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Children’s Development
    Birth to 12 Years

Cognitive                            Physical

             Emotional, social and
Growth: Refers to an increase in physical size, and
can be measured by height (length), weight and

Development: ‘Development is concerned with
the possession of skills. Physical development
proceeds in a set order, with simple behaviours
occurring before more complex skills’

                  Bruce, T and Meggitt, C. (1996) Child care and Education Hodder and

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Nature vs. nurture
Nature vs. nurtureNature vs. nurture
Nature vs. nurture

This document discusses the nature vs nurture debate regarding the development of traits in humans. It explains that heredity, through the transmission of genes from parents to offspring, plays a key role in determining traits like height and eye color. However, the impact of one's environment through factors like education and living conditions is also influential. Twin studies are often used to help understand the relative impact of nature vs nurture, by comparing identical twins who share all genes to fraternal twins who only share some. Questions remain about the influence of heredity and environment on traits like intelligence, personality and psychological disorders.

Principles of growth and development
Principles of growth and developmentPrinciples of growth and development
Principles of growth and development

Growth and development follow predictable patterns and sequences from head to toe and center to periphery. Growth is continuous but uneven, influenced by both nature and nurture like genetics and environment. Development involves maturation and learning, resulting in changes over time from general to specific movements and abilities in a normal sequence across physical, mental, emotional and social domains.

Social and Emotional Development
Social and Emotional DevelopmentSocial and Emotional Development
Social and Emotional Development

This document summarizes several theories of social and emotional development: 1. Erikson's theory of psychosocial development which outlines 8 stages from infancy to adulthood centered around resolving crises of trust, autonomy, initiative, industry and more. 2. Bandura's social learning theory which emphasizes observational learning and reinforcement. It involves attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation. 3. Kohlberg's theory of moral development has 3 levels from obedience to social order and justice. It examines how children's understanding of morality progresses through 6 stages from punishment avoidance to upholding laws and ethical principles.

Ossification - the strengthening
and lengthening of bones

         The increase in muscle strength
         and size

 The gradual development of control and
Principles of Physical development


                                    Outwards – arms
  Downwards – head                 and legs, then hands
      to toe                             and feet
Emotional, personal and social
Emotional development and Personal
development: relates to how children cope with
and express different feelings and how they
learn to look after themselves

Social development: refers to how children
interact with others

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Growth and development
Growth and developmentGrowth and development
Growth and development

Growth refers to dimensional augmentation, cellular multiplication, or quantitative changes in size, weight, and number. Development involves a progressive, orderly series of changes leading to maturity. The key differences between growth and development are: (1) Growth refers to changes in quantitative aspects like size, while development refers to qualitative changes resulting in improved functioning. (2) Growth stops at maturity but development is continuous throughout life. (3) Development is a broader term that can include growth as one aspect, but also includes physical, social, emotional, and intellectual changes.

growth and developmentdefinition and difference of growth and developmen
Cognitive development
Cognitive developmentCognitive development
Cognitive development

Jean Piaget was a Swiss psychologist who spent decades studying children's cognitive development and is best known for his theory of cognitive development. Some key points of his theory include: - He identified 4 main stages of cognitive development: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational. - He believed that knowledge is constructed by learners through hands-on experiences and interactions with the environment. - Important concepts in his theory include schemas, assimilation, accommodation, equilibrium, and disequilibrium which describe how children incorporate new information and experiences into their existing understanding of the world. - His work has had a large influence on constructivist approaches in education which aim to actively engage students in

Cognitive Developmental theory ( Jean Piaget)
Cognitive Developmental theory  ( Jean Piaget)Cognitive Developmental theory  ( Jean Piaget)
Cognitive Developmental theory ( Jean Piaget)

Jean Piaget was a Swiss psychologist who developed a theory of cognitive development in children. He observed his own children from infancy and developed a four stage model: sensorimotor (birth to age 2), preoperational (ages 2 to 7), concrete operational (ages 7 to 11), and formal operational (age 11 and up). In each stage, children develop new cognitive abilities as they interact with the world, such as object permanence, language development, logical thinking, and abstract reasoning. Piaget believed cognitive development was driven by biological maturation and environmental experiences that create challenges for children's understanding.

COGNITIVE development
Cognitive development: the way our thought
processes develop. It is about the ways in
which we organise our thinking and come to
an understanding of our environment.’ (Tassoni, Beith
and Eldridge, 1998)
LINGUISTIC development
Linguistic Development :The
development of Children’s language and
Communication skills – verbal and non-

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Learning Theories - Cognitive Theory
Learning Theories - Cognitive TheoryLearning Theories - Cognitive Theory
Learning Theories - Cognitive Theory

Cognitive theory views thinking, remembering, and decision making as underlying behaviors. It was created in reaction to behaviorism to acknowledge the role of thinking in behavior. Key theorists include Allan Paivio, who proposed dual coding theory of verbal and visual processing, Robert Gagne, who identified learning categories and principles of instruction, and Howard Gardner, who proposed multiple intelligences. The cognitive theory emphasizes that learners actively construct their own understanding rather than passively receiving information.

"Influence of Parents on Child Development"
"Influence of Parents on Child Development""Influence of Parents on Child Development"
"Influence of Parents on Child Development"

📌 Free Webinar on "Influence of Parents on Child Development" Parental awareness of child development is linked to better parent-child relations and parents' willingness to engage in behaviours that encourage their children's healthy development. According to research, parents who are aware of evidence-based parenting techniques, particularly those connected to boosting children's physical health and safety, are more likely to use them than those who are unaware. Although there is presently minimal empirical research on how parents' awareness of available resources influences uptake, parenting, and child outcomes, parents who have this information are likely to be better suited to seek assistance for their family. 🗣️ Speaker: Bhumika Kondoju

child development
Physical and motor development of children and adolescent
Physical and motor development  of children and adolescentPhysical and motor development  of children and adolescent
Physical and motor development of children and adolescent

This document discusses physical and motor development in children and adolescents. It defines physical and motor skills and identifies stages of development from infancy to adulthood. During childhood, motor skills develop from large muscle movements to smaller, more refined movements. Fine motor skills involve smaller muscle groups while gross motor skills use larger muscle groups. The document provides examples of activities to develop both fine and gross motor skills. Physical development accelerates during adolescence through growth spurts and the onset of puberty bringing sexual maturity. Overall development follows predictable patterns but individuals vary in their needs and styles at each stage.

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Child development revision 1

  • 1. Children’s Development Birth to 12 Years
  • 2. Linguistic (speech) Cognitive Physical (thought (movement) processes) Emotional, social and personal
  • 3. GROWTH and PHYSICAL development
  • 4. Growth: Refers to an increase in physical size, and can be measured by height (length), weight and circumference Development: ‘Development is concerned with the possession of skills. Physical development proceeds in a set order, with simple behaviours occurring before more complex skills’ Bruce, T and Meggitt, C. (1996) Child care and Education Hodder and Stoughton
  • 5. Ossification - the strengthening and lengthening of bones The increase in muscle strength and size The gradual development of control and co-ordination
  • 6. Principles of Physical development cephalo-caudal proximodistal Outwards – arms Downwards – head and legs, then hands to toe and feet
  • 7. EMOTIONAL, SOCIAL and PERSONAL development
  • 8. Emotional, personal and social development Emotional development and Personal development: relates to how children cope with and express different feelings and how they learn to look after themselves Social development: refers to how children interact with others
  • 10. Cognitive development: the way our thought processes develop. It is about the ways in which we organise our thinking and come to an understanding of our environment.’ (Tassoni, Beith and Eldridge, 1998)
  • 12. Linguistic Development :The development of Children’s language and Communication skills – verbal and non- verbal