Josh Hammer
Newsweek Senior Editor-at-Large And Host,
"The Josh Hammer Show"

Greetings from the nation's capital. I hope everyone had a relaxing and meaningful long weekend celebrating our great nation's independence!

The overwhelming focus of our national conversation continues to be the massive, high-stakes game of "chicken" now playing out between the corporate media and the Democratic Party establishment over the fate of Joe Biden's presidency and candidacy. Thus far, those on the Left desperately seeking to oust Biden have gained a number of key converts to their cause—including some decently high-profile ones, such as Congressman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.). But those seeking to force Biden out are desperately running out of time—and as I discussed last week with FEC Commissioner Trey Trainor, they face tremendous (and likely-insurmountable) logistical obstacles as well.

Check out my most recent radio episode of "The Josh Hammer Show," which explored this dynamic at length. (Additional episodes since our last newsletter include interviews with former Democratic Capitol Hill staffer Julian Epstein and Congressman Mike Kelly (R-Pa.).) My most recent column honed in on the massive gaslighting operation and cover-up that Biden's handlers and corporate media apologists have now been engaged in for years. It's a real fiery one: Go ahead and check it out. You won't be disappointed.

To keep up with everything I'm doing and all my various media hits, make sure to follow me on Twitter/X, Instagram, and Facebook. I am currently in Washington, D.C. for the National Conservatism Conference, which I spoke at yesterday. I am also speaking in Virginia tomorrow at Young America's Foundation's (YAF) National High School Leadership Conference. I will return to the nation's capital later this month for YAF's additional National Conservative Student Conference.

You can listen to all episodes of "The Josh Hammer Show" at the Newsweek website or on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. (We're also on the radio in multiple markets!) I also have a second show, "America on Trial with Josh Hammer," with The First; you can subscribe and listen to the show on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Make sure to subscribe to both shows and leave your reviews! Make sure to also check out my new Subtext chat, which you can read all about and sign up for here. It's only $2.99/month to subscribe to this private chat.

Our highlighted Newsweek op-eds from the past week includes selections from Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Clare Morell, John A. Burtka, Gordon G. Chang, and Ilya Shapiro.

We'll see you next week!

They Lied to You

Lying is certainly nothing new in politics. It is said that prostitution is the world's oldest profession, but politics is assuredly the dirtiest—filthier even than garbageman, mortician or, well, the world's oldest profession itself.

Former President Bill Clinton (while we're on the topic of sexual promiscuity) perjured himself, leading to his impeachment. Former President Barack Obama, in what PolitiFact called its 2013 "Lie of the Year," promised that "if you like your health care plan, you can keep it." And on and on it goes.

The corporate media, whose 21st-century raison d'être is propping up the Regime Party (Democrats) and punishing the Deplorable Party (Republicans), often joins the fray. The Russia-collusion delusion disinformation operation was laundered by Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign to seedy "intelligence" firm Fusion GPS and law firm Perkins Coie LLP. For years, the corporate media then dutifully pushed the false narrative. Indeed, it is unclear to this day whether MSNBC has ever read the Mueller report.

Listen to the latest episode of
The Josh Hammer Show Here

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