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Topic on Project:Support desk

I just installed MediaWiki 1.42, and I get fatal error connecting to DB

Sir Berzerk (talkcontribs)

Original exception: [ac5e92b0d2f6ecce1f33f1a8] /index.php Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBConnectionError: Cannot access the database: Access denied for user 'wiki_user'@'' (using password: YES) (

It says the user is denied, but I used the same user that I installed with, and the installer had no trouble installing the tables.

Can someone explain why it can't connect to the DB? DB is remote, in the same network.

Sir Berzerk (talkcontribs)

I'm using mariadb also.

Sir Berzerk (talkcontribs)

Found out the cause, I needed to restart my php-fpm.