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Product Analytics

From mediawiki.org

The Wikimedia Foundation's Product Analytics team has nurtured data-informed decision-making in the Product department since February 2018.

We deliver quantitatively-based user insights to inform decision-making in support of Wikimedia's strategic direction toward service and equity.

We strive to provide guidance, insights, and data that are:
Ethical • Trusted • Impactful • Accessible • Inclusive • Inspired

What We Do


Product Analytics contributes to the Wikimedia Movement through our work with Product teams and departments across the Foundation.

Our responsibilities include:

  • Empowering others to make data-informed decisions through education and self-service analytics tools
  • Helping set and track goals that are achievable and measurable
  • Ensuring that Wikimedia products collect useful, high quality data without harming user privacy
  • Extracting insights through ad-hoc analyses and machine learning projects
  • Building dashboards and reports for tracking success and health metrics
  • Designing and analyzing experiments (A/B tests)
  • Developing tools and software for working with data, in collaboration with Data Engineering and Product teams.
  • Addressing data-related issues in collaboration with teams like Data Engineering, Security, and Legal

Who is on the team


Listed alphabetically by first name within each section

Product Analytics is part of the Research and Decision Science group, led by Kate Zimmerman, Senior Director of Decision Science.

Team Leadership


Team Members


Product Team Support


Each analyst is a point person for a team, project, or program. Our goals are to maintain context and domain knowledge while also allowing for flexibility in analyst work assignments. For more information about how we work with Product teams, see Working with Product Analytics.

Analyst FY23-24 Point person for…
Connie Structured Content


Irene Campaigns-Product

Trust and Safety Product (Incident Reporting System, limited capacity)

Wikipedia ChatGPT-plugin and other Future Audiences experiments

Jennifer Trust and Safety Product (IP Masking)


Krishna Chaitanya Language

Moderator Tools

Community-Tech (limited capacity)

Megan Editing

Abstract Wikipedia

Morten Growth

Metrics & Experimentation Platforms

Shay Wikimedia Apps

Teams that do not currently have an assigned point person are encouraged to submit requests through Phabricator. Depending on the team's capacity and organizational needs, we may also accept requests from others in the Wikimedia Foundation. The team reserves "10 percent time" to work on professional development.

How to get help with data or analysis


Teams that we currently support


Teams who we have committed to supporting this fiscal year (see section above) can file tasks in Phabricator and tag product-analytics. Please do not specify the priority yourself, the team has its own prioritization framework. Product Managers should let the analyst assigned to their team know about the task and whether it is urgent. The analyst will work with the Product Manager and the Product Analytics team manager to prioritize the new task relative to other tasks they are or will be working on.

When making a request for data or analysis/report please provide the following information:

What team/program is this request for?
This is not always clear just from your Phabricator username (especially if you're making the request on someone else's behalf) and not everyone adds their team's/program's tag to the task.
What are you requesting?
Describe your need, don't prescribe our approach. If you are aware of technical details which may be helpful to the analyst, feel free to share them, but please leave the process of figuring out the approach to the analyst.
What is the problem you're trying to solve?
This helps us understand the context / remind us of the context – “the why” of a request. This also helps us identify if the request as stated needs refinement to truly solve the problem.
What decision will you make or action will you take with the deliverable?
This improves our understanding of “the why” of a request and helps inform how we approach the task from start to finish. This also guards us against spending time creating something that goes unused or pulling numbers for numbers' sake.
Additional details
See section below for suggestions.

Additional request details


The following are some suggestions of additional details to include

  • If there is a different point of contact for the request, who is it?
  • If there will be a deliverable (e.g. a dataset, a report), what format would you like it in?
  • Please also include any examples, links to documentation, or other information that would be help us understand your request.
  • Is there a date after which the analysis will no longer be useful?
  • We use Phabricator to track our work, and by default tickets are publicly visible. If any part of your request is sensitive and should be kept confidential, let us know.



Other staff may refer to the Research and Decision Science request process on Office wiki for ad-hoc requests. We currently do not accept requests from people outside the Wikimedia Foundation.

Advice and consultations


Some questions may be suited to consultation hours hosted by everyone on the team. Analysts host weekly.

Project proposals and collaboration invitations


If you would like to talk with us about a large project (e.g. a potential annual plan project) or receiving long-term/dedicated support for your team or project, please contact the team manager.

How to contact us


Group mailing list: product-analytics@wikimedia.org

Team references


All sub-pages of Product Analytics
