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Metadata Management Automation Platform to Give Context to Data

Harmonize, extract, and create metadata to interpret, filter, and connect your complex data. And, manage data and metadata in a single platform so you can make insightful decisions—faster.

Benefits of Metadata Management

The MarkLogic data platform—with integrated Semaphore semantic AI technology—reveals and applies a holistic and complete approach to enterprise data management and enables strategic data initiatives to support business growth.

What Is Metadata?

Metadata is valuable data that encodes what we know about our data. Different types of metadata meet the needs of different business units and job functions.

Coupling data with its metadata allows you to interpret any and all data, placing it in context to its meaning, state, use, and audience.

Watch the video Metadata: What, Why, and How
What Is Metadata

“Very unique AI-based metadata management solution which helped us to transform data into knowledge to increase growth and reduce risk.”

Analytics Manager

Financial Services

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Put Information in Context

Make your data better, more consumable, and more trusted by coupling data and metadata together in a single platform.