Rust Belt: Definition, Why It’s Called That, List of States

What Is the Rust Belt?

The Rust Belt is a colloquial term used to describe the geographic region stretching from New York through the Midwest that was once dominated by the coal industry, steel production, and manufacturing. The Rust Belt became an industrial hub due to its proximity to the Great Lakes, canals, and rivers, which allowed companies to access raw materials and ship out finished products. The region received the name in the late 1970s, after a sharp decline in industrial work left many factories abandoned and desolate, causing increased rust from exposure to the elements.

Key Takeaways

  • The Rust Belt refers to the geographic region from New York through the Midwest that was once dominated by manufacturing.
  • The Rust Belt is synonymous with regions facing industrial decline and abandoned factories rusted from exposure to the elements.
  • The region was home to thousands of blue-collar jobs in coal plants, steel and automotive production, and the weapons industry.
  • Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Wisconsin are considered to be part of the Rust Belt.
  • The demographics and economic situation of the Rust Belt make it an important area for U.S. presidential elections.
Rust Belt: The geographic region from New York through the Midwest that was once dominated by manufacturing.

Investopedia / Zoe Hansen

Understanding the Rust Belt

The term Rust Belt is often used in a derogatory sense to describe parts of the country that have seen a typically drastic economic decline. The Rust Belt region represents the deindustrialization of an area, which is often accompanied by fewer high-paying jobs and high poverty rates. The result has been a change in the urban landscape as the local population moves to other areas of the country in search of work.

The Rust Belt is also commonly referred to as the Manufacturing Belt and the Factory Belt. Although there is no definitive boundary, the states that are considered in the Rust Belt—at least partly—are:

  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Michigan
  • Missouri
  • New York (upstate and western regions)
  • Ohio
  • Pennsylvania
  • West Virginia
  • Wisconsin

The region was home to some of America’s most prominent industries, such as steel production and automobile manufacturing. During its boom time, formerly prosperous manufacturing centers in Midwestern and Northeastern cities like Detroit, Toledo (Ohio), Pittsburgh, and Buffalo produced heavy industrial materials and consumer products and developed storage and transportation systems to distribute them to the rest of the country.

The region experienced a sharp downturn in industrial activity from the increased cost of domestic labor, competition from overseas, technology advancements replacing workers, and the capital-intensive nature of manufacturing.

Other states also experienced declines in manufacturing, such as in the Deep South, but they are not usually considered part of the Rust Belt.

Poverty in the Rust Belt

Blue-collar jobs have increasingly moved overseas, forcing local governments to rethink the type of manufacturing businesses that can succeed in the area. While some cities managed to adopt new technologies, others still struggle with rising poverty levels and declining populations.

Below are poverty rates from the U.S. Census Bureau as of 2022, the most recent data available, for each of the Rust Belt states listed above, calculated as a three-year average from 2020, 2021, and 2022. For comparison, the poverty rate of the entire United States is 9.8%.

State Poverty Rate
Illinois 7.9%
Indiana 7.3%
Michigan 8.0%
Missouri  8.4%
New York 11.9%
Ohio 7.3%
Pennsylvania 7.7%
West Virginia 10.01
Wisconsin 5.1%

History of the Rust Belt

Before being known as the Rust Belt, the area was generally known as the country’s Factory, Steel, or Manufacturing Belt. This area, once a booming hub of economic activity, represented a great portion of U.S. industrial economic growth and development.

The natural resources that were found in the area—namely coal and iron ore—led to its prosperity, along with labor and ready access to transport by available waterways. This led to the rise in coal and steel plants, which later spawned the weapons, automotive, and auto parts industries. People seeking employment began moving to the area, which was dominated by the coal and steel industries. This changed the region's overall landscape.

But that began to change from the 1950s to the 1970s. Many manufacturers used expensive and outdated equipment and machinery. As such, they were saddled with the high costs of domestic labor and materials. To compensate, many of them began looking elsewhere for cheaper steel and labor (namely from foreign sources) which would ultimately lead to the collapse of the region.

There is no definitive boundary for the Rust Belt, but it generally includes the area from New York through the Midwest.

Decline of the Rust Belt

Most research suggests that the Rust Belt started to falter in the late 1970s, but the decline may have started earlier, notably in the 1950s, when the region’s dominant industries faced minimal competition.

The area accounted for more than half of all manufacturing jobs in the country in 1950. Powerful labor unions in the automotive and steel manufacturing sectors ensured minimum labor competition. As a result, many established companies had very little incentive to innovate or expand as they operated like monopolies. This came back to haunt the region when the U.S. opened trade overseas, resulting in a flood of imports and shifting production to the South.

From 1950 to 1980, the Rust Belt faced competitive pressure domestically and overseas. This led to lower wages and prices, as well as the shuttering of many manufacturing jobs. As such, almost two-thirds of the region's employment share declined. This shows that competitive pressure in productivity and labor markets is important to incentivize firms to innovate. However, weak incentives can drive resources to more prosperous regions.

The region’s population also showed a rapid decline. What was once a hub for immigrants from the rest of the country and abroad led to an exodus of people out of the area, as jobs were no longer readily available. Thousands of well-paying blue-collar jobs were eliminated, forcing people to move away in search of employment and better living conditions.

Detroit, one of the hardest-hit cities in the Rust Belt, had its population decline from a peak of 1,849,568 in 1950 to 633,218 in 2023.

Politics and the Rust Belt

The term Rust Belt is generally attributed to Walter Mondale, who referred to this part of the country in that way when he was the Democratic presidential candidate in 1984. Attacking then-President Ronald Reagan, Mondale claimed that his opponent’s policies were ruining what he called the Rust Bowl. He was misquoted by the media as saying the Rust Belt, and the term stuck. Since then, the term has consistently been used to describe the area’s economic decline.

The Rust Belt is still mostly dominated by older, non-college-educated white voters, who traditionally lean toward the Republican Party. However, many Rust Belt states have historically voted Democrat. In an unexpected turn of events in the 2016 election, Donald Trump was able to turn Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin red—states that voted Democrat for a long time, and that Barack Obama won in 2012.

In the 2020 election, Joe Biden was able to flip back Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. However, there continues to be a population shift from the Rust Belt states toward the Sun Belt states, which would leave the Rust Belt states a Republican stronghold, due to the older, non-college-educated white voters.

Rust Belt and COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic hit the Rust Belt hard. White-collar workers throughout the country were able to work from home; however, this was not possible for most blue-collar workers. One study reported on 13 American cities that were particularly vulnerable to the twin crises of the pandemic and declines in mental health. Nine of these 13 cities were in the Rust Belt.

The lack of business during the pandemic shuttered many factories in the Rust Belt, exasperating the already-dire situation. Many of the industries that were hit hard during the pandemic, such as timber, have large operations in Rust Belt states.

For example, job losses due to the shuttering of manufacturing jobs amid the pandemic wiped out all the gains in Wisconsin between March and July of 2020 that the manufacturing sector experienced in the state since 2011.

According to Politico, the “region has been devastated by job losses amid pandemic-induced economic shutdowns, in some cases far outpacing the national average in terms of the proportion of their workforces that have applied for unemployment benefits since mid-March [2020].” In Pennsylvania, only a few months into the pandemic, 29.6% of the workforce filed for unemployment, the report added.

What Are the Rust Belt States?

Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Wisconsin are considered to be part of the Rust Belt. These states were part of the manufacturing center of the United States, employing a large part of the population in manufacturing jobs. As manufacturing jobs started moving to the South and overseas, the area witnessed large-scale unemployment, decay, and decreases in population as people left to find employment elsewhere.

Why Is It Called the Midwest?

It is called the Midwest because of the location of those states in the 1800s before the U.S. expanded to the Pacific Coast. These states were part of the Northwest Ordinance. This term became obsolete once the U.S. expanded westward, resulting in these states becoming the Midwest.

What Is the Steel Belt?

The Steel Belt is one of the former nicknames of the Rust Belt before the region fell into decline. The area was one of the largest steel-producing regions of the country, being home to U.S. Steel, which at one point produced more than 60% of the steel in the country.

What Is the Sun Belt?

The Sun Belt is a region of the U.S. that extends from the Southeast across to the Southwest. It begins in southern Virginia, going down to Florida, and then across to Southern California. It is termed the Sun Belt because of the region's warm and sunny climate. The primary states of the Sun Belt are Alabama, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Utah.

The Bottom Line

The term Rust Belt denotes a region of the U.S. that was once a booming hub of industrial and manufacturing jobs, due to the companies located there, such as automotive and steel companies. After the 1950s, as manufacturing moved overseas and to the South, and as the country opened up to imports, the region lost many jobs.

This resulted in a large-scale exodus of the population to look for employment elsewhere, resulting in urban decay and poverty. In the last decade, however, many of these regions are pivoting away from manufacturing and attracting new service-related jobs. Detroit, for example, has seen a revitalization of its downtown.

Article Sources
Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy.
  1. Cross Currents. "The Rust Belt."

  2. Belt Magazine. “Why the Term ‘Rust Belt’ Matters.”

  3. Britannica. "Rust Belt."

  4. U.S. Census Bureau. “Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2020.”

  5. World Atlas. “Rust Belt States.”

  6. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. “Competition and the Decline of the Rust Belt.”

  7. Biggest U.S. Cities. “Detroit, Michigan Population History 1840–2021.”

  8. U.S. Census Bureau. “Detroit City, Michigan.”

  9. The Atlantic. “Democrats’ Future Is Moving Beyond the Rust Belt.”

  10. U.S. News & World Report. “The U.S. Cities Most Susceptible to COVID-19, Poor Mental Health.”

  11. Voice of America (VOA) News. “Path to White House Runs Through America’s ‘Rust Belt’.”

  12. Politico. “‘They Are Angry’: Pandemic and Economic Collapse Slam Trump Across Rust Belt.”

  13. Ohio History Central. “Rustbelt.”

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