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NLP Text Classification to Reveal the Meaning in Your Data

Get precise, consistent and transparent results with automated and assisted text classification processes.

Benefits of Text Classification

Process content and extract information using model-generated rulebases, NLP, ML, and fact extraction to get the best of both worlds – precise and consistent results with the ease of automation.

Classification & Language Services

Classify and derive metadata values from any content management, enterprise search, workflow engine, or business application.

Classification Review Tool

Identify inconsistencies, anomalies, and opportunities to refine models or classification strategies.

Classification Analysis Tool & Document Analyzer

Get explainable classification results that let you make rule and model changes to increase precision.

"Powerful, flexible product, especially for transparent AI classification."

Knowledge Management Specialist

Public Sector/Government

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Put Information in Context for Better Decisions

Use all your complex data and deliver information in context to support your business.