Red Candlestick: Definition, What It Tells You, and How to Use It

What Is a Red Candlestick?

A red candlestick is a price chart indicating that the closing price of a security is below both the price at which it opened and that at which it previously closed. A candlestick may also be colored red if the close is below the prior close but above the open. It will usually appear hollow in this case.

The candlestick is composed of the period's high and low, represented by the shadows. The open and close is represented by the real body or thick part of the candle.

Key Takeaways

  • A red-filled candle is common and occurs when the close is below the open and prior close.
  • A hollow red candle is when the close is below the prior close, but above the open.
  • Charting platforms may differ in how they draw candlesticks. Some may not take into account the prior close.
  • Candlesticks can also bear other colors and characteristics, indicating other data.

What Does a Red Candlestick Tell You?

A red candlestick quickly conveys that the price of a security moved lower during the period, as well as the open, high, low, and close. The longer the candle, the greater the price movement over the period.

Red Candlestick
Image by Sabrina Jiang © Investopedia 2020

Most charting software allows you to change the colors of candlesticks but the most commonly used colors are black-filled, red-filled, red hollow, and black hollow. Each color conveys a different meaning:

  • Black Filled Candlesticks occur when the close is greater than the prior close but lower than the open.
  • Black Hollow Candlesticks occur when the close is greater than the prior close and the open.
  • Red Filled Candlesticks occur when the close is below the open and prior close.
  • Red Hollow Candlesticks occur when the close is greater than the open but lower than the prior close.

Technical analysts can quickly glean a great deal of information from the color of a candlestick before they look at any aspects of the chart. A black-filled candlestick might suggest that the price is becoming top-heavy. A red-filled candlestick represents a clear and strong downtrend. Traders may use these insights to gauge market sentiment.

Most traders use candlestick charts in conjunction with other forms of technical analysis. They may gauge market sentiment using candlestick charts and then use chart patterns to identify potential areas of breakdowns or breakouts. Technical indicators can also be useful as a confirmation of market sentiment. The relative strength index (RSI) can be used in conjunction with candlestick charts to show how strong a trend is in a given direction.

How to Use a Red Candlestick

A red candle simply shows that the price moved lower over the period. Such candles will occur frequently so red candlesticks must be analyzed in the aggregate and in combination with other forms of analysis.

This can be accomplished in several ways. Red candlesticks are typically quite small during an uptrend. A large red candle indicates a strong selling day and possibly a change in short-term sentiment.

Red candles are typically quite large during a downtrend. Small red candles may indicate indecision or a slowdown in selling, particularly when they follow large red candles. The short-term trend has turned higher if large white (black hollow) candlesticks follow.

Red candlesticks and rsi divergence indicating potential top in stock price.

The RSI was already in a steady decline when large red candlesticks began to occur on the price chart in the case of Apple, Inc. This was followed by a substantial decline. The large down candles coupled with negative divergence could have been used as an exit signal before the decline.

Limitations of Red Candlesticks

It's important to know how the trading platform is drawing candlesticks. Some platforms don't take the prior close into account, but others do. Traders also have the option of making all the candlesticks filled or hollow based on the close versus open. Hover the cursor over the candles and note the open and close prices to test what your platform is doing, as well as how the platform has colored the candle based on these figures.

New price bars are constantly forming. Price action traders focus on the movements from candle to candle, helping them to find trading opportunities, but this won't suit everyone.

Many traders don't scrutinize each candlestick. They look at the overall picture instead because a candlestick represents only one period of price action. The overall picture is more important because it provides clues to longer-term direction, which is what many investors care about.

Candlesticks are historical data points. They only represent what has happened but certain patterns may tip a trader off to a likely price move in one direction or the other with practice.

What Are the Most Common Types of Candlesticks?

The two most common types of candlesticks are black hollow candlesticks and red-filled candlesticks. Black hollow candlesticks point up. Red-filled candlesticks point down. Both are less common because they require a price gap to occur.

Who Developed the Red Candlestick Charts?

Munehisa Homma is credited with developing candlestick charting. A Japanese rice trader, Homma initially set out to determine how and by what the rice industry was affected. This was way back in the 1700s. Homma's candlesticks were introduced in U.S. trading in the 1980s.

What Is the Difference Between Candlesticks and Bar Charts?

Candlestick and bar charts show the same information: open, high, low, and close. But they do it in different ways. A bar is a vertical line with no real body like a candlestick. It consists of a small horizontal line to the left marking the open price and a small horizontal line to the right marking the close.

The Bottom Line

The red candlestick is but one indicator of the movement in price of a security. Black candlesticks are also quite common. Both can be filled or hollow, pointing in different directions. They're historical data points and not crystal balls but they can predict likely movements for an investor who's well-versed in the nuances of each.

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  1. University of Cambridge. "Technical Analysis," Page 37.

  2. SuperMoney. "Red Candlestick Analysis: A Guide to Trading Success."

  3. NAGA. "Who's Homma Munehisa?"

  4. Britannica Money. "Line, Bar, and Candlestick Charts: Three Types Technical Analysts Use."

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