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Countermeasures That Work

A Highway Safety Countermeasure Guide for State Highway Safety Offices

11th Edition, 2023

Countermeasures That Work is intended to be a reference guide for State Highway Safety Offices to help select effective, science-based traffic safety countermeasures to address highway safety problem areas in their States. 

While this is the 11th edition of this guide, this is the first digital version where you can easily save information and countermeasures that you feel are most relevant.

How to Navigate This Digital Book

About This Guide

The guide provides an overview for readers to familiarize themselves with the behavioral strategies and countermeasures in each topic area and provides resources for a deeper look at the topic. The guide is not intended to be a comprehensive list of countermeasures available for State use or a list of expectations for SHSO implementation.

What's Included & Not Included & New

Understanding This Guide

All countermeasures included in this guide aim to change human behavior in some way. Therefore, it is critical for SHSOs and others who use this guide to have a basic understanding of the science of human behavior.

Understanding Human Behavior

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