
Faculty of Science

The Faculty of Science is one of the faculties at Radboud University. The faculty is characterised by a close connection between research and education, aiming to discover and design creative solutions for the challenges of the future.


Bemonstering in het riool

Fewer measurements required to determine level of pharmaceutical residues in wastewater due to new model

A new model developed by Radboud University-affiliated environmental scientist Caterina Zillien can be used to determine the amount of pharmaceutical residues in wastewater — and their exact origin — every bit as precisely as actual measurements.

Dr. Thomas Boltje teaching in lab

KWF Proof of Concept Grant for Clinical Development of Anticancer Drugs

Thomas Boltje, a researcher at Synthetic Organic Chemistry, has received a 150,000 euro grant from the KWF for his research on inhibiting specific sugar molecules in cancer.

Foto van schildwants op een groen blad

Bacteria of pest insect fool crops

PhD research by Magda Rogowska-van der Molenshows that the bacteria of the shield bug protect the insect by degrading plant toxins. These bacteria also make sure that the plant doesn’t produce toxins against the bug.

Visiting address

The main building of the Faculty of Science is the Huygens Building in Nijmegen.

Heyendaalseweg 135
6525 AJ Nijmegen


Please contact the faculty via the reception. Follow us on Instagram, X, LinkedIn or YouTube.