How to Fix 'Active Directory Domain Services' Error In Windows

Troubleshoot this common printer error using these tips

Some of the many benefits of modern technology include the ability to compose or download documents and print those documents from the comfort of your home. However, you may find that when you collect the document, you receive a printer error that states, "The Active Directory Domain Services Is Currently Unavailable."

Instructions in this article apply to Windows 10, Windows 8, and Windows 7.

A person breaking a printer with a sledgehammer.
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Causes of the Windows Active Directory Domain Error in Windows

The Active Directory Domain Services Is Currently Unavailable error means that a computer system can't find or connect to the printer. The error halts the printing process and doesn't allow the command to go through.

The Active Directory Domain Services are the core functions that allow a computer to authorize and authenticate commands and directions. For example, the Active Directory allows a computer to confirm that the password entered to access it is correct and determine if the user has administrative privileges. It also allows a computer to store and manage data, and connect with external devices such as wireless routers and printers.

How to Fix the Windows Active Directory Domain Error

When you experience a printer error that states, "The Active Directory Domain Services Is Currently Unavailable," this usually indicates an issue with the device's drivers or a problem with permissions. Start with the easiest and most likely fixes first, then move onto the in-depth ideas to try.

  1. Restart the computer. This step is the first (and easiest) option to try. If there are still issues, there could be an issue with the wireless router. Reboot the wireless router to reset the connection to see if that might be the fix.

  2. Install the latest Windows updates. If your version of Windows is out of date, it could cause printing issues. If this clears up the matter and you haven't already, change the Windows Update settings to turn on Windows automatic updates, which might prevent this issue from happening in the future.

  3. Update Microsoft Office apps. Microsoft Office programs, such as Word and Outlook, need to be regularly updated to avoid printing errors. Set up automatic updates for the future.

  4. Enable file and printer sharing. Not all users have the same level of security access to devices like printers. If a lack of access is the issue, ensure that you have access to the device. Once printer sharing is enabled, try again to see if the error clears.

  5. Restart the print spooler. The spooler is a built-in software program that allows Windows users to control and manage print jobs sent to the printer. This program is typically visible in the Windows Taskbar. It gives the ability to cancel or reset print jobs that are processing. Restarting the spooler can usually help resolve any Active Domain Directory Services issues.

  6. Add the printer to the computer manually. Since most printers automatically connect and update, taking a manual approach can help ensure that everything is installed correctly.

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