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How To Look As Soul-Scorchingly Hot as Rebecca Ferguson In 'Doctor Sleep'

By Kristy Puchko | Film | November 11, 2019 |

By Kristy Puchko | Film | November 11, 2019 |


This weekend, horror auteur Mike Flanagan showed audiences his ambitious adaptation of Stephen King’s Doctor Sleep, the long-awaited sequel to both King’s novel and Stanley Kubrick’s controversial adaptation of The Shining. It was a herculean task, which Tori explored in her review and a spoiler piece about the film’s finale. Now it’s time to answer the question that’s been haunting audiences since they first set eyes on the film’s merciless antagonist Rose The Hat: How do I shop this look?

Rebecca Ferguson brings magic, menace, and steam all her own as the devilishly seductive Rose The Hat, whose style is a blend of bohemian chill, ’60s rocker, and turn-of-the-century street magician. We’ve hunted down the ways you can achieve it, too.

Spoilers below for Doctor Sleep

Casual Soul-Sucker Shirt
Never before has a denim shirt looked so good. Rose wears an oversized shirt that drapes divinely over slim shoulders and down her chest, but then, she knots it about her hips, drawing focus to the mesmerizing sway of her hips. You bring all the baseball boys to the yard with this American Eagle blouse.

Meditation Sweater
When Rose is astral projecting in search of steam, she likes to keep things cozy. In one such scene, she sports an oversized grey sweater that hangs with an ease and elegance that makes you want to follow her into the woods forever. A similar sweater is now on sale at Old Navy. But to make it truly Rose-worthy, we’d recommend exposing it to some campfire smoke and letting it sit in the wilderness for a century or two to get that perfect worn-in vibe.

Doctor Sleep Rose The Hat - skirt.png

Sacrifice Skirt and Vintage T
Ritualistic murder is a bloody business. Best to wear something that allows you to go with the flow while hiding stains well. What better than a dark vintage tee with a visibly soft feel and a printed peasant skirt? H&M is always good for inexpensive faux-vintage, like this loose-fitting AC/DC option. Then, Roselinlin has got bold print skirts that’d be perfect for hiding blood spatter.

Overlook Jeans
When facing down a powerful prodigy, it’s important to dress to move. Rose sensibly favors some straight-leg jeans that work wherever she might go. Whether she’s strutting down the halls of the Overlook, tromping through the icy paths of a hedge maze, or stomping down a runway, she’s ready for anything. (Well, almost.) Everlane’s high-waisted option would be well-paired with the above denim top, and the “washed black” option gives the vibe of long nights spent digging fresh graves.


Climax Coat
Got to keep that steam warm, even when in the icy Colorado mountains. Rose wraps up in a chic cardigan duster, its warm brown hue complementing her sun-touched complexion and dark hair. You can heat things up with this Forever 21 number, which promises to keep you looking youthful through long winters.


Shiny Baubles Perfect For Scaring Kiddos
Don’t forget the details. Rose the Hat loves a bangle bracelet and a chunky ring. Having traversed unknown eras, she’s likely got some antique pieces in the mix. If you’re not up for estate sales or graverobbing, try Etsy. You can go swanky with a vintage citrine ring or funky with a bit of costume jewelry. As for bangles, follow Rose’s lead and mix and match metals until your black heart is content.

Braids That Say I’m A Cool Murderer
Let’s assume you have Rebecca Ferguson-level hair, both in length, deep brunette shade, and an inviting texture that practically begs to have beads and bits knit into it. Great! Now all you need is some bits and assistance. Scrounge around in your junk drawer or the bottom of your purse for odds and ends, a button, a rubber band, a broken zipper pull, or a forgotten subway token. Then get your favorite stoner friend to join you for a night of getting high and braiding hair. One of Rose’s fave things is smoking up and shotgunning hits with friends. By the end of the night, you’ll have a Rose the Hat fabulous rat’s nest!


The Hat
This is the tricky bit. You might think a top hat is a top hat is a top hat. But in Doctor Sleep, Rose The Hat’s signature piece is suitably distinctive. It’s shorter in height than your average top hat, almost low like a bowler. There’s a sense of wear and tear to it, as if it’s not just old but has seen some sh*t, like a leather jacket whose scuffs speak of experience and badassness. Buying a shiny new hat wouldn’t really do. You’re going to want to go vintage. Might we suggest this Etsy offering?

The Final Step
You’ve got the clothes, the accessories, the hair, and the hat, but there’s still something missing. How does one achieve the dark sensuality and intoxicating charisma or Rose The Hat? It’s more than attitude. It’s more than swagger. It’s steam. This means the final step to being as soul-scorchingly hot as Rose The Hat is murdering Jacob Tremblay.

Happy hunting, fashionistas!

NOTICE: Pajiba does not condone or endorse the murder of Jacob Tremblay.