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Tips for measuring change maturity
Presented by Catherine Smithson
July 2016
Change Community
of Practice Webinars
Introducing Being Human
• Founded in 1993
• Our mission: develop
change-capable people and
organisations so they
achieve the benefits of
• 10th anniversary as Prosci’s
Primary Affiliate in Australia
and New Zealand.
•  Why measure change
•  Snap shot of Best
•  Tools you can use
•  Top Five Tips
•  Q&A
•  Your experiences?
Why measure change maturity?
•  Baseline organisation as
a prelude to starting the
change-agility journey
•  Build shared
understanding of “what
good looks like”
•  Data to show progress
•  Share successes and
lessons learned
•  Roadmap for building an
ECM Plan

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Prosci Enterprise Change Management Boot Camp Info Webinar May 2016

This document provides an agenda and overview for a Prosci Enterprise Change Management Boot Camp information webinar presented by Catherine Smithson of Being Human. The webinar will cover building organizational change management capability, including an overview of the boot camp content and learning outcomes. Attendees will learn tools and frameworks to help create or refine an enterprise change management plan tailored to their organization. They will also network with peers and take away Prosci resources to support building change management competencies across multiple levels of their organization.

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Prosci Webinar: The Holistic Approach to Change Management - Insights and Inn...Prosci Webinar: The Holistic Approach to Change Management - Insights and Inn...
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For nearly twenty years, Prosci has been conducting change management research to identify benchmarks and best practices for leading the people side of change (and the 10th Best Practices in Change Management study is now open!) As the discipline matures, the core of this body of knowledge has stabilized, and well-established findings guide many practitioners’ change management work. But with every study, this research has expanded into new topic areas and shed light on the most innovative applications of change management. This webinar will examine the new topics explored in the most recent Best Practices in Change Management study (including cultural adaptation, change agent networks, and vertical industry impact) and how you can apply these findings to your work.

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Change Management Framework: Step 2 - Sponsorship is one of the Most Importan...

a2B Advisory Consulting, without effective and proactive project sponsorship, the project will eventually fail. There are three key elements to sponsor the project: ‘Say’, ‘Support’ and ‘Sustain’! Peter F Gallagher Extract from our - Change Management Framework: Step 2

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Prosci Change Maturity Community of Practice webinar
Get visibility with Executives and key decision
makers with facts and data
•  Executives are often the
drivers of ECM initiatives
•  Employee engagement
•  Culture Assessment Results
•  Capability to deliver major
strategy and programs
•  Risk Management
•  Other triggers?
•  Both a blessing and a
Curse! an opportunity!
Executives dilemma with ECM
“We need to become more….
(Tick one)
q agile
q adaptable
q change-able
q change-ready
q successful with change
q other?
•  “I know we need it, but I don’t know
what it looks like or how to get
•  “I don’t want to create a Change
Management bureaucracy
•  I want change to be “leader led”,
not by armies of Change Managers
A maturity audit can deliver for Executives
1.  Data - high to granular
2.  Organisational and
business unit view
3.  Familiar 5 level maturity
4.  Clear definitions (not
debates and jargon)
5.  Actions for building
capability based on best
6.  Invest in the areas that will
provide best returns
7.  Cost effective – not long,
costly consulting project

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This document provides guidance on managing a change initiative through a four step process: assessing the change, planning the change, implementing the change, and embedding the change. It identifies common mistakes in planning, communicating, and implementing change and provides solutions. Effective change management requires tailoring communication to different audiences, allowing flexibility in plans, and clearly defining roles and responsibilities for implementation.

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Prosci Webinar: Auditing Change Management Maturity
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Prosci Webinar: Auditing Change Management Maturity

In today's environment, few core competencies are as important as how change is managed. What is your organisation’s level of maturity in change management? In 2004, Prosci first released the Change Management Maturity Model, describing five different levels of organisational change management maturity. That model has been extended to a full-blown Maturity Model Audit that allows you to determine your organisation’s overall maturity and your maturity in five key capability areas: Leadership, Application, Competencies, Standardization and Socialization. This webinar introduces the framework and tool to evaluate where you are today and how to advance the capability in your organisation.

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Prosci Webinar - How to Integrate Change Management and Project Management
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Prosci Webinar - How to Integrate Change Management and Project Management

For changes to deliver results and outcomes, structured approaches are needed for both the technical side of the change (through project management) and for the people side of the change (through change management). The technical side ensures that solutions are designed, developed and delivered effectively. The people side ensures that the solution is embraced, adopted and used proficiently. These two complementary disciplines share a common objective - to improve the performance of the organisation by implementing a change. However, bringing these two disciplines together can sometimes be challenging. This webinar looks at how to integrate change management and project management across five dimensions to deliver benefit realisation and a unified value proposition for change.

prosciproject managementchange management
Use the right tool
Assess quality of Change
Management effort on projects
Prosci eBest Practices
•  Evaluate your project
against the top 7
contributors to change
•  Start up for planning
•  Mid project health check
•  Post implementation
Assess organisational
change maturity
•  Change Management
Institute: Organisational
Change Maturity Model
•  Prosci Change
Management Maturity
Model Audit
Tools you can use to measure maturity:
CMI Organisational Change Maturity Model
Change leadership
Business Change Readiness
Project Change Management
CMI Organisational Change Maturity Model
• Level 3 – Project Sponsorship, Executive are tracking Change, KPI’s and
prioritisation processes in place.
• Level 4 – Organisational Change leadership, accurate feedback constant
assessment to change targets
• Level 5 – Executive change office, Board reporting, Agile project governance.
• Level 2 – Repeatable communication and training processes available for
• Level 3 – Business Units have view of Project change (Heat Map) & ability to
influence approach
• Level 4 – Standards are in place to rollout change quickly & consistently,
Feedback to adjust & manage effectiveness
• Level 5 – Businesses areas are comfortable with constant change, leaders and
managers effectively driving.
• Level 1 - Ad-hoc project Change Management (focus on Comms & training)
• Level 2 – Change Managers on projects, Change methodology in place, most
projects using.
• Level 3 – Change & Project methodologies linked, Change training for Project
• Level 4 – Projects designed and assessed around Change management vision
& inputs
• Level 5 – Smaller initiatives constant assessment of an ongoing Change
Project Change
Strategic Leadership
Business Change
Level 5
Change management competency is evident at all levels
of the organization and is part of the organization's
intellectual property and competitive edge
Level 4
Organization-wide standards and methods are broadly
deployed for managing and leading change
Level 3
Comprehensive approach for managing change is being
applied on multiple projects within organization
Level 2
Some elements of change management are being applied
in isolated projects
Level 1
Ad hoc or
Little or no change management applied
Prosci Change Management Maturity Model™
©Prosci. Used with permission

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Over the past few years, we have seen organisations invest in hiring Change Management Practitioners and establish frameworks to build their change management capability. Yet these teams are often not set up for success, with key elements not yet in play. Resourcing is only one part of the mix. As part of our partnership with Ralleo, we will explore the elements of success and how effective Change Management teams are leveraging technology to achieve better results. In Part 1 of this interactive webinar series, we will cover: - Snapshot of Prosci Best Practices - what does it tell us about key success factors? - Five focus areas to building an effective Change team and realise the benefits of change in your organisation - Top 5 tips from our consulting team - Q&A In Part 2, we will dive more deeply into: - Recap key points from Part 1 - How high performing Change Managers and Change - Management teams are using Ralleo - real life application stories - Top 3 scenarios and demonstration - Q&A Presented by Vicky Emery - General Manager, Being Human and Joe Hutton - CEO, Ralleo.

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"It's not easy to change things. Things fight back." Marty Rubin Resistance to change - it's the most common barrier to change and left unchecked, can damage project success and benefit realisation. In this interactive webinar, we will cover: - Unpacking resistance - what it is and what it looks like - How to make the case for intervening early and often - Snapshot of Prosci Best Practices - Top 5 tips from our consulting team - Q&A

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Prosci Change Management Maturity Audit
Change Management Maturity ModelTM
Overall Change Management Maturity Model Audit Score
Area 1:
Area 2:
Area 3:
Area 4:
Area 5:
Change Management Maturity ModelTM
©Prosci. Used with permission
Gap analysis
Change Management Maturity Model Audit
Overall Change Management Maturity Model Audit Score
Area 1:
Area 2:
Area 3:
Area 4:
Area 5:
Change Management Maturity Model Audit
Change Management Maturity Model Audit
Overall Change Management Maturity Model Audit Score
4.13 4.17 4.33 4.20
Area 1:
Area 2:
Area 3:
Area 4:
Area 5:
Change Management Maturity Model Audit
How far are you
from where you
want to go?
How will you close
the gap?
Research update
Prosci 2016 Best Practices in Change Management
Benchmarking Report
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Percent of Respondents
Organisational Maturity 2016 - All countries
Prosci 2016 Best Practices in Change Management Benchmarking Report.
1120 participants in 56 countries. Prosci copyright 2016
Change Management maturity by region
(plus % of study participants from region)
Average Maturity Level
All regions (100%) 2.59
United States (35%) 2.70
Europe (15%) 2.37
Canada (15%) 2.57
Australia and New Zealand (24%) 2.56
Africa (4%) 2.89
Asia and Pacific Islands (4%) 2.65
Latin America (2%) 2.67
Middle East (1%) 2.64
Prosci 2016 Best Practices in Change Management Benchmarking Report.
1120 participants in 56 countries. Prosci copyright 2016

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In 2017, we are seeing a new wave of awareness of the need for Change Management. More projects are resourced with Change Managers, more organisations are investing in change leadership training for managers and the number of certified change practitioners is rapidly increasing. All good, then? Or is there a new set of challenges facing change practitioners today? - The current state of Change Management - Factors driving the new wave of awareness - The upside and downside of where we are today - What does the future hold for Change Management in the age of disruption?

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Previous History Assessment, Change Management Framework, a2BCMF, a2B Advisory Consulting, Peter Gallagher, Change Management Methodology, Sarah Gallagher, Change Management

sarah gallaghera2b advisory consultingpeter gallagher
Level of maturity Australia & NZ
Prosci 2016 Best Practices in Change Management Benchmarking Report.
1120 participants in 56 countries. Prosci copyright 2016
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Percent of Respondents
Organisational Maturity 2016
Australia and New Zealand
Prosci Change Maturity Community of Practice webinar
•  Be clear about why you
are even measuring
Maturity and what you are
aiming for
•  It is a project - needs to
be established correctly.
•  Completing a Maturity
audit can be helpful - be
careful you are not out on
a mission on your own.
•  Bring others into the idea
that it could be good to
raise our maturity to target
xyz benefits.
Top Tips for Conducting a Maturity Audit
Top Tips for Conducting a Maturity Audit
•  Choose the group carefully
•  Who sees first hand the way the
organisation does change
management across projects and
BAU change?
•  Who are the “impacted groups” /
stakeholders for building change
•  Who needs to have ownership of
the roadmap for ECM?
•  Who “owns” change capability
across all dimensions?
•  Prepare the group with
communications about the
reason for the Audit, their
role, what will happen next

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Is there a simple way to explain to someone what change management is and why it is essential, not optional? Prosci’s Five Tenets of Change Management helps you tell a simple and compelling story about why change management is necessary for projects to deliver results and achieve objectives. The five tenets help you provide crucial context for your “what is change management?” discussions. During the webinar, you will have the chance to create your own “five tenets” story.

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The document discusses the importance of change management teams in organizational projects. It defines groups and teams, and describes the stages of their development. An effective change management team is cohesive, committed, organized, and representative. The core roles on a change management team include a lead, consultant, and area leads. The team supports initiatives like change readiness assessment, communications, and organizational alignment. Successful implementation requires clearly defining team roles and responsibilities, as well as effective communication throughout the project.

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Bodhih is one of the Leading Corporate Training companies in INDIA with Training Delivery Capabilities across ASIA. One of the vertical that is highly recommended is LEADERSHIP TRAINING.

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Top Tips for Conducting a Maturity Audit
•  Have a Sponsor to build
Awareness and Desire.
Find WIIFMs:
•  Baseline our current state,
across organisation and by
business unit
•  Benchmark against other
•  Identify areas of focus that will
enable strategy execution
•  Shared understanding of what
“good” looks like
•  Start defining Future State,
where we want to be by when
Top Tips for Conducting a Maturity Audit
•  Use a Facilitator and focus
on the discussions, examples
of what’s working where and
why, barriers – capture these
- it’s NOT about the scores
•  Break down into business
units rather than agree
meaningless averages for
•  Ask: what are the ‘signs’ of
your current maturity and
how do they help or not
achieve your business
Mistakes to avoid
• Diving into detail about
the scores.
• Imbalance of negatives
and positives.
• Confusing project
based Change
Management vs
Prosci Change Maturity Community of Practice webinar

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This presentation discusses change management strategies. It defines change management as applying tools, processes, skills and principles to manage people through change to achieve project goals. The key aspects of change management include understanding who is impacted, supporting change teams and strategies, and analyzing risks and resistance. An effective change management strategy considers timing, culture, short-term wins, and clear communication. Strategies include visioning, engaging employees, amending plans based on feedback, committed communication, and managing the change project until the new approach is established.

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More info
§  Free trial of Prosci Maturity
Audit from
§  www.change-management-

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Expert International Executive Recruiters for Global Expansion
Expert International Executive Recruiters for Global ExpansionExpert International Executive Recruiters for Global Expansion
Expert International Executive Recruiters for Global Expansion

Prosci Change Maturity Community of Practice webinar

  • 1. Are we there yet? Tips for measuring change maturity Presented by Catherine Smithson July 2016 Change Community of Practice Webinars
  • 2. Introducing Being Human • Founded in 1993 • Our mission: develop change-capable people and organisations so they achieve the benefits of change. • 10th anniversary as Prosci’s Primary Affiliate in Australia and New Zealand. 2
  • 3. Agenda •  Why measure change maturity? •  Snap shot of Best Practices •  Tools you can use •  Top Five Tips •  Q&A •  Your experiences? 3
  • 4. Why measure change maturity? •  Baseline organisation as a prelude to starting the change-agility journey •  Build shared understanding of “what good looks like” •  Data to show progress •  Share successes and lessons learned •  Roadmap for building an ECM Plan 4
  • 6. Get visibility with Executives and key decision makers with facts and data 6 •  Executives are often the drivers of ECM initiatives •  Employee engagement results •  Culture Assessment Results •  Capability to deliver major strategy and programs •  Risk Management •  Other triggers? •  Both a blessing and a Curse! an opportunity!
  • 7. Executives dilemma with ECM Saying “We need to become more…. (Tick one) q agile q adaptable q change-able q change-ready q successful with change q other? Thinking •  “I know we need it, but I don’t know what it looks like or how to get there”. •  “I don’t want to create a Change Management bureaucracy •  I want change to be “leader led”, not by armies of Change Managers 7
  • 8. A maturity audit can deliver for Executives 1.  Data - high to granular level 2.  Organisational and business unit view 3.  Familiar 5 level maturity scale 4.  Clear definitions (not debates and jargon) 5.  Actions for building capability based on best practices 6.  Invest in the areas that will provide best returns 7.  Cost effective – not long, costly consulting project 8
  • 9. Use the right tool Assess quality of Change Management effort on projects Prosci eBest Practices Audit •  Evaluate your project against the top 7 contributors to change success •  Start up for planning •  Mid project health check •  Post implementation review Assess organisational change maturity •  Change Management Institute: Organisational Change Maturity Model www.change- management- •  Prosci Change Management Maturity Model Audit 9
  • 10. Tools you can use to measure maturity: CMI Organisational Change Maturity Model 10 Strategic Change leadership Business Change Readiness Project Change Management
  • 11. CMI Organisational Change Maturity Model • Level 3 – Project Sponsorship, Executive are tracking Change, KPI’s and prioritisation processes in place. • Level 4 – Organisational Change leadership, accurate feedback constant assessment to change targets • Level 5 – Executive change office, Board reporting, Agile project governance. • Level 2 – Repeatable communication and training processes available for business • Level 3 – Business Units have view of Project change (Heat Map) & ability to influence approach • Level 4 – Standards are in place to rollout change quickly & consistently, Feedback to adjust & manage effectiveness • Level 5 – Businesses areas are comfortable with constant change, leaders and managers effectively driving. • Level 1 - Ad-hoc project Change Management (focus on Comms & training) • Level 2 – Change Managers on projects, Change methodology in place, most projects using. • Level 3 – Change & Project methodologies linked, Change training for Project Managers. • Level 4 – Projects designed and assessed around Change management vision & inputs • Level 5 – Smaller initiatives constant assessment of an ongoing Change portfolio Project Change Management Implementation (What/Who?) Strategic Leadership Driving (Should/Why?) Business Change Readiness Receiving (How/When?)
  • 12. Level 5 Organizational Competency Change management competency is evident at all levels of the organization and is part of the organization's intellectual property and competitive edge Level 4 Organizational Standards Organization-wide standards and methods are broadly deployed for managing and leading change Level 3 Multiple Projects Comprehensive approach for managing change is being applied on multiple projects within organization Level 2 Isolated Projects Some elements of change management are being applied in isolated projects Level 1 Ad hoc or Absent Little or no change management applied Prosci Change Management Maturity Model™ 12 ©Prosci. Used with permission
  • 13. Prosci Change Management Maturity Audit 13 2.06 0 1 2 3 4 5 Prosci ® Change Management Maturity ModelTM Audit Level Level Level Level Level Overall Change Management Maturity Model Audit Score 2.88 2.38 1.58 2.08 1.40 0 1 2 3 4 5 Capability Area 1: Leadership Capability Area 2: Application Capability Area 3: Competencies Capability Area 4: Standardization Capability Area 5: Socialization Prosci ® Change Management Maturity ModelTM Audit Level Level Level Level Level ©Prosci. Used with permission
  • 14. Gap analysis 14 1.89 0 1 2 3 4 5 Prosci ® Change Management Maturity Model Audit Level Level Level Level Level Overall Change Management Maturity Model Audit Score 2.50 1.88 1.58 2.08 1.40 0 1 2 3 4 5 Capability Area 1: Leadership Capability Area 2: Application Capability Area 3: Competencies Capability Area 4: Standardization Capability Area 5: Socialization Prosci ® Change Management Maturity Model Audit Level Level Level Level Level 4.27 0 1 2 3 4 5 Prosci ® Change Management Maturity Model Audit Level Level Level Level Level Overall Change Management Maturity Model Audit Score 4.50 4.13 4.17 4.33 4.20 0 1 2 3 4 5 Capability Area 1: Leadership Capability Area 2: Application Capability Area 3: Competencies Capability Area 4: Standardization Capability Area 5: Socialization Prosci ® Change Management Maturity Model Audit Level Level Level Level Level How far are you from where you want to go? How will you close the gap?
  • 15. Research update Prosci 2016 Best Practices in Change Management Benchmarking Report 15 9% 40% 37% 12% 2% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Percent of Respondents Organisational Maturity 2016 - All countries Prosci 2016 Best Practices in Change Management Benchmarking Report. 1120 participants in 56 countries. Prosci copyright 2016
  • 16. Change Management maturity by region Region (plus % of study participants from region) Average Maturity Level All regions (100%) 2.59 United States (35%) 2.70 Europe (15%) 2.37 Canada (15%) 2.57 Australia and New Zealand (24%) 2.56 Africa (4%) 2.89 Asia and Pacific Islands (4%) 2.65 Latin America (2%) 2.67 Middle East (1%) 2.64 Prosci 2016 Best Practices in Change Management Benchmarking Report. 1120 participants in 56 countries. Prosci copyright 2016
  • 17. Level of maturity Australia & NZ Prosci 2016 Best Practices in Change Management Benchmarking Report. 1120 participants in 56 countries. Prosci copyright 2016 11% 38% 37% 11% 3% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Percent of Respondents Organisational Maturity 2016 Australia and New Zealand
  • 19. •  Be clear about why you are even measuring Maturity and what you are aiming for •  It is a project - needs to be established correctly. •  Completing a Maturity audit can be helpful - be careful you are not out on a mission on your own. •  Bring others into the idea that it could be good to raise our maturity to target xyz benefits. 19 Top Tips for Conducting a Maturity Audit
  • 20. Top Tips for Conducting a Maturity Audit •  Choose the group carefully •  Who sees first hand the way the organisation does change management across projects and BAU change? •  Who are the “impacted groups” / stakeholders for building change agility? •  Who needs to have ownership of the roadmap for ECM? •  Who “owns” change capability across all dimensions? •  Prepare the group with communications about the reason for the Audit, their role, what will happen next 20
  • 21. Top Tips for Conducting a Maturity Audit •  Have a Sponsor to build Awareness and Desire. Find WIIFMs: •  Baseline our current state, across organisation and by business unit •  Benchmark against other organisations •  Identify areas of focus that will enable strategy execution •  Shared understanding of what “good” looks like •  Start defining Future State, where we want to be by when 21
  • 22. Top Tips for Conducting a Maturity Audit •  Use a Facilitator and focus on the discussions, examples of what’s working where and why, barriers – capture these - it’s NOT about the scores •  Break down into business units rather than agree meaningless averages for organisation •  Ask: what are the ‘signs’ of your current maturity and how do they help or not achieve your business objectives? 22
  • 23. Mistakes to avoid 23 • Diving into detail about the scores. • Imbalance of negatives and positives. • Confusing project based Change Management vs organisational capability.
  • 25. More info 25 §  Free trial of Prosci Maturity Audit from § § §  www.change-management-