KSL Outdoor Weather Planner

Historical Weather Data for July 21
Average high temperature during the last 30 years
91° F
Average low temperature during the last 30 years
64° F
Chance measureable precipitation will occur (for the
24 hour period. For any 6 hr. period, chances are about 1/2 that shown)
Time sun is first seen in east if there were no mountains.
(the sky gets light about 25 minutes before this.)
6:14 AM
Time sun is last seen in west if there were no mountains.
(the sky stays light about 25 minutes after this.)
8:54 PM
Average Temperatures
1:00 am
73° F
2:00 am
72° F
3:00 am
71° F
4:00 am
70° F
5:00 am
69° F
6:00 am
68° F
7:00 am
64° F
8:00 am
68° F
9:00 am
72° F
10:00 am
76° F
11:00 am
79° F
12:00 pm
82° F
1:00 pm
85° F
2:00 pm
87° F
3:00 pm
88° F
4:00 pm
89° F
5:00 pm
90° F
6:00 pm
91° F
7:00 pm
89° F
8:00 pm
88° F
9:00 pm
85° F
10:00 pm
79° F
11:00 pm
77° F
12:00 pm
75° F
This Day in Weather History: July 21
In 1934, a boy drowned during a flash flood in Salina. In 1943, a downpour in Nephi dropped 2" of rain in a short period of time. Water rushing out of Salt Creek Canyon was 2 feet deep in places. In 1987, golf-ball size hail hit Provo and Springville. Dozens of people were injured and numerous cars were damaged. In 1998, pea-sized hail and 1.13 inches of rain fell at Zion National Park which triggered a flash flood. State Route 9 was closed for 4 hours and the Virgin River rose 3 feet in 15 minutes.