


Please refer to term Margin of this Glossary.


The outline of a vector shape between two vector points. Paths are vector lines made of a minimum of two points connected by a straight line segment.

  • They can be created by using the Line Tool  or tapping anywhere on the canvas with the Pen Tool  to create connected anchor points.
  • You select paths for editing with the Selection Tool in the Toolbar or by pressing P. A bounding box will appear around the entire path, activating the Quick Actions menus (available only on iPad or iPhone).
  • The Direct Selection (also called the Node Tool) can also be used to select instead the Bézier Nodes that compose your path.

We often refer to “paths” as any line (straight or curved) that links two nodes.

Pen Tool

A tool used for creating custom paths. You can find it inside the Toolbar (left side, fifth icon from the top) or by pressing the P  keyboard shortcut.

The Pen Tool allows you to create Bézier curves (also known as vector paths) that you can draw, curve, edit, and close. Their direction and angle are determined by the position of the node handles.

pencil tool Linearity curve screenshot

Read more:

How to create curves in Linearity Curve for iPad using the Pen Tool

Pencil Tool

A tool used to create freehand paths. You can find it inside the Toolbar (left side, fifth icon from the top) or by pressing the W  keyboard shortcut.

The Pencil Tool works like a freehand tool and allows you to create a vector path that follows the path of your hand. It can follow it precisely or with a more consistent line, depending on the Smoothness you set.

pencil tool Linearity curve screenshot

Read more:

How to draw curves in Linearity Curve for Mac using the Pencil Tool


Photobashing is a technique where you paint, blend, and merge 3D assets and photos into a new composition. The correct alignment lines of the assets and photos and the angle of light incidence are essential to creating a convincing final artwork.

The 3D assets will be rendered and exported as images from the 3D software and will be imported and blended with imported photos into an image editing software.

Some commonly used software applications for photo bashing are Photoshop, Inkscape, GIMP, Krita, XPaint, and many more.

Photo bashing was developed by concept artists, matte painting artists, and game environment artists to significantly speed up the creation of landscape or background visualizations. The technique can create matte paintings much faster than classic ones painted from scratch.

The difference between photoshopping, digital art and photobashing is that photoshopping alters an image but keeps the underlying structure intact. Photobashing composes and merges several images of different origins, like photography and 3D. Digital art on the contrary is created from scratch without the addition of outside imported images.

Pivot Point

The Pivot Point is the center of rotation of an object. This can be compared to a wheel that rotates around its own axis, the axis here is the Pivot Point of the wheel.

In graphical programs, the Pivot Point is generally located in the center of the object by default.

This can be seen when an object or a shape is selected, and the transform functions are activated. The bounding box will be automatically displayed with a small circle in the middle.

The circle indicates the Pivot Point of the object or shape.

In most graphics programs, the pivot can be shifted from the center of the bounding box to any place in the document.  It is normally sufficient to simply select the pivot point and then drag it to a new position.

The object will now rotate around the newly positioned Pivot Point.


The playhead refers to the control element that allows you to interactively navigate through the timeline of your animation in Linearity Move. It shows you where you are currently “located” in the timeline.

Pressing the Play button above the timeline will begin playback of your animation from the playhead’s current position. You can adjust the playhead’s position by dragging it, or by using the arrow buttons on either side of the Play button above the timeline.

Prompt (AI)

A prompt in AI refers to a set of instructions or questions provided to an AI system, usually a natural language processing (NLP) model, to generate a response or complete a task. The prompt sets the context for the AI system and guides its output by providing a clear objective. For example, a prompt for language generation may be "Generate a summary of this article" or "Write a story about a journey to space." The prompt is crucial in determining the type of response generated by the AI system, and the quality of the response often depends on the clarity and specificity of the prompt.

In image generation, a prompt is a set of instructions or descriptions provided to an AI system to generate an image. The prompt acts as a guide for the AI system, providing the context and objective for the image generation process.

In computer vision and AI, image generation is a task that involves creating new images based on input data. The input data can come in various forms, including textual descriptions, sketches, or existing images. The AI system then generates an image that corresponds to the input data. The quality of the generated image often depends on the clarity and specificity of the prompt. For example, a prompt such as "Generate an image of a cat" may result in various images, ranging from realistic to stylized depictions of cats. On the other hand, a prompt such as "Generate an image of a black and white cat with green eyes sitting on a windowsill" provides much more specific information and is likely to result in a more accurate and consistent image.

Prompts can be used in various image generation applications, such as creating custom artwork, generating new images for machine learning models, and improving the accuracy of existing AI systems. The prompt plays a crucial role in the image generation process, providing direction and context for the AI system to generate high-quality images.

Read more:

The 9 best AI art generators available in 2023

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