Troubleshooting the LinkedIn Insight Tag

Last updated: 3 months ago

If your Insight Tag source status shows as Unverified, this means that we haven’t received signal from your Insight Tag. If you’re seeing Unverified as your source status: 

  • Check that your Insight Tag is set up correctly. A few common issues include: 

    • If you installed the tag yourself, make sure that you’ve copied the full code.  
    • Check to make sure you’ve used straight quotation marks instead of curly quotation marks when copying and pasting the tag. 
  • The source status will show as Unverified until there is traffic on your website. 

    • After you set up your Insight Tag, we recommend that you visit the page where you've implemented the LinkedIn Insight Tag. 
  • After someone visits your page, it may take up to 24 hours to see the status switch to Active.

If your tag is still not validating after 24 hours, please try these troubleshooting steps:

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