Option Strike Prices: How It Works, Definition, and Example

What Is a Strike Price?

Long options contracts are derivatives that give the holders the right but not the obligation to buy or sell an underlying security at some point in the future at a pre-specified price. This price is known as the option's strike price or exercise price. The strike price of a call option is where the security can be bought by the option holder. The strike price of a put option is the price at which the security can be sold.

An option's value is informed by the difference between the fixed strike price and the market price of the underlying security, known as the option's "moneyness."

Call option strikes that are lower than the market price are said to be in-the-money (ITM) because you can exercise the option to buy the stock for less than the market and immediately sell it at the higher market price. In-the-money puts are those with strikes higher than the market price, giving the holder the right to sell the option above the current market price. This feature grants ITM options intrinsic value.

Calls with strikes that are higher than the market or puts with strikes lower than the market are instead out-of-the-money (OTM) and only have extrinsic value, also known as time value.

Key Takeaways

  • The strike price on an options contract is the price at which the underlying security can be either bought or sold when it's exercised.
  • The strike price is also known as the exercise price and it's a key feature of an options contract.
  • The difference between the exercise price and the underlying security’s price determines if an option is “in-the-money” or “out-of-the-money."
  • In-the-money (ITM) options have intrinsic value because their strike prices are lower than the market price for a call or higher than the market price for a put.
  • At-the-money (ATM) options have a strike price that's equal to the current market price of the underlying security.
Strike Price

Investopedia / Sydney Saporito

Understanding Strike Prices

The strike price is a key variable of call and put options. It defines at which price the option holder can buy or sell the underlying security, respectively. Options are listed with several strike prices both above and below the current market value.

Say that a stock is trading at $100 per share. The $110-strike call option would give the holder the right to buy the stock at $110 on or before the date when the contract expires. The option would lose value if the stock falls in value as the underlying stock increases in price.

But the call will expire worthless if it never reaches $110 before the expiration date because you could buy the stock for less. You could still exercise the option to pay $110 If the stock did rise above $110, even though the market price is higher. Put options would work similarly but give you the right to sell rather than buy the underlying security.

The strike prices listed are also standardized. They're at fixed dollar amounts, such as $31, $32, $33, $100, or $105. They may also have $2.50 intervals, such as $12.50, $15.00, and $17.50. The distance between strikes is known as the strike width. Strike prices and widths are set by the options exchanges.

Strikes $1 apart are generally the tightest available on most stocks. You may have strikes that result in $0.50 or tighter due to stock splits or other events.

The Relationship Between Strike Price and the Underlying Security

The price of an options contract is known as its premium. It's the amount of money that the buyer of an option pays to the seller for the right but not the obligation to exercise the option. The price difference between the underlying security's market price and the strike price determines an option's value in what's known as the moneyness of the option.

The more "in-the-money" an option is, the higher its premium. Options become more valuable as the difference between the strike and the underlying gets smaller. They're in-the-money when the strike becomes greater. An option will lose value as the difference between the strike and the underlying price becomes larger and as the option falls out-of-the-money.

Moneyness: The Three Types of Strike Prices

Options can be in-the-money (ITM), out-of-the-money (OTM), or at-the-money (ATM).

The option is out-of-the-money (OTM) for buyers of the call option if the strike price is higher than the underlying stock price. The option doesn't have intrinsic value but it's likely to still have extrinsic value based on volatility and time until expiration because either of these two factors could put the option in-the-money in the future. The option will have intrinsic value and be in-the-money if the underlying stock price is above the strike price.

Puts with strike prices higher than the current price will be in-the-money because you can sell the stock higher than the market price and then buy it back for a guaranteed profit. A put option will instead be in-the-money when the underlying stock price is below the strike price and be out-of-the-money when the underlying stock price is above the strike price.

Again, an OTM option won't have intrinsic value but it may still have value based on the volatility of the underlying asset and the time left until option expiration.

Finally, an option with a strike price at or very near to the current market price is known as at-the-money (ATM). ATM options are often the most liquid and active options traded in a name.

Example of Call Options at Different Strike Prices
Example of call options at different strike prices.

Investopedia / Sabrina Jiang

Strike Price and Option Delta

An option's delta is how much its premium will change given a $1 move in the underlying security. A call with a +0.40 delta will rise by 40 cents if the underlying rises by a dollar.

At-the-money calls have a delta of +0.50. At-the-money puts have a delta of -0.50. Options that are in-the-money will have deltas greater than 0.50, positively for calls and negatively for puts, and out-of-the-money options will have deltas of less than 0.50.

An option with a delta of 1.00 is so deep in-the-money that it essentially behaves like the stock itself. Examples would be call options very far below the current price and puts with strikes very high above it. Deep out-of-the-money options have deltas very close to zero and are essentially worthless because they're calls that have strikes so high above the market or puts with strikes so far below it that it's extremely unlikely they'll ever be in the money before expiry.

What Determines an Options Value

Pricing models such as the Black-Scholes Model and the Binomial Tree Model were developed in the 1970s and '80s to help understand the fair value of an options contract. Theoretically, an option's premium should be related to the probability that it finishes in-the-money. The higher that probability, the greater the value of the right that the option grants.

Options prices always depend on the following five inputs regardless of what model is used:

  • Market price
  • Strike price
  • Time to expiration
  • Interest rates
  • Volatility
  • Dividends (if applicable)

The difference between the market price and the strike price fits into the equation. The time to expiration and volatility inputs indicate how likely it is for an option to finish in-the-money before it expires. The more time there is to go and/or the more volatile the underlying price moves are, the more likely it is that the market price will reach the strike price.

Volatile moves happen due to acquisitions, earnings reports, company news, and other factors. Options with longer times until expiration and those with greater volatility will therefore have higher premiums.

Strike Price Example

Assume there are two option contracts. One is a call option with a $100 strike price. The other is a call option with a $150 strike price. The current price of the underlying stock is $145. Assume both call options are the same. The only difference is the strike price.

  • The first contract is worth $45 at expiration. It's in-the-money by $45 because the stock is trading $45 higher than the strike price.
  • The second contract is out-of-the-money by $5. The option expires worthless if the price of the underlying asset is below the call's strike price at expiration.

We can look at the current stock price to see which option has value if we have two put options, both about to expire, and one has a strike price of $40 and the other has a strike price of $50. The $50 put option has a $5 value if the underlying stock is trading at $45 because the underlying stock is below the strike price of the put.

The $40 put option has no value because the underlying stock is above the strike price. Remember that put options allow the option buyer to sell at the strike price. There's no point using the option to sell at $40 when they can sell at $45 in the stock market so the $40 strike price put is worthless at expiration.

Are Some Strike Prices More Desirable Than Others?

The question of what strike price is most desirable will depend on factors such as the risk tolerance of the investor and the options premiums available from the market.

Many investors will look for options whose strike prices are relatively close to the current market price of the security based on the logic that those options have a higher probability of being exercised at a profit.

Some investors will deliberately seek options that are far out-of-the-money, options whose strike prices are very far from the market price, in the hopes of realizing very large returns if the options do become profitable. 

Are Strike Prices and Exercise Prices the Same?

Yes, the terms strike price and exercise price are synonymous. Some traders will use one term over the other and may use the terms interchangeably but their meanings are the same. Both terms are widely used in derivatives trading.

What Determines How Far Apart Strike Prices Are?

Strike prices for listed options are set by criteria established by the OCC or an exchange, typically with a $2.50 distance for strikes below $25, $5 increments for those trading from $25 through $200, and $10 increments for strikes above $200.

The strikes will generally be wider for stocks with higher prices and with less liquidity or trading activity. New strikes may also be requested to be added by contacting the OCC or an exchange.

What's the Difference Between Strike Price and Spot Price?

The strike price of an option tells you the price at which you can buy or sell the underlying security when the option is exercised.

The spot price is another term used for the current market price of the underlying security.

The difference between the strike price and the spot price determines an option's moneyness and greatly informs its value.

The Bottom Line

An option's strike price tells you at what price you can buy or sell the underlying security before the contract expires. The difference between the strike price and the current market price is called the option's "moneyness." It's a measure of its intrinsic value.

In-the-money options have intrinsic value because they can be exercised at a strike price that's more favorable than the current market price for a guaranteed profit.

Out-of-the-money options don't have intrinsic value but they still contain extrinsic or time value because the underlying may move to the strike before expiration.

At-the-money options have strikes at or very close to the current market price and they're often the most liquid and active contracts in a name.

Disclosure: This article is not intended to provide investment advice. Investing in securities entails varying degrees of risk and can result in partial or total loss of principal. The trading strategies discussed in this article are complex and should not be undertaken by novice investors. Readers seeking to engage in such trading strategies should seek out extensive education on the topic.

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  1. FinGrad Academy. "Understanding Spot Price and Strike Price in F&O!"

  2. The OCC. "Equity Options."

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