
prof. dr. ir. Chris de Korte

About Chris de Korte Chris L. de Korte is head of the Medical UltraSound Imaging Center of the Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine. read more

About Chris de Korte

2002: Nijmegen
At Erasmus MC he introduced and evaluated intravascular elastography, a technology developed by him. At the end of 2002 he became a senior researcher at the Clinical Physical Laboratory of the Department of Pediatrics at Radboud UMC. In 2004 he became head of this laboratory and assistant professor. He quickly built up a research group in cardiovascular functional imaging with ultrasound.

2006: Nijmegen
In 2006 he became a university principal. In 2010 he set up the Medical UltraSound Imaging Center (MUSIC) within the radiology department of the Radboudumc. In addition to cardiovascular imaging techniques, he also focused on radiological applications of functional ultrasound imaging, such as better detection and characterization of tumors and quantification of liver diseases. He has four patents on various components of diagnostic techniques developed by him.

2007: Nijmegen
He has also been a clinical physicist at Radboudumc since 2007. Since 2012 he has been (deputy) trainer for the training of general clinical physicists, both in the Radboudumc and in hospitals in the region.

He acquired, independently or with colleagues, a large number of grants from the Foundation for Technical Sciences (STW), NWO / ZonMw, the European Research Council and various national organizations. For his research he received, among other things, the prestigious Veni (2000), Vidi (2005) and Vici subsidy (2010).

As a co-supervisor, he has been involved in the doctoral research of 6 PhD students. At the beginning of 2016, he supervised 9 PhD students as supervisor. The number of scientific publications and (chapters in) books is 150.


  • full professor/hoofd MUSIC


  • 1981-1987 Secondary school (Atheneum beta, Christian Lyceum, Zeist)
  • 1987-1993 University (Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology)
  • 1999 PhD (Erasmus University Rotterdam). Promotor: Prof. Ir. N. Bomb. Copromotor: dr. Ir. A.F.W. van der Steen. Title thesis: Intravascular Ultrasound Elastography
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  • 1981-1987 Secondary school (Atheneum beta, Christian Lyceum, Zeist)
  • 1987-1993 University (Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology)
  • 1999 PhD (Erasmus University Rotterdam). Promotor: Prof. Ir. N. Bomb. Copromotor: dr. Ir. A.F.W. van der Steen. Title thesis: Intravascular Ultrasound Elastography
  • 2003-2007 Education to clinical physicist (Radboudumc, Nijmegen) Trainer: D.F. Stegeman

Additional Functions

  • Organizer of the 3th International Conference on Ultrasound Biomedical Microscanning in Westkapelle (2002)
  • Exhibit / sponsor chair of the IEEE 2005 Ultrasonics International Symposium in Rotterdam
  • Member of the International Scientific Committee EUROSON Conferences (2006-?) Member of the NWO VENI-TW committee (2008)
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Additional Functions

  • Organizer of the 3th International Conference on Ultrasound Biomedical Microscanning in Westkapelle (2002)
  • Exhibit / sponsor chair of the IEEE 2005 Ultrasonics International Symposium in Rotterdam
  • Member of the International Scientific Committee EUROSON Conferences (2006-?) Member of the NWO VENI-TW committee (2008)
  • Member of the Technical Program Committee of the IEEE Ultrasonics Conferences (2009-?)
  • Organizer of 8th International Conference on Ultrasonic Measurement and Imaging of Tissue Elasticity in Vlissingen (2010)
  • Treasurer of the Vereniging voor Vernieuwingsimpuls Onderzoekers (VVViO) (2010-2014)
  • Chairman of the Overleg Klinisch Fysici (OKF) - Consultation Clinical Physicists - of Radboudumc (2010-?)
  • Chairman of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Medisch Ultrageluid (NVMU) / Dutch Association for Medical Ultrasound (2011-?)
  • Jury member of the Stichting Technische Wetenschappen (STW) - Foundation for Technical Sciences - Open Technology program (2014)
  • Associate editor of IEEE Transactions UFFC and Journal of Medical Ultrasonics
  • Editorial board of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology and British Medical Ultrasound Journal