identifies using smartphones to interact with and monitor patients as one such dilemma. The document also references MSN Essential V, which involves informatics and healthcare technologies. It provides a reference for a nursing informatics textbook.

Interprofessional Collaboration (INTER)
The ability of healthcare and other professionals, as well as
direct care providers, community health workers, persons
living with MCC (PLWMCC), families and caregivers, to work
effectively within and between professions and with
PLWMCC, families, caregivers, and communities to provide
appropriate and effective healthcare.
Person- and Family-Centered Care: Module 1
Slide 5 Speaker Notes
The ability of healthcare and other professionals, as well as direct care providers, community health workers, PLWMCC, families and caregivers,
to work effectively within and between professions and with persons living with MCC (PLWMCC), families, caregivers, and communities1
provide appropriate and effective healthcare.
Schmitt, M., Blue, A., Aschenbrener, C. A., & Viggiano, T. R. (2011). Core competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice: reforming health care by
transforming health professionals' education. Acad Med, 86(11), 1351.
INTER Competencies
1 Recognize that PLWMCC are central members of their own healthcare
2 Negotiate roles and responsibilities with all team members that facilitate
working within their full scopes of practice.
3 Collaborate with all team members in executing the care plan to meet
the complex needs of PLWMCC.
Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4
Slide 6 Speaker Notes
The following six competencies for Interprofessional Collaboration are needed to appropriately provide care for PLWMCC. The underpinning
concepts that support these competencies will be discussed in greater detail in this presentation.
The competencies are
INTER 1. Recognize that PLWMCC are central members of their own healthcare teams.
INTER 2. Negotiate roles and responsibilities with all team members that facilitate working within their full scopes of practice.
INTER 3. Collaborate with all team members in executing the care plan to meet the complex needs of PLWMCC.

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This document provides information and resources to support self-management of long-term conditions in Scotland. It discusses 10 approaches to improving self-management, including empowering people to have more control over their care, promoting better mental health and wellbeing, enabling better access to information and support, developing care plans, supporting medication management, using telehealth, supporting carers, commissioning self-management resources, using patient records, and training staff. For each approach, examples of relevant projects and contacts for additional information are provided. The overall aim is to enhance patient outcomes and experiences by promoting self-management.

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Article 1ECG management consultants. (2007). The Strategic Imper.docx
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Article 1 ECG management consultants. (2007). The Strategic Imperative of Adapting the Hospital’s Management Structure. Insight, 1-6. a) The author points out that many hospitals are struggling with how to execute strategic plans effectively in their organizational structure. These institutions lack efficient decision-making processes, accountability for the performance of key strategies and the recognition of the importance of hospital strategies to propel them to new business. The key challenge in provider-based organizations is their inability to focus their strategies on the provision of high-quality patient care services. Hospitals should stop focusing on performance-driven traditional strategies and instead align their strategies to focus on a service line. To ensure that such procedures are executed efficiently, it is important that their organizational structures are informed by the care service strategy. The organizational structure should ensure that the strategy is encompassed in their strategic plan, organizational control structure, management responsibilities and physician leadership. In today’s world, patients are seeking more care on their heart conditions, cancer or other illnesses or injuries rather than on traditional hospital departments such as nursing, physical therapy or radiology. By focusing on patient care functions along these service lines, hospitals can optimize performance. The organizational structure should also be streamlined to support key strategies. Laying a strong foundation for the organization structure is important to ensure that key strategies are executed effectively. The control structure should also be flexible enough to adapt to shifts in strategy. Introducing changes such as a focus on traditional performance-driven strategies to a service line is sometimes stalled due to a rigid management structure. It is important to have a flexible control structure to facilitate decision-making processes that are most times challenged by poor leadership structures. b) Given the opportunity, I would correct an inefficient hospital strategy by reorganizing the organizational structure to focus entirely on key strategies of a service line. Clinical services, planning, marketing and public affairs are some of the new elements that I would to traditional organizational structures in hospitals. This way, any shifts in strategies can easily be adapted due to a flexible control structure. At the same time, as a leader, I would focus on building value around my employees by assigning them responsibilities based on the right service lines. This will ensure that they remain accountable for their performance and use of resources along with their service lines. A good management structure is also necessary to maintain a good relationship between the business strategy and the performance of my employees. Article 2 Perera, F. D. P. R., & Peiró, M. (2012). St ...

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Join us as we discuss the core concepts of team-based care and introduce elements of team-based care that builds upon these basics to support your teams in advancing their capability to provide satisfying and effective care to complex patient populations. . We will be joined by Margaret Flinter, Senior Vice President/Clinical Director for Community Health Center, Inc., and both Thomas Bodenheimer, MD, Physician and Founding Director, and Rachel Willard Grace, Director, from the Center for Excellence in Primary Care.

INTER Competencies (Continued)
4 Support culturally competent care of PLWMCC by the interprofessional
5 Engage community partners as key members of the interprofessional
6 Coordinate team-based synergistic interventions that address all
person-centered goals.
Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4
Slide 7 Speaker Notes
INTER 4. Support culturally competent care of PLWMCC by the interprofessional team.
INTER 5. Engage community partners as key members of the interprofessional team.
INTER 6. Coordinate team-based synergistic interventions that address all person-centered goals.
Benefits for using INTER
For Clinicians
 Improves productivity of
the team
 Creates synergy between
team members
 Makes resources available
 Improved quality of care
 Safer and more effective
healthcare system
 Higher satisfaction
Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4
Slide 8 Speaker Notes
Growing evidence and emerging healthcare models support the importance of effective interprofessional collaborations. Collaborating through
an interprofessional team increases productivity of the team thereby decreasing burden on individual clinicians, creates synergy between team
members that leads to higher quality care and makes resources1
available to the PLWMCC that may not have been otherwise.
Many aspects of interprofessional collaboration can result in improved care quality, safer and more effective health care system for PLWMCC2
and higher PLWMCC satisfaction3
Vanderwielen, L. M., Vanderbilt, A. A., Dumke, E. K., Do, E. K., Isringhausen, K. T., Wright, M. S., Enurah, A. S., Mayer, S. D., & Bradner, M.
(2014). Improving public health through student-led interprofessional extracurricular education and collaboration: a conceptual framework. J
Multidiscip Healthc, 7, 105-110.
Aston, S. J., Rheault, W., Arenson, C., Tappert, S. K., Stoecker, J., Orzoff, J., Galitski, H., & Mackintosh, S. (2012). Interprofessional education: a
review and analysis of programs from three academic health centers. Acad Med, 87(7), 949-955.
Schoenbaum, S. C., & Okun, S. (2015). High performance team-based care for persons with chronic conditions. Isr J Health Policy Res, 4, 8.

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The document discusses community health nursing standards of practice, with a focus on home health nursing. It provides an overview of the Canadian Community Health Nursing standards, which include standards on health promotion, prevention and protection, maintenance and restoration, professional relationships, capacity building, health equity, evidence-informed practice, and professional responsibility. Examples are given of how home health nurses apply each standard in practice, such as providing health education to diabetes patients, encouraging preventative behaviors like handwashing during COVID, and advocating for policies that promote health equity. The standards aim to define excellence in community health nursing and guide nurses in their important work.

Components of an Effective Interprofessional
Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4
Slide 9 Speaker Notes
This section – Components of an effective interprofessional collaboration - describes the configuration of teams, key components, models of
care that utilize INTER and challenges of INTER.
Members of an interprofessional team
Office Staff
caregivers &
Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4
Slide 10 Speaker Notes
There are many different configurations of interprofessional teams, depending on the healthcare system, but often the team is comprised of:
Clinicians, professional staff and non-professional staff 10
The interprofessional team can also extend to include direct care workers, community
health workers and staff in the community that care for PLWMCC as well as PLWMCC and their families and caregivers.
Each member of the team understands their roles and responsibilities which are appropriate to scope of practice and knowledge and engage
with other team members regarding questions and concerns that facilitate shared person-centered problem solving1
. Interprofessional teams
include those who work to meet the needs of the individual person with MCC.
For example:
• Clinicians2
(physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants);
• Professional staff (registered nurses, Licensed practical nurses, pharmacists, dentists, psychiatrists/psychologists, behavioral health
providers, social workers, physical & occupational therapists);
• Specialists (cardiologists, pulmonologists, surgeons)
• Other office staff (Medical assistants, front office staff, community health workers and patient navigators);
• Community-based staff (public health workers; program facilitators/coordinators and health coaches)
• PLWMCC, their families and caregivers3
• Inclusion of PLWMCC and their families and caregivers is essential as managing their disease and symptoms, along with carrying out
activities of daily living, will most often occur outside of a clinical setting.
Schmitt, M., Blue, A., Aschenbrener, C. A., & Viggiano, T. R. (2011). Core competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice: reforming health care by
transforming health professionals' education. Acad Med, 86(11), 1351.
Ladden, M. D., Bodenheimer, T., Fishman, N. W., Flinter, M., Hsu, C., Parchman, M., & Wagner, E. H. (2013). The emerging primary care workforce:
preliminary observations from the primary care team: learning from effective ambulatory practices project. Acad Med, 88(12), 1830-1834.
Interprofessional Education Collaborative Expert Panel. Core competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice: Report of an expert panel. . (2011).
Washington, D.C.: Interprofessional Education Collaborative.

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Effective interprofessional teams
 Clear understanding of roles & required tasks
 Shared leadership
 Established means of communication
 Prioritizes activities based on PLWMCC’s
preferences and severity of health conditions
 Work collaboratively to optimize outcomes
 Allows all members to practice at the top of their
 Share common goals
Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4
Slide 11 Speaker Notes
Members of an interprofessional team organize themselves through common goals, work collaboratively to optimize outcomes1
, and have a
clear understanding of their role on the team and the tasks required of them to optimize the health of the PLWMCC. Leadership is distributed
throughout the team and changes as tasks change and goals of the care plan are met23
. Teams strive to be actively interdependent and work
through established means of communication to ensure various aspects of PLWMCC health care needs are addressed4
Vanderwielen, L. M., Vanderbilt, A. A., Dumke, E. K., Do, E. K., Isringhausen, K. T.,… & Bradner, M. (2014). Improving public health through
student-led interprofessional extracurricular education and collaboration: a conceptual framework. J Multidiscip Healthc, 7, 105-110.
Tubbesing, G., & Chen, F. M. (2015). Insights from exemplar practices on achieving organizational structures in primary care. J Am Board Fam Med, 28(2), 190-
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Clinical-Community Linkages. Retrieved from
Boyd, C. M., & Lucas, G. M. (2014). Patient-centered care for people living with multimorbidity. Curr Opin HIV AIDS, 9(4), 419-427.
Incorporating Interprofessional Collaboration
into Practice
Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4
Slide 12 Speaker Notes
This section “incorporating INTER into practice” provides effective mechanism for healthcare professionals to help people manage their multiple
chronic conditions.

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Models that Utilize Interprofessional Teams
Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4
Slide 13 Speaker Notes
Healthcare providers and systems are developing team-based models of care that encourage working relationships between clinical and
community-based providers, PLWMCC, their caregivers and families to achieve the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s Triple Aim of high
quality care, improved health at optimal costs1
. Several models have improved PLWMCC’s quality of care and quality of life. Here are three
examples of models of care that utilize interprofessional teams:
1. The Guided Care Model uses nurse-led teams to meet the complex care needs of PLWMCC. Other programs are experimenting with
other team configurations to improve care for PLWMCC.
2. Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) models support interprofessional team care that optimizes roles of each team member
including the primary care provider (i.e., physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants), nurses, medical assistants, pharmacists,
social workers, psychologists, dieticians, and specialists.
3. The Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers has developed an innovative care management model for high needs / high costs patients
in Camden NJ. The Care Management Team relies on home visits with patients to coordinate doctors’ appointments, transportation,
and social services. The Team provides holistic medical care as well as root cause analysis and solutions to the often intertwined issue of
poverty and disease that plague its patients2
4. The Geriatric Resources for Assessment and Care of Elders (GRAMCE) model utilizes nurse practitioners and social workers to meet with
patients in their home and then consults with an interprofessional team to develop an individualized care plan.
Institute for Healthcare Improvement Triple Aim Initiative. Retrieved from
Abraczinskas, J., Brenner, J. (2012). Camden Coalition's Model for High Needs Patients. Physicians News Digest.
Opportunities to Integrate INTER into
l Teams
Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4
Slide 14 Speaker Notes
Interprofessional collaboration
to understand how to provide more person and family centered care. The following four strategies are further described in the next two slides -
• PLWMCC and Interprofessional Teams
• Clinical Community Linkages
• Care Plans

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JMML is a rare cancer of blood that affects young children. There is a sustained abnormal and excessive production of myeloid progenitors and monocytes.

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Slides from my presentation in the 10th anniversary event of the Biohacker Summit 2024 in Helsinki. The theme of the whole event wast unifying science, technology and nature.

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cerebro-spinal fluid (CSF) abnormalities and diagnostic procedures along with important findings in brief.

The Role of PLWMCC on Interprofessional
 Serve as a core member of the team
 Provide input into their health concerns,
goals and strategies
 Monitor their care plans and
communicate with all members of the
Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4
Slide 15 Speaker Notes
PLWMCC are integral to the Interprofessional Team as they know best their own chronic conditions in the context of their lives.
Interprofessional teams strive to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate care by integrating team members who can help achieve this
PLWMCC are core members of interprofessional teams.
PLWMCC and their families and caregivers are included in:
discussions about their health concerns and goals, and;
developing strategies for addressing those concerns and meeting goals.
PLWMCC help develop and monitor their care plans and communicate with members of the Interprofessional team when needed.
Care Planning: Interprofessional Team
Care Plans
are:  Living documents
 Developed with input by all members of
the team including PLWMCC
 Accessible by all team members &
revised regularly
Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4
Slide 16 Speaker Notes
Care plans place the concerns of PLWMCC at the forefront of the plan.
The care plan should include a clear communication strategy to ensure all team members are aware of goals that have been met or modified.
Care plans are:
• Living documents that elaborate on goals, strategies, and processes for optimizing the care and health of PLWMCC;
• Developed by and agreed upon by all members of the team including PLWMCC;
• Accessible by all team members and reviewed and revised regularly as goals are changed and met1
For PLWMCC who are children or have cognitive impairments (i.e., dementia or Alzheimer’s), their designated family member or POA (Power of
Attorney) should be highly involved in their care plan. Not all PLWMCC in this group will have the ability to review, understand, provide input
and agree to a care plan because of their conditions affecting their cognitive abilities.
Harris, M. F., Dennis, S., & Pillay, M. (2013). Multimorbidity: negotiating priorities and making progress. Aust Fam Physician, 42(12), 850-854.

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In this insightful lecture, Dr. Faiza, an esteemed Assistant Professor of Physiology, delves into the essential concept of the ventilation-perfusion ratio (V˙/Q˙), which is fundamental to understanding pulmonary physiology. Dr. Faiza brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, with qualifications including MBBS, FCPS in Physiology, and multiple postgraduate degrees in public health and healthcare education. The lecture begins by laying the groundwork with basic concepts, explaining the definitions of ventilation (V˙) and perfusion (Q˙), and highlighting the significance of the ventilation-perfusion ratio (V˙/Q˙). Dr. Faiza explains the normal value of this ratio and its critical role in ensuring efficient gas exchange in the lungs. Next, the discussion moves to the impact of different V˙/Q˙ ratios on alveolar gas concentrations. Participants will learn how a normal, zero, or infinite V˙/Q˙ ratio affects the partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the alveoli. Dr. Faiza provides a detailed comparison of alveolar gas concentrations in these varying scenarios, offering a clear understanding of the physiological changes that occur. The lecture also covers the concepts of physiological shunt and dead space. Dr. Faiza defines physiological shunt and explains its causes and effects on gas exchange, distinguishing it from anatomical dead space. She also discusses physiological dead space in detail, including how it is calculated using the Bohr equation. The components and significance of the Bohr equation are thoroughly explained, and practical examples of its application are provided. Further, the lecture examines the variations in V˙/Q˙ ratios in different regions of the lung and under different conditions, such as lying versus supine and resting versus exercise. Dr. Faiza analyzes how these variations affect pulmonary function and discusses the abnormal V˙/Q˙ ratios seen in chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD) and their clinical implications. Finally, Dr. Faiza explores the clinical implications of abnormal V˙/Q˙ ratios. She identifies clinical conditions associated with these abnormalities, such as COPD and emphysema, and discusses the physiological and clinical consequences on respiratory function. The lecture emphasizes the importance of understanding these concepts for medical professionals and students, highlighting their relevance in diagnosing and managing respiratory conditions. This comprehensive lecture provides valuable insights for medical students, healthcare professionals, and anyone interested in respiratory physiology. Participants will gain a deep understanding of how ventilation and perfusion work together to optimize gas exchange in the lungs and how deviations from the norm can lead to significant clinical issues.

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Case presentation of a 14-year-old female presenting as unilateral breast enlargement and found to have a giant breast lipoma. The tumour was successfully excised with the result that the presumed unilateral breast enlargement reverting back to normal. A review of management including a photo of the removed Giant Lipoma is presented.

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Interprofessional Teams and Community
Linkages  Improves PLWMCC access to community
resources and support
 Offers augmented interventions and
 Increases care for PLWMCC
Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4
Ongoing clear and consistent communication is central!
Slide 17 Speaker Notes
Effective relationships between clinical and community partners can provide a win-win situation for PLWMCC, clinicians and community
Community Partnerships require time and effort to create and maintain. It is the responsibility of one or more members of the interprofessional
care team to identify appropriate resources and connect the PLWMCC to those resources as needed. One of the most critical responsibilities is
to ensure communication between the clinical and community organizations is clear and consistent1
Creating sustainable, effective linkages between the clinical and community settings can:
Improve PLWMCC access to community resources and support to prevent, delay, or manage their chronic diseases;
• Offer augmented interventions and services that the clinical health care setting may not have the time, resources, or expertise to
• Increase care for PLWMCC, who use community resources2
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Clinical-Community Linkages. Retrieved from
Woolf, S. H., Dekker, M. M., Byrne, F. R., & Miller, W. D. (2011). Citizen-centered health promotion: building collaborations to facilitate healthy living. Am J
Prev Med, 40(1 Suppl 1), S38-47.
Barriers & Solutions to INTER
 Unplanned visits with
unrealistic agendas
 Inadequate support to
meet the PLWMCC’s need
for care
 Insufficient time for
documenting and complying
with administrative
 Schedule previsit planning
 Share the care among the
team and expand
responsibility of select
team members
 Sharing clerical tasks
collaboratively and
employing scribing
Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4
Slide 18 Speaker Notes
Growing evidence and emerging healthcare models support the importance of effective interprofessional collaborations. Collaborating through
an interprofessional team increases productivity of the team thereby decreasing burden on individual clinicians, creates synergy between team
members that leads to higher quality care and makes resources1
available to the PLWMCC that may not have been otherwise.
Many aspects of interprofessional collaboration can result in improved care quality, safer and more effective health care system for PLWMCC2
and higher PLWMCC satisfaction3
Here are some barriers that interprofessional teams face which cause them to be suboptimal along with potential solutions.
• Barrier: Unplanned visits with unrealistic agendas; Solution: regularly scheduled visits with time specific agendas
• Barrier: Inadequate support to meet the PLWMCC’s need for care; Solution: to share the care among the team and/or expand
responsibilities of team members and to ensure that all team members are working within their full scopes of practice.
• Barrier: Insufficient time for documenting and complying with administrative requirements; Solution: sharing clerical tasks
collaboratively or employing scribing.
Vanderwielen, L. M., Vanderbilt, A. A., Dumke, E. K., Do, E. K., Isringhausen, K. T., Wright, M. S., Enurah, A. S., Mayer, S. D., & Bradner, M. (2014). Improving
public health through student-led interprofessional extracurricular education and collaboration: a conceptual framework. J Multidiscip Healthc, 7, 105-110.
Aston, S. J., Rheault, W., Arenson, C., Tappert, S. K., Stoecker, J., Orzoff, J., Galitski, H., & Mackintosh, S. (2012). Interprofessional education: a
review and analysis of programs from three academic health centers. Acad Med, 87(7), 949-955.
Schoenbaum, S. C., & Okun, S. (2015). High performance team-based care for persons with chronic conditions. Isr J Health Policy Res, 4, 8.

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- Video recording of this lecture in English language: - Video recording of this lecture in Arabic language: - Link to download the book free: - Link to NephroTube website: - Link to NephroTube social media accounts:

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Barriers & Solutions to INTER (Continued)
 Poor communication
 Team meetings are too
 Computerized technology
that causes more work for
 Establish workflow
mapping and new
systems planning
 Schedule huddles or
regular team meetings
 Utilize in-box
management and verbal
Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4
Slide 19 Speaker Notes
Poor communication is the main cause of poor outcomes and errors in healthcare and can cause fragmented care. Effective communication may
reduce healthcare errors and improve satisfaction of care teams.1
Practicing and improving communication techniques are required all of the
time from all team members. Utilizing standardized documentation practices along with verbal messaging and in-box management2
are ways to
ensure that quality and continuity of care are achieved for PLWMCC.
Time constraints may be a challenge that prevents interprofessional teams from meeting whether there are conflicting schedules or not enough
time for everyone to meet all together. Establishing work flow mapping and new systems planning2
coupled with conducting time efficient
meetings can improve workflow for all. Scheduling huddles or regular team meetings in a specific timeframe allow the meetings to be more
efficient and effective.
Some EHR barriers include differing electronic communications tools and documentation errors due to the differing electronic communications
tools. When at all possible, using shared electronic records or other electronic communication methods may reduce burden for the
interprofessional team.
Scotten, M., Manos, EL, Malicoat, A., & Paolo, A.M. (2015). Minding the gap: Interprofessional communication during inpatient and post discharge chasm
care. Patient Ed and Counseling, 98, 895-900.
Sinsky, CA, Willard-Grace, R, Schutzbank, AM, Skinsky, T.A., Margolius, D, & Bodenheimer, T. (2013). In search of joy in practice: A report of 23 high-
functioning primary care practices. Ann Fam Med, 11(3) 272-278.
INTER Resources
 An Interprofessional Approach to Chronic Conditions
Module 5: Caregiver and Family Support in Managing
Chronic Conditions
 Interprofessional Standardized Patient Exercise (ISPE):
The Case of “Elsie Smith”
 HHS MCC Education and Training Repository
Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4
Slide 20 Speaker Notes
The following resources may further support interprofessional collaborations.
- An Interprofessional Approach to Chronic Conditions 5: Caregiver and Family Support in Managing Chronic Conditions is a 30-minute
module that gives healthcare professionals and students an understanding of the caregiver role using an interprofessional approach to
- The Interprofessional Standardized Patient Exercise (ISPE) provides students with a structured learning experience working within an
interprofessional health care team. The case of “Elsie Smith” involves multiple complex chronic medical conditions in an older adult with
many needs and limited resources. It highlights the need to address medical, functional status, and social domains, among others, and
accordingly is designed to be relevant to many health professions.
- To find more MCC related education and training resources for health professionals, visit the HHS MCC Education and Training
Repository at
Borden C., & Waddell-Terry, T. MS (2010). An Interprofessional Approach to Chronic Conditions 5: Caregiver and Family Support in Managing
Chronic Conditions. Retrieved on June 12, 2014 from

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  • 1. Education & Training Curriculum on Multiple Chronic Conditions (MCC) Strategies & tools to support health professionals caring for people living with MCC. Module 4 Interprofessional Collaboration Full citations for this presentation appear in the notes section of the slides.
  • 2. Slide 1 Speaker Notes This is the fourth module of the HHS Education & Training Curriculum on Multiple Chronic Conditions (MCC)—a six-module curriculum designed for academic faculty, educators and trainers to inform healthcare professionals caring for persons living with multiple chronic conditions. Based on the MCC Education and Training Framework (, these modules provide knowledge and tools healthcare professionals can use as they improve quality of care of persons living with MCC. Terminology used throughout this presentation: • Multiple chronic conditions (MCC) is defined many ways in the literature and in practice. For the purposes of this presentation, MCC is defined as a person with two or more concurrent chronic conditions. Other similar terms used are complex patient, multimorbidity and comorbidity for this population. • “Persons living with multiple chronic conditions” (PLWMCC) is used instead of “patient” to place greater emphasis on the individual being at the center of care. Each module has a PowerPoint® slide presentation that can be saved, modified, and used in your presentations with health professionals at any stage of education (undergraduate, graduate or continuing education). The notes in the presentation will help guide your talking points during the presentations. Visit to download this and other modules—and to access helpful tools and resources. Suggested citation: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Multiple Chronic Conditions Initiative. Education and Training Curriculum on Multiple Chronic Conditions. Washington, DC. June 2015.
  • 3. Learning Objectives for this module After completing this module, you will be able to:  Articulate why Interprofessional Collaboration (INTER) is beneficial to persons living with multiple chronic conditions (PLWMCC)  Apply INTER strategies for continuity of care for PLWMCC across settings Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4 2
  • 4. Slide 2 Speaker Notes This module, “Interprofessional collaboration” of the MCC curriculum provides: 1. An overview of interprofessional collaboration as an effective mechanism for healthcare professionals to help people manage their multiple chronic conditions, and; 2. Practical strategies and resources for integrating interprofessional collaboration into practice.
  • 5. Overview of Contents in this module  How interprofessional collaboration helps PLWMCC  Components of an effective interprofessional collaboration  Putting interprofessional collaboration into practice 3 Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4
  • 6. Slide 3 Speaker Notes This module is divided into three sections: How interprofessional collaboration helps PLWMCC, components of an effective interprofessional collaboration and putting interprofessional collaboration into practice. These modules address interprofessional collaboration components, strategies and tools to better help you care for persons living with multiple chronic conditions.
  • 7. SECTION 1 How Interprofessional Collaboration Helps PLWMCC Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4
  • 8. Slide 4 Speaker Notes This section will define Interprofessional collaboration, identify key INTER competencies to care for PLWMCC and the benefits of INTER for clinicians and PLWMCC.
  • 9. Interprofessional Collaboration (INTER) Definition: The ability of healthcare and other professionals, as well as direct care providers, community health workers, persons living with MCC (PLWMCC), families and caregivers, to work effectively within and between professions and with PLWMCC, families, caregivers, and communities to provide appropriate and effective healthcare. Person- and Family-Centered Care: Module 1 5
  • 10. Slide 5 Speaker Notes The ability of healthcare and other professionals, as well as direct care providers, community health workers, PLWMCC, families and caregivers, to work effectively within and between professions and with persons living with MCC (PLWMCC), families, caregivers, and communities1 to provide appropriate and effective healthcare. 1 Schmitt, M., Blue, A., Aschenbrener, C. A., & Viggiano, T. R. (2011). Core competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice: reforming health care by transforming health professionals' education. Acad Med, 86(11), 1351.
  • 11. INTER Competencies 1 Recognize that PLWMCC are central members of their own healthcare teams. 2 Negotiate roles and responsibilities with all team members that facilitate working within their full scopes of practice. 3 Collaborate with all team members in executing the care plan to meet the complex needs of PLWMCC. Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4 6
  • 12. Slide 6 Speaker Notes The following six competencies for Interprofessional Collaboration are needed to appropriately provide care for PLWMCC. The underpinning concepts that support these competencies will be discussed in greater detail in this presentation. The competencies are INTER 1. Recognize that PLWMCC are central members of their own healthcare teams. INTER 2. Negotiate roles and responsibilities with all team members that facilitate working within their full scopes of practice. INTER 3. Collaborate with all team members in executing the care plan to meet the complex needs of PLWMCC.
  • 13. INTER Competencies (Continued) 4 Support culturally competent care of PLWMCC by the interprofessional team. 5 Engage community partners as key members of the interprofessional team. 6 Coordinate team-based synergistic interventions that address all person-centered goals. Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4 7
  • 14. Slide 7 Speaker Notes INTER 4. Support culturally competent care of PLWMCC by the interprofessional team. INTER 5. Engage community partners as key members of the interprofessional team. INTER 6. Coordinate team-based synergistic interventions that address all person-centered goals.
  • 15. Benefits for using INTER For Clinicians  Improves productivity of the team  Creates synergy between team members  Makes resources available to PLWMCC For PLWMCC  Improved quality of care  Safer and more effective healthcare system  Higher satisfaction Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4 8
  • 16. Slide 8 Speaker Notes Growing evidence and emerging healthcare models support the importance of effective interprofessional collaborations. Collaborating through an interprofessional team increases productivity of the team thereby decreasing burden on individual clinicians, creates synergy between team members that leads to higher quality care and makes resources1 available to the PLWMCC that may not have been otherwise. Many aspects of interprofessional collaboration can result in improved care quality, safer and more effective health care system for PLWMCC2 ; and higher PLWMCC satisfaction3 . 1 Vanderwielen, L. M., Vanderbilt, A. A., Dumke, E. K., Do, E. K., Isringhausen, K. T., Wright, M. S., Enurah, A. S., Mayer, S. D., & Bradner, M. (2014). Improving public health through student-led interprofessional extracurricular education and collaboration: a conceptual framework. J Multidiscip Healthc, 7, 105-110. 2 Aston, S. J., Rheault, W., Arenson, C., Tappert, S. K., Stoecker, J., Orzoff, J., Galitski, H., & Mackintosh, S. (2012). Interprofessional education: a review and analysis of programs from three academic health centers. Acad Med, 87(7), 949-955. 3 Schoenbaum, S. C., & Okun, S. (2015). High performance team-based care for persons with chronic conditions. Isr J Health Policy Res, 4, 8.
  • 17. SECTION 2 Components of an Effective Interprofessional Collaboration Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4
  • 18. Slide 9 Speaker Notes This section – Components of an effective interprofessional collaboration - describes the configuration of teams, key components, models of care that utilize INTER and challenges of INTER.
  • 19. Members of an interprofessional team Healthcare Professionals Clinicians Office Staff Community– Based Resources Specialists PLWMCC, caregivers & families Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4 10
  • 20. Slide 10 Speaker Notes There are many different configurations of interprofessional teams, depending on the healthcare system, but often the team is comprised of: Clinicians, professional staff and non-professional staff 10 The interprofessional team can also extend to include direct care workers, community health workers and staff in the community that care for PLWMCC as well as PLWMCC and their families and caregivers. Each member of the team understands their roles and responsibilities which are appropriate to scope of practice and knowledge and engage with other team members regarding questions and concerns that facilitate shared person-centered problem solving1 . Interprofessional teams include those who work to meet the needs of the individual person with MCC. For example: • Clinicians2 (physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants); • Professional staff (registered nurses, Licensed practical nurses, pharmacists, dentists, psychiatrists/psychologists, behavioral health providers, social workers, physical & occupational therapists); • Specialists (cardiologists, pulmonologists, surgeons) • Other office staff (Medical assistants, front office staff, community health workers and patient navigators); • Community-based staff (public health workers; program facilitators/coordinators and health coaches) • PLWMCC, their families and caregivers3 . • Inclusion of PLWMCC and their families and caregivers is essential as managing their disease and symptoms, along with carrying out activities of daily living, will most often occur outside of a clinical setting. 1 Schmitt, M., Blue, A., Aschenbrener, C. A., & Viggiano, T. R. (2011). Core competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice: reforming health care by transforming health professionals' education. Acad Med, 86(11), 1351. 2 Ladden, M. D., Bodenheimer, T., Fishman, N. W., Flinter, M., Hsu, C., Parchman, M., & Wagner, E. H. (2013). The emerging primary care workforce: preliminary observations from the primary care team: learning from effective ambulatory practices project. Acad Med, 88(12), 1830-1834. 3 Interprofessional Education Collaborative Expert Panel. Core competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice: Report of an expert panel. . (2011). Washington, D.C.: Interprofessional Education Collaborative.
  • 21. Effective interprofessional teams  Clear understanding of roles & required tasks  Shared leadership  Established means of communication  Prioritizes activities based on PLWMCC’s preferences and severity of health conditions  Work collaboratively to optimize outcomes  Allows all members to practice at the top of their licenses  Share common goals Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4 11
  • 22. Slide 11 Speaker Notes Members of an interprofessional team organize themselves through common goals, work collaboratively to optimize outcomes1 , and have a clear understanding of their role on the team and the tasks required of them to optimize the health of the PLWMCC. Leadership is distributed throughout the team and changes as tasks change and goals of the care plan are met23 . Teams strive to be actively interdependent and work through established means of communication to ensure various aspects of PLWMCC health care needs are addressed4 . 1 Vanderwielen, L. M., Vanderbilt, A. A., Dumke, E. K., Do, E. K., Isringhausen, K. T.,… & Bradner, M. (2014). Improving public health through student-led interprofessional extracurricular education and collaboration: a conceptual framework. J Multidiscip Healthc, 7, 105-110. 2 Tubbesing, G., & Chen, F. M. (2015). Insights from exemplar practices on achieving organizational structures in primary care. J Am Board Fam Med, 28(2), 190- 194. 3 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Clinical-Community Linkages. Retrieved from chronic-care/improve/community/. 4 Boyd, C. M., & Lucas, G. M. (2014). Patient-centered care for people living with multimorbidity. Curr Opin HIV AIDS, 9(4), 419-427.
  • 23. SECTION 3 Incorporating Interprofessional Collaboration into Practice Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4
  • 24. Slide 12 Speaker Notes This section “incorporating INTER into practice” provides effective mechanism for healthcare professionals to help people manage their multiple chronic conditions.
  • 25. Models that Utilize Interprofessional Teams Guided Care Model Patient Centered Medical Home Camden Coalition’s Model GRACE Model Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4 13
  • 26. Slide 13 Speaker Notes Healthcare providers and systems are developing team-based models of care that encourage working relationships between clinical and community-based providers, PLWMCC, their caregivers and families to achieve the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s Triple Aim of high quality care, improved health at optimal costs1 . Several models have improved PLWMCC’s quality of care and quality of life. Here are three examples of models of care that utilize interprofessional teams: 1. The Guided Care Model uses nurse-led teams to meet the complex care needs of PLWMCC. Other programs are experimenting with other team configurations to improve care for PLWMCC. 2. Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) models support interprofessional team care that optimizes roles of each team member including the primary care provider (i.e., physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants), nurses, medical assistants, pharmacists, social workers, psychologists, dieticians, and specialists. 3. The Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers has developed an innovative care management model for high needs / high costs patients in Camden NJ. The Care Management Team relies on home visits with patients to coordinate doctors’ appointments, transportation, and social services. The Team provides holistic medical care as well as root cause analysis and solutions to the often intertwined issue of poverty and disease that plague its patients2 . 4. The Geriatric Resources for Assessment and Care of Elders (GRAMCE) model utilizes nurse practitioners and social workers to meet with patients in their home and then consults with an interprofessional team to develop an individualized care plan. 1 Institute for Healthcare Improvement Triple Aim Initiative. Retrieved from 2 Abraczinskas, J., Brenner, J. (2012). Camden Coalition's Model for High Needs Patients. Physicians News Digest.
  • 27. Opportunities to Integrate INTER into Practice Care Plans Clinical- Communit y Linkages PLWMCC & Interprofessiona l Teams Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4 14
  • 28. Slide 14 Speaker Notes Interprofessional collaboration to understand how to provide more person and family centered care. The following four strategies are further described in the next two slides - • PLWMCC and Interprofessional Teams • Clinical Community Linkages • Care Plans
  • 29. The Role of PLWMCC on Interprofessional Teams PLWMCC  Serve as a core member of the team  Provide input into their health concerns, goals and strategies  Monitor their care plans and communicate with all members of the team Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4 15
  • 30. Slide 15 Speaker Notes PLWMCC are integral to the Interprofessional Team as they know best their own chronic conditions in the context of their lives. Interprofessional teams strive to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate care by integrating team members who can help achieve this goal. PLWMCC are core members of interprofessional teams. PLWMCC and their families and caregivers are included in: discussions about their health concerns and goals, and; developing strategies for addressing those concerns and meeting goals. PLWMCC help develop and monitor their care plans and communicate with members of the Interprofessional team when needed.
  • 31. Care Planning: Interprofessional Team Approach Care Plans are:  Living documents  Developed with input by all members of the team including PLWMCC  Accessible by all team members & revised regularly Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4 16
  • 32. Slide 16 Speaker Notes Care plans place the concerns of PLWMCC at the forefront of the plan. The care plan should include a clear communication strategy to ensure all team members are aware of goals that have been met or modified. Care plans are: • Living documents that elaborate on goals, strategies, and processes for optimizing the care and health of PLWMCC; • Developed by and agreed upon by all members of the team including PLWMCC; • Accessible by all team members and reviewed and revised regularly as goals are changed and met1 . For PLWMCC who are children or have cognitive impairments (i.e., dementia or Alzheimer’s), their designated family member or POA (Power of Attorney) should be highly involved in their care plan. Not all PLWMCC in this group will have the ability to review, understand, provide input and agree to a care plan because of their conditions affecting their cognitive abilities. 1 Harris, M. F., Dennis, S., & Pillay, M. (2013). Multimorbidity: negotiating priorities and making progress. Aust Fam Physician, 42(12), 850-854.
  • 33. Interprofessional Teams and Community Linkages Clinical- Community Linkages  Improves PLWMCC access to community resources and support  Offers augmented interventions and services  Increases care for PLWMCC Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4 17 Ongoing clear and consistent communication is central!
  • 34. Slide 17 Speaker Notes Effective relationships between clinical and community partners can provide a win-win situation for PLWMCC, clinicians and community partners. Community Partnerships require time and effort to create and maintain. It is the responsibility of one or more members of the interprofessional care team to identify appropriate resources and connect the PLWMCC to those resources as needed. One of the most critical responsibilities is to ensure communication between the clinical and community organizations is clear and consistent1 . Creating sustainable, effective linkages between the clinical and community settings can: Improve PLWMCC access to community resources and support to prevent, delay, or manage their chronic diseases; • Offer augmented interventions and services that the clinical health care setting may not have the time, resources, or expertise to provide; • Increase care for PLWMCC, who use community resources2 . 1 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Clinical-Community Linkages. Retrieved from care/improve/community/. 2 Woolf, S. H., Dekker, M. M., Byrne, F. R., & Miller, W. D. (2011). Citizen-centered health promotion: building collaborations to facilitate healthy living. Am J Prev Med, 40(1 Suppl 1), S38-47.
  • 35. Barriers & Solutions to INTER Barriers/Challenges  Unplanned visits with unrealistic agendas  Inadequate support to meet the PLWMCC’s need for care  Insufficient time for documenting and complying with administrative requirements Solutions  Schedule previsit planning  Share the care among the team and expand responsibility of select team members  Sharing clerical tasks collaboratively and employing scribing Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4 18
  • 36. Slide 18 Speaker Notes Growing evidence and emerging healthcare models support the importance of effective interprofessional collaborations. Collaborating through an interprofessional team increases productivity of the team thereby decreasing burden on individual clinicians, creates synergy between team members that leads to higher quality care and makes resources1 available to the PLWMCC that may not have been otherwise. Many aspects of interprofessional collaboration can result in improved care quality, safer and more effective health care system for PLWMCC2 ; and higher PLWMCC satisfaction3 . Here are some barriers that interprofessional teams face which cause them to be suboptimal along with potential solutions. • Barrier: Unplanned visits with unrealistic agendas; Solution: regularly scheduled visits with time specific agendas • Barrier: Inadequate support to meet the PLWMCC’s need for care; Solution: to share the care among the team and/or expand responsibilities of team members and to ensure that all team members are working within their full scopes of practice. • Barrier: Insufficient time for documenting and complying with administrative requirements; Solution: sharing clerical tasks collaboratively or employing scribing. 1 Vanderwielen, L. M., Vanderbilt, A. A., Dumke, E. K., Do, E. K., Isringhausen, K. T., Wright, M. S., Enurah, A. S., Mayer, S. D., & Bradner, M. (2014). Improving public health through student-led interprofessional extracurricular education and collaboration: a conceptual framework. J Multidiscip Healthc, 7, 105-110. 2 Aston, S. J., Rheault, W., Arenson, C., Tappert, S. K., Stoecker, J., Orzoff, J., Galitski, H., & Mackintosh, S. (2012). Interprofessional education: a review and analysis of programs from three academic health centers. Acad Med, 87(7), 949-955. 3 Schoenbaum, S. C., & Okun, S. (2015). High performance team-based care for persons with chronic conditions. Isr J Health Policy Res, 4, 8.
  • 37. Barriers & Solutions to INTER (Continued) Barriers/Challenges  Poor communication  Team meetings are too time-consuming.  Computerized technology that causes more work for physicians Solutions  Establish workflow mapping and new systems planning  Schedule huddles or regular team meetings  Utilize in-box management and verbal messaging Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4 19
  • 38. Slide 19 Speaker Notes Poor communication is the main cause of poor outcomes and errors in healthcare and can cause fragmented care. Effective communication may reduce healthcare errors and improve satisfaction of care teams.1 Practicing and improving communication techniques are required all of the time from all team members. Utilizing standardized documentation practices along with verbal messaging and in-box management2 are ways to ensure that quality and continuity of care are achieved for PLWMCC. Time constraints may be a challenge that prevents interprofessional teams from meeting whether there are conflicting schedules or not enough time for everyone to meet all together. Establishing work flow mapping and new systems planning2 coupled with conducting time efficient meetings can improve workflow for all. Scheduling huddles or regular team meetings in a specific timeframe allow the meetings to be more efficient and effective. Some EHR barriers include differing electronic communications tools and documentation errors due to the differing electronic communications tools. When at all possible, using shared electronic records or other electronic communication methods may reduce burden for the interprofessional team. 1 Scotten, M., Manos, EL, Malicoat, A., & Paolo, A.M. (2015). Minding the gap: Interprofessional communication during inpatient and post discharge chasm care. Patient Ed and Counseling, 98, 895-900. 2 Sinsky, CA, Willard-Grace, R, Schutzbank, AM, Skinsky, T.A., Margolius, D, & Bodenheimer, T. (2013). In search of joy in practice: A report of 23 high- functioning primary care practices. Ann Fam Med, 11(3) 272-278.
  • 39. INTER Resources  An Interprofessional Approach to Chronic Conditions Module 5: Caregiver and Family Support in Managing Chronic Conditions  Interprofessional Standardized Patient Exercise (ISPE): The Case of “Elsie Smith”  HHS MCC Education and Training Repository Interprofessional Collaboration: Module 4 20
  • 40. Slide 20 Speaker Notes The following resources may further support interprofessional collaborations. - An Interprofessional Approach to Chronic Conditions 5: Caregiver and Family Support in Managing Chronic Conditions is a 30-minute module that gives healthcare professionals and students an understanding of the caregiver role using an interprofessional approach to care. - The Interprofessional Standardized Patient Exercise (ISPE) provides students with a structured learning experience working within an interprofessional health care team. The case of “Elsie Smith” involves multiple complex chronic medical conditions in an older adult with many needs and limited resources. It highlights the need to address medical, functional status, and social domains, among others, and accordingly is designed to be relevant to many health professions. - To find more MCC related education and training resources for health professionals, visit the HHS MCC Education and Training Repository at Borden C., & Waddell-Terry, T. MS (2010). An Interprofessional Approach to Chronic Conditions 5: Caregiver and Family Support in Managing Chronic Conditions. Retrieved on June 12, 2014 from