About Us PoliticusUSA

Welcome to PoliticusUSA. No think tank investments, no venture capitalism money, no consolidated corporate mindset, no billionaire board — NO AGENDA, other than a belief in the importance of good government and informing The People of the policies and news that matters for their lives.

Who we are: PoliticusUSA is a digital publishing site offering independent, center-left news, commentary, and opinion without fear or favor focused on democracy and human rights. We are corporate-free. PoliticusUSA is minority owned and operated by Jason Easley, who was born with cerebral palsy, and Sarah Jones.

PoliticusUSA is not affiliated with any political party or organization. We are not funded by anyone other than the ads on our site and reader contributions.

We believe transparency is vital in all political news, and so we have no SuperPAC and take no money from anyone other than reader contributions, and subscriptions to our Substack newsletter The Daily.

PoliticusUSA is fiercely independent political news and analysis. Jason started PoliticusUSA in 2009 while he laid in a hospital bed and with Sarah joining in 2010, it grew 100% organically into a top 5,000 website in the world.

Both Jason and Sarah were honored to eventually become White House press and Congressional credentialed journalists and appreciative of the ADA accommodations made for Jason by many, including the Obama White House and CAP. (This is not a given even though it should be, and can be an obstacle for people with disabilities doing live, in-person coverage.)

Our first and only responsibility is to The People.

Jason Easley: Founder/Co-Publisher

Jason Easley is the Managing Editor and Senior White House & Congressional correspondent for PoliticusUSA.

Jason is a member of The Society of Professional Journalists.

Pi Sigma Alpha (The National Political Science Honor Society)

Member: The American Political Science Association

His analysis has been quoted/referenced by hundreds of publications and outlets including the BBC, Esquire, and MSNBC’s The Maddow Blog.

Jason has been featured as a guest on the BBC, SiriusXM Progress and progressive talk radio stations across the United States. Easley also co-hosts Politicus Radio with Sarah Jones. His reporting has been featured on the Thom Hartmann Show. The Bill Press Show, The Ed Schultz Show, and The Randi Rhodes Show, and Jason Easley’s work has been discussed by Rush Limbaugh on his radio program.

Previously, he was the politics editor at 411mania.com and contributor to the Blogger News Network.

Jason is a graduate of Indiana University of Pennsylvania’s Political Science program with a specialization in public administration.

Follow Jason on Twitter here.

Sarah Jones: Editor-In-Chief/Co-Publisher

Sarah writes editorials, opinion and analysis. She was previously a Senior White House correspondent for PoliticusUSA, a Huffington Post contributor, a TV producer and host for PBS, producer for Extra!, TruTV, Court TV and more, an anchor for the military news, and worked on A-list Hollywood films.

She has been credentialed to cover President Barack Obama, then Vice President Joe Biden, 2016 Democratic candidate for president Hillary Clinton, and exclusively interviewed Speaker Nancy Pelosi multiple times and exclusively covered her first home appearance after the first impeachment of then President Donald Trump.

Her analysis has been featured on several national radio, television news programs and talk shows, and print outlets including Stateside with David Schuster, regular appearances on the nationally syndicated Leslie Marshall show Deadline DC with Brad Bannon, The Washington Post, The Atlantic Wire, CNN, MSNBC, The Week, The Hollywood Reporter, The Richard Dawkins Foundation and more.

Sarah is two-time Telly award winning video producer and a member of the Society of Professional Journalists.

She graduated Magna Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa with a major in Psychology and minor in Latin. Sarah took graduate classes in Latin poetry and the Psychology of Linguistics. She spends her free time cursing her ballet instructor, hiking with her dog, and trying to relax in the age of seeming relentless attacks on democracy.

Follow Sarah on Twitter here.

Our mission: We believe first and foremost in a responsive, transparent government that works for The People. Because this ideal form of democracy is always in peril by powerful entities, it’s imperative for The People to understand the news and have context for it, so that they can make decisions that are best for their lives.

We believe in a government of and by the people, rather than of and by the corporations. A current threat to this is the fact that our major media is now run by basically 6 corporations.

“If by a ‘Liberal’ they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people-their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties-someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a ‘Liberal,’ then I’m proud to say I’m a Liberal.”~J.F.K.


Logo and branding concepts: La Artista Designs, Los Angeles

Please direct editorial questions to: JasonEasley at PoliticusUSA.com.

Copyright PoliticusUSA LLC 2008-2023