Unit 42 Threat Intelligence Sharing Partnerships

We maintain robust threat intelligence sharing partnerships with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the Cyber Threat Alliance, or CTA (of which we’re a founding member), the intelligence community and international law enforcement and government agencies.

We’re committed to sharing threat intelligence

As a global security leader, we have insight into attacks occurring across every industry and all around the world. Unit 42® team has a deep, long-standing commitment to partnering with responsible governments and international intelligence communities around the globe sharing threat intelligence on emerging threats long before the world is aware of them.


Information sharing to information enabling

As vulnerabilities at the scale of Log4Shell threaten organizations around the globe, it’s more important than ever to create and build on initiatives that allow us to share information and transform it into actionable recommendations that help organizations defend against today’s cyberthreats.


Discover actionable threat intelligence

Our threat intelligence experts uncover indicators of compromise or insights into active attacks and threat actors.


Share with trusted partners

We share our findings with trusted partners in industry, government and law enforcement to support the response to the threat.


Cybersecurity community protects users

Organizations apply key insights to products, incident response efforts and law enforcement investigations.

Threat Intelligence

Unit 42 Threat Intelligence Sharing

Learn how Unit 42 is working with government and industry partners to improve global response to cyberthreats.


Supporting government and industry response to cyber incidents

Threat intelligence is most powerful when openly shared for the good of everyone. We share threat intelligence with trusted partners and take pride in how our experts and engineers apply that information to help our customers.

Palo Alto Networks is a founding member of the CTA.

Related resources


The Cyber Threat Alliance: Sharing Threat Intelligence for Five Years


Operation Falcon II: Unit 42 Helps INTERPOL Identify Nigerian Business Email Compromise Ring Members.


Cyber Operational Collaboration Is Key for the “Next Log4j” Response


Intelligence – shared and applied

Our consultants apply shared threat intelligence to help assess and test your security controls against the right threats, transform your security strategy with an intelligence-informed approach and respond to incidents in record time.