How to Create Custom Slack Emoji

Customize your Slack channel with fun custom emoji

Slack is one of the most popular collaboration tools for teams. It allows seamless and instant communication and project management with a wide range of customization features. One of those features is the ability to create custom Slack emojis.

Why Create Custom Slack Emoji?

The emoji already inside Slack are often used for fun and also function. For example, you might use the black check mark or thumbs up to react to a Slack message, or you might use an emoji as a status marker for projects.

Creating custom emoji takes this fun and function to another level. For example, you can upload your team member's photos as emoji to mark tasks for specific individuals, or you can create branded emoji for fun. In either case, it's hard to resist adding emoji to Slack.

How to Create Custom Slack Emojis

First things first, you must have a Slack account and a Slack workspace. You must also have specific permissions set by the organization owner or admin for your Slack workspace.

You currently can't add custom emoji from the Slack mobile app. You must have the desktop version.

Once you log in or open your Slack workspace, you're good to go.

  1. Inside Slack, select the smiley face icon next to the message field to open the emoji picker.

    Slack with the smiley face next to the message field highlighted
  2. Select Add Emoji at the bottom of the emoji picker screen.

    Emoji picker screen with Add Emoji highlighted
  3. Select Custom Emoji in the screen that pops up.

    Add emoji popup menu with Custom emoji highlighted
  4. Select Upload Image and select the image you want to use for your custom emoji.

    Upload image highlighted in the Add custom emoji window

    Pay attention to file size requirements to choose the best image for your emoji. A blurry emoji isn't functional or fun.

  5. In the same screen, give your emoji a name. Slack uses a colon before and after the name to signify an emoji. Select Save to save your custom emoji.

    Name field for a custom emoji in Slack

    Make sure you name your emoji something you can remember. This makes it easy to select your emoji by typing :emoji name:

How to Find Custom Emojis in Slack

Now, where do you find your custom emojis? It's easy.

  1. In your workspace, select the smiley face icon again to open the emoji picker.

    Slack with the smiley face next to the message field highlighted
  2. To the right of the emoji picker, select the Slack logo.

    The Slack logo highlighted at the top-right corner of the Emoji picker
  3. Search for an emoji by entering a category in the search bar or scroll through the emoji. Select the emoji you want to use to enter it into your message.

    Again, you can also type a colon before and after the name you gave your emoji, without spaces, to insert it into your message quickly. This bypasses the need to open the emoji picker.

How to Delete a Custom Emoji

Don't like the emoji you created? Need to delete an emoji? You can do so quickly through Slack.

  1. In your workspace, select the name of your workspace from the top left corner of your screen.

  2. Next, select Administration > Customize [workspace name] to open a desktop window.

  3. Select the X next to the emoji you want to delete and then select Delete Emoji.

    Customize Your Workspace screen with removing a custom emoji illustrated
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