Stellantis To Work With French Researchers on EV Battery Cells

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Key Takeaways

  • Automaker Stellantis has partnered with France-backed research organization CEA to develop electric vehicle battery cells.
  • CEA brings 25 years of experience in Lithium-ion batteries to the partnership.
  • Stellantis previously announced a joint venture with Orano for a battery recycling plant, set to begin production in 2026.

Stellantis (STLA) is partnering with French government-backed research organization CEA to develop next-generation battery cells for electric vehicles, the company announced Wednesday.

The five-year joint research program will work to develop battery cells with longer lifespans, better performance, and a lower carbon footprint. 

“We know that battery technology is poised for change. While we don’t know exactly how it will change, we are committed to be at the forefront of this transformation,” Stellantis Chief Engineering and Technology Officer Ned Curic said in a statement.

Adds to Stellantis EV Joint Ventures

The Amsterdam-based owner of auto brands including Chrysler, Jeep, Fiat, and Maserati will receive support from CEA’s energy division, which works to design innovations in decarbonization technology. 

“This exciting project makes the best use of more than 25 years of expertise in the field of Li-ion batteries at CEA to the benefit of one of the major automotive actors in the competitive race for electrical mobility,” Philippe Stohr, head of CEA's Energy division, said.

Stellantis is no stranger to EV joint ventures (JV). In October, the automaker established a JV with global nuclear fuel cycle company Orano for a battery recycling plant set to begin production in 2026.

Shares of Stellantis closed up almost 1% higher on a holiday-shortened trading day Wednesday.

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  1. Stellantis. “Stellantis Joins with France’s CEA To Pursue Next-Generation Battery Cell Technology.”

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