
  • The `FetchRequest` class is a utility class designed to simplify sending `Fetch` requests in a web application. It provides a simple interface for making HTTP requests and handling actions before and after the request is sent.

    published 1.3.25 a month ago
  • The `Utils` class is a comprehensive JavaScript utility library that provides a wide range of functions to enhance the development of web applications. This library offers a variety of features, including audio element creation, HTML element manipulation,

    published 1.2.21 3 months ago
  • The `ProgressForm` class provides a way to create a multi-step form with a progress bar. The form is divided into multiple fieldsets, and the user can navigate between the fieldsets using the "Next" and "Previous" buttons. The progress bar indicates the u

    published 1.4.21 3 months ago
  • Flash is a lightweight, easy-to-use library for displaying Flash messages in your web application. It provides a simple API for creating and displaying Flash messages, and it comes with a variety of built-in templates that you can use to customize the loo

    published 1.1.15 4 months ago
  • `TempData` is a JavaScript utility class that allows you to store data temporarily in the browser using indexed databases. This approach is very convenient, for example, if you want to create temporary data to submit to the server later, or if you plan to

    published 1.2.9 3 months ago
  • The `Animation` is a class that provides a set of functions for handling animations on HTML elements. These functions include:

    published 1.0.1 4 months ago
  • The Transformer library provides a comprehensive set of tools for transforming data between various formats, including base64 strings, Uint8Arrays, Blobs, and File objects. It also includes a FormDataTransformer class for converting between FormData objec

    published 1.0.2 4 months ago
  • The `TempDataBackend` class is a JavaScript class that provides methods for persisting data to a server and saving form data to a server. It uses the `FetchRequest` and `TempData` classes to perform these tasks.

    published 1.1.3 4 months ago