The settlement price determined by the contract specifications

Contract name Code Settlement price
RTS Index RTS Settlement price shall be equal to the average value of the Index for the period from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm MSK of the last trading day multiplied by 100.
MICEX Index (mini) MXI Settlement price shall be equal to the average value of the Index calculated during the period from 15:00 to 16:00 of the last trading day
RTS Index (mini) RTSM
Russian Volatility Index RVI Settlement price shall be equal to the arithmetic mean value calculated on the contract settlement day between 2:03:15 PM until 6:00:00 PM in accordance with the formula in the Specifications
Oil & Gas Index OGI Settlement Price shall be deemed to be equal to the average value of the relevant Sector Index for the period from 15:00 to 16:00 MSK on the last trading day
Financials Index FNI
Metals & Mining Index MMI
Consumer & Retail Index CNI
Moscow Real Estate DomClick Index Futures HOME Settlement Price shall be deemed to be equal to the last value of the Moscow Real Estate DomClik Index published on the Moscow Exchange website divided by 10
RGBI Index Futures RGBI Settlement Price shall be deemed to be equal to the closing value of the RGBI for the preceding trading day, multiplied by 100
MOEX Index IPO IPO Settlement Price shall be equal to the average value of the IPO Moscow Exchange Index for the period from 15:00 to 16:00 Moscow time on the last day of the conclusion of the Contract
SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust SPYF The settlement price of the Contract shall be deemed to be equal to the net asset value (NAV) of the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust share published by CBbonds or Interfax for the day prior to the final settlement date, rounded to two decimal places.
Invesco QQQ ETF Trust Unit Series 1 NASD The settlement price of the Contract shall be deemed to be equal to the net asset value (NAV) of the Invesco QQQ ETF Trust Unit Series 1 published by Interfax for the day preceding the settlement day, rounded to two decimal places, multiplied by 41
Tracker Fund of Hong Kong ETF HANG The settlement price of the Contract is considered equal to the net value (NAV) of the Tracker Fund of Hong Kong ETF Investment Unit, which is published by the Interfax news agency for the day preceding the date of execution, rounded to the nearest two decimal places, multiplied by 1000
iShares Core EURO STOXX 50 UCITS ETF EUR (Dist) STOX The settlement price of the Contract shall be deemed equal to the Net Value (NAV) of the iShares Core EURO STOXX 50 UCITS ETF EUR Investment Unit (Dist), which is published by the Interfax news agency for the day preceding the execution day, rounded to the nearest two decimal places, multiplied by 100
iShares Core DAX UCITS ETF (DE) DAX The settlement price of the Contract is considered equal to the Net Value (NAV) of the iShares Core DAX UCITS ETF (DE) Investment Unit, which is published by the Interfax news agency for the day preceding the date of execution, rounded to the nearest two decimal places, multiplied by 100
iShares Core Nikkei 225 ETF NIKK The settlement price of the Contract is considered equal to the net value (NAV) of the iShares Core Nikkei 225 ETF Investment Unit, which is published by the Interfax news agency for the day preceding the date of execution, rounded to the nearest two decimal places
iShares Russell 2000 ETF R2000 The settlement price of the Contract is considered equal to the net value (NAV) of the iShares Russell 2000 ETF Investment Unit, which is published by CBbonds news agency for the day preceding the date of execution, rounded to the nearest two decimal places
DJ Industrial Average ETF Trust DJ30 The settlement price of the Contract is considered equal to the net value (NAV) of the SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF Trust Investment Unit, which is published by CBbonds news agency for the day preceding the date of execution, rounded to the nearest two decimal places  
ADR on shares Alibaba Group Holding Limited ALIBABA The settlement price of the Contract is considered to be equal to the value of the closing price of the depositary receipt for Alibaba Group Holding Limited shares, determined at the organized auction of the primary listing site of the underlying asset, for the day preceding the execution day
ADR on shares Baidu Inc. BAIDU The settlement price of the Contract is considered to be equal to the value of the closing price of the depositary receipt for shares of Baidu Inc., determined at organized auctions of the primary listing site of the underlying asset, for the day preceding the execution day
Money Market
USD/RUB exchange rate Si Settlement price is defined as the FX ruble fixing value multiplied by the Contract Lot value rounded off to the nearest integer in accordance with the mathematical rounding rules. The FX ruble fixing is calculated in accordance with the Exchange's Methodology 
EUR/RUB exchange rate Eu
CNY/RUB exchange rate CNY Settlement price shall be defined as the value of fixing the corresponding foreign currency to the Russian ruble, determined on the day of execution of the Contract in accordance with the Exchange's Methodology 
TRY /RUB exchange rate TRY
HKD /RUB exchange rate HKD
BYN /RUB exchange rate BYN
AED /RUB exchange rate AED Settlement price shall be defined as the value of the exchange rate per unit of the corresponding currency set by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the day of execution
INR /RUB exchange rate INR
KZT /RUB exchange rate KZT Settlement price shall be defined as the value of the exchange rate for 100 units of the corresponding currency set by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the day of execution
AMD /RUB exchange rate AMD
EUR/USD exchange rate ED The value of the Euro Exchange Rate calculated by PJSC Moscow Exchange (fixing EURUSDFIXME) at 12:30 Moscow time on the day of Contract execution, expressed in US dollars for 1 euro, is accepted as the Contract execution price.
GBP/USD exchange rate GBPU Settlement price shall be defined as the value of the respective currency exchange rate expressed in USD per 1 (one) currency unit, published by Thomson Reuters and ICAP in the Thomson terminal at the FXFIX page at 11:00 AM GMT+1 (London time)
AUD/USD exchange rate AUDU
USD/JPY exchange rate UJPY Settlement price shall be defined as the value of USD exchange rate expressed in the respective currency per 1 (one) USD published by Thomson Reuters and ICAP in the Thomson terminal at the FXFIX page at 11:00 AM GMT+1 (London time)  
USD/CHF exchange rate UCHF
USD/CAD exchange rate UCAD
USD/TRY exchange rate UTRY Settlement price shall be defined as the value of USD against TRY exchange rate expressed in TRY per 1 (one) USD published by Thomson Reuters in the Thomson terminal at the CBTATRY page at 3:30 PM (Turkish time)  
USD/CNY exchange rate UCNY Settlement price shall be equal to the value of the US dollar against a foreign currency, expressed in the corresponding foreign currency for 1 US dollar, published by Thomson Reuters/Thomson Reuters terminal on the USDINRREF=FBIL page/ Bloomberg terminal on the USDINR INDEX page at 12:30 Moscow time
USD/KZT exchange rate UKZT The execution price is assumed to be equal to the fixing value of USDKZTFIXME for 100 KZT, determined at 12:30 Moscow time on the day of execution of the Contract
EUR/GBP exchange rate EGBP Settlement price shall be equal to the value of the euro to foreign currency exchange rate, expressed in the corresponding foreign currency for 1 (one) euro, published by the Source of Information as of the time of publication of the euro to foreign currency exchange rate on the day of execution
EUR/CAD exchange rate ECAD
EUR/JPY exchange rate EJPY
RUONIA Rate RUON Settlement price shall be defined in the course of the last date for the Contract to trade after the Rate is published on the website of the Bank of Russia using the formula below:

Sp-settlement price, % per year;
RUONIAi – the Rate value calculated by results of the i-th calendar day of the Settlement month (if the Rate value has not been calculated on the i-th calendar day, it shall be equal to the immediate preceding calculated value);
i-the calendar day in the settlement month;
T-number of calendar days in the settlement month.
RUSFAR 1MFR Settlement price of the Contract is determined on the settlement day according to the following formula:

Ps The Contract’s settlement price in percent;
RUSFARi The Rate value calculated on the ith calendar day of the settlement month (if the Rate is not to be calculated on that day or has not been calculated, it is set to equal its last available value);
i The number of the calendar day in the settlement month;
T The number of calendar days in the settlement month.
BRENT Crude Oil BR Settlement price shall be equal to the ICE Brent Index value published at on the contract settlement day
Light Sweet Crude Oil CL Settlement price shall be equal to the value of the settlement Price of the corresponding Light Sweet Crude Oil Futures, which is determined by the NYMEX exchange and published on the CME Group website at on the last trading day preceding the day of execution of the corresponding Light Sweet Crude Oil Futures.
Gold GOLD Settlement price shall be equal to the precious metal morning fixing's value set in US dollars per 1 (one) fine troy ounce on the contract settlement day by the Information Source and displayed on the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) website at
Silver SILV
Platinum PLT
Palladium PLD
Gold GL Settlement price shall be equal to the value of the Index of the Moscow Exchange of Refined gold, determined on the day of execution of the Contract in accordance with the Methodology for calculating the Index of the Moscow Exchange of Refined Gold
Sugar SUGR Contract's settlement price shall be calculated using the formula below:
SPf = SPice *  К1 * К2,
SPf – the Contract's final settlement price;
SPice – the settlement price of the sugar No. 11 futures contract (contract's code SB) that trades on the Intercontinental Exchange (hereinafter the ICE)) and those settlement month coincides with the Contract's settlement month. Such settlement price shall be determined on the last trading day of the sugar No. 11 futures contract on the ICE and denominated in US cents per one pound of the Commodity. This settlement price shall be displayed on ICE website at at:
К1 – a coefficient applied to convert pounds into kilograms. This coefficient equals 2.2046 (two and two thousand forty-six ten thousandths);
К2 – one hundredth of the US dollar at the USD/RUB exchange rate.
Copper Co Settlement price is set equal to the metals’ price in USD per one (1) ton, as determined by the London Metal Exchange (LME) on the day immediately preceding the Contract’s settlement day and delivered to the Exchange by the Data Source.
Aluminum ALMN
Zinc Zn
Nickel Nl
Natural Gas NG Settlement Price of the related Henry Hub Natural Gas Futures as set by NYMEX and published on CME Group website at on the last trade day preceding the settlement date of the related Henry Hub Natural Gas Futures.
Wheat Index WHEAT Settlement Price is considered equal to the arithmetic mean value of the Wheat Index on the terms of delivery of the Novorossiysk CPT for the calendar month preceding the day of execution of the Contract, (including the day of execution of the contract), rounded up to 1 ruble.
Sugar SUGAR Settlement Price is considered equal to the arithmetic mean value of the sugar index in the Central Federal District, calculated by JSC NTB in accordance with the Methodology for calculating the daily over-the-counter sugar index in the Central Federal District of JSC NTB, for 5 (Five) calendar days preceding the day of Contract execution, including the day of Contract execution, in which the calculation of the sugar index in the Central Federal District, rounded up with accuracy up to 1 ruble. The value of the sugar index in the Central Federal District for each day on which the sugar index in the Central Federal District was calculated during a calendar month is published on the website of JSC NTB.