Radboud AI

Radboud AI is a campus-wide initiative connecting all activities on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science within Radboud University and Radboudumc. Radboud AI strives for the development of human-centered AI technology, which can form the basis for creating practical applications for the benefit of society. In addition to doing fundamental research on the development of new AI algorithms, our researchers study the societal impact of using these techniques in several application areas such as healthcare, communication, education, neuroscience, and the natural sciences. Radboud AI takes an integrated perspective on AI, where the collaboration of scientists from different fields is essential for the development of AI technologies that are transparent, responsible, sustainable, and socially aware. 

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Do you, as a company or organisation want to collaborate with Radboud AI?

radboud [at] ai.nl (Please send us an e-mail)

Radboud AI labs

Logo Maand van AI 2024

NOLAI Webinars in the Month of AI

During the Month of AI, you can participate in 3 webinars at NOLAI: AI Technology and Data in Education (June 11), Ethical Issues around AI in Education (June 18), and Educational Research on AI in Education (June 20). Register now!


Bord van de Nationale Onderwijstentoonstelling 2023

NOLAI at NOT 2023: 'Don't think AI, think education'

ChatGPT has caused a ruckus in education in recent weeks. Developments are moving fast, and you might feel overwhelmed as a teacher or school. During the National Education Exhibition (NOT), Friday was all about AI.

Optimaal werken

Data Science Minor (2024-2025)

Data plays a role in almost every scientific discipline, business and industry. In this minor, you will get acquainted with data structures and develop insights into how data is turned into knowledge and solutions, with the help of computers.

Our mission: connecting AI

Radboud University and Radboudumc have joined forces in the initiative Radboud AI, which connects all activities on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science on our campus. 

Inspired by the human brain, Radboud University is a global frontrunner on research about innovative intelligent learning systems. To maintain our leading position we develop new know-how and technologies that connect different fields of AI, science, and society in a responsible manner. Our scientists and students from all faculties work together with industry to create new solutions that allow for a future where privacy, security, and understanding of AI is valued. In order to develop human-oriented AI innovations we work closely with our researchers at Radboudumc.


The Radboud AI management board consists of Tom Heskes, Serge Thill, Pim Haselager, Sasha Caron, Martha Larson, Bram van Ginneken, Jeroen van der Laak, Mustafa Acikyurek, Dirk van Schaijk and Esther van Straten

The advisory board consists of Alain van Gool, Bert Kappen, André Janssen, Inge Molenaar and Wilhelm Huck


Radboud AI collaborates with various partners, both other universities and leading industrial partners. Together, we are involved in labs laying the groundwork for the future of AI.


The European Lab for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS)  brings together outstanding academic institutions and aims to create new working environments for outstanding machine learning researchers to enable them to combine cutting-edge research paired with creating start-ups and industrial impact. Our mission at the Nijmegen ELLIS unit is to advance theoretical and applied research in machine learning and to educate the next generation of machine learning researchers.

Find out more about our ELLIS unit


Radboud AI is a member of various networks, active both internationally and in the region. These networks include the ELLIS Society, CLAIRE AI, AI-hub East Netherlands and the Netherlands AI Coalition.

Radboud AI


Discover all of our research on the human side of artificial intelligence.

Discover more
Portretfoto Geert Litjens, hoogleraar AI voor analyse van medische beelden in de pathologie en radiologie

Geert Litjens appointed professor Al for analysis of medical imaging in pathology and radiology

Geert Litjens has been appointed professor of Al for analysis of medical imaging in pathology and radiology at Radboud university medical center. Litjens develops self-learning computer systems, which can analyze available diagnostics of a patient.

Het logo van het MKB datalab oost

MKB Datalab-Oost helps companies with the implementation of Artificial Intelligence

‘MKB Datalab-Oost’ (SME Datalab-East) is a collaboration between Radboud Artificial Intelligence and University of Twente, in which students work on AI and data issues of SME entrepreneurs from the East Netherlands region.

Chemometrics is using the available information of the data you have obtained from a chemical system, and seeks for patterns that you did not notice before.
Jeroen Jansen
Jeroen Jansen Associate professor of Analytical Chemistry & Chemometrics Read Jeroen's story

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