
Our Vision

A more enlightened and connected future created through knowledge.

Our Mission

Cornell University Library fosters inquiry, enables scholarship, and preserves knowledge through innovative services, inclusive spaces, and outstanding collections.

Our Values

The greater good

We advance the principles of democracy, justice, and inclusion, and we promote intellectual freedom by empowering discovery through the broadest possible access to information. 

Human-centered approach

We respect the whole person. We build services, including collections, centered on the needs of our current and future users. We foster a healthy workplace by promoting engagement and growth for all. 


We seek bold solutions. We are collaborative, agile, and committed to continuous improvement. 


We earn trust by consistently putting our words into action and through responsible stewardship of university resources. 

Sustainable practices

We act intentionally as One Library and in concert with the University and the broader library and academic communities. 

June 2024