Paying Off Debt With a Balance Transfer

Moving your balance from one credit card to another could save you money

A couple performing a balance transfer
Delmaine Donson / Getty Images.

A balance transfer involves moving an existing debt balance from one vehicle to another. Borrowers can do this between loans and credit cards. Balance transfers can be an effective way to pay down expensive debt and save money on interest. But there are also some pitfalls to consider before you make the move. In this article, we highlight some of the features of balance transfers as well as some of the drawbacks of using this debt payment strategy.

Key Takeaways

  • Transferring your balance from one debt vehicle to another can save you money and help you pay off your debt faster.
  • Some credit cards have promotional periods when they charge low or even 0% interest on your transferred balance.
  • Some lenders charge balance transfer fees, which can cost you more money.
  • To reduce debt, avoid spending additional money on a credit card after you transfer its debt to another card.

How Balance Transfers Work

Balance transfers are often used to move money from one loan or credit card to another. Borrowers normally do so by moving high-interest debt to another debt vehicle with a lower rate, allowing them to save money on interest charges.

Say you’ve accumulated a large balance on a credit card with a high annual percentage rate (APR). If you transfer that balance to a new card with a lower interest rate, then a greater portion of your future payments can pay down the principal balance rather than paying interest.

Paying more toward your balance will help you pay off your debt more quickly and potentially save you a significant amount of money in the long run.

Many credit card companies offer cards with lower interest rates on balance transfers if you have a good credit score. Some also have 0% introductory interest rates for a period of time, often six to 18 months.

Balance Transfers on Credit Cards

How do you do a balance transfer on a credit card? You'll need to apply and be approved for a balance transfer credit card before anything else. Once you receive the card, you can initiate the transfer of all or part of your balance from your old card.

There are several ways to make the transfer:

  • Write a check supplied by your new card company to pay off the old debt.
  • Initiate the transfer by phone or online by giving your new card company the account number and other information for your old card, then indicate how much debt you want paid off and transferred to your new card.

A balance transfer can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks, depending on the credit card companies. During that time, you’ll still have to make any payments you owe to your original card company.

Applying for a Balance Transfer Credit Card

Before applying for a new card, make sure you understand its terms, including interest rates for balance transfers and new purchases, in addition to how long any introductory rate lasts.

Calculate what you would save with a new card and its short- and long-term interest rates compared to your current interest rates. Additionally, compare both monthly payment amounts for your budget as well as long-term savings.

You can apply for a balance transfer card online and often get approved in a matter of minutes. You will need to provide your personal information, including your Social Security number (SSN) and your income.

A single late or insufficient payment may cause you to lose your introductory interest rate on any transferred balances.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Balance Transfers

Advantages of Balance Transfers

Transferring your balance from a high-interest debt to one with a lower interest rate allows you to pay down your balance faster. That's because more of your payments go toward the principal balance rather than interest. This also helps you save money because you aren't paying nearly as much interest as you would with a debt that comes with a higher interest rate.

You may consider moving all of your debt to the new vehicle, especially if you have enough credit available. For instance, if you have three credit cards and you receive a new card with a high credit limit, you may be able to transfer the balances on the other three cards. This consolidates all your debt into one balance with a single monthly payment.

Disadvantages of Balance Transfers

Although using a card with a 0% introductory period can save you money, there are risks. The first risk is transfer fees. Not all cards charge them, but those that do often have fees that range from about 3% to 5%. So, for example, if you’re transferring a balance of $5,000, then it could cost you $150 to $250.

Another risk is the potential for higher interest rates on balances after the promotional period (if any) ends. If you haven’t paid off your balance by then, you may find yourself paying more in interest rate, not less. Additionally, any late or missed payments on your new card could trigger the end of your promotional rate and cause an even higher penalty APR for a period.

  • Allows you to pay down your debt faster

  • Can help you save money on your debt repayments

  • You can consolidate your debt with a single monthly payment

  • Transfer fees may apply

  • Interest rates will increase after the introductory offer (if any) expires

  • Rates may go up if there are any missed or late payments

Alternatives for Paying Off Debt

While a balance transfer can be a good way to pay off debt, it isn’t the only way. Borrowers have other options available to them if they want to pay off their debts.

One alternative is simply to earmark more money each month to pay down your credit card balance. If you have multiple cards, then pay at least the minimum due on each one and put any additional cash toward the card with the highest interest rate. Once that card is paid off, move on to the next highest interest card. This is sometimes referred to as the debt avalanche method.

Another alternative is to apply for a debt consolidation loan. This is a type of personal loan that often carries a lower interest rate than credit cards charge.

You can use a debt consolidation loan to pay off your credit cards or other debts.

If you’re struggling to make the minimum payments on your debts, then you may want to consider looking into debt relief. This involves contacting your creditors and trying to negotiate new, more favorable terms, such as a lower interest rate or more time to repay.

You can negotiate on your own or hire a reputable debt relief company or a credit counseling service to assist you. Be aware that there are con artists who pose as legitimate debt relief organizations, so be sure to carefully review any companies that you’re considering.

Example of a Balance Transfer

Here's a hypothetical example to show how balance transfers work. Say you have a $3,000 balance on a credit card with a 15% interest rate. If you pay $250 per month, then it would take 14 months to pay off the balance plus over $270 in interest.

However, if you transferred that balance to a 0% interest card with a 3% transfer fee and made the same payments, then it would take only 12 months to pay off (including the $90 transfer fee), saving you nearly $181.

Do Balance Transfers Hurt Your Credit Score?

A balance transfer can affect your credit score in different ways, both good and bad. It can hurt your credit score if you take out too many new lines of credit too quickly. It can also damage your credit score if you continue to spend on your original credit line after you've transferred the credit. It can help your credit score if you transfer a balance to a loan with a lower interest and then make regular payments without spending more.

How Much Does Debt Relief Cost?

Debt relief programs can cost a percentage of the debt the company helps you settle or a percentage of the debt left you have to pay. The fee amounts vary, but you may have to pay between 15% to 25% of the debt amount enrolled.

What Is the Difference Between Debt Settlement and Debt Consolidation?

Debt settlement is when you or a company negotiates with lenders to pay a portion of the debt you owe in exchange for a lump sum, which can negatively impact your credit score. Debt consolidation is when you combine several debts into one, usually for a lower interest rate. This process can help you pay down debt faster and improve your credit score.

The Bottom Line

A balance transfer can be a useful tool to help you get out of debt and save money in interest in the long term, but it's risky. If you fail to pay off your balance by the end of the introductory period, or if you use your original line of credit to rack up more debt, you could add to your financial struggles. Consider consulting a professional financial advisor who can guide you through your best options for reducing your debt.

Article Sources
Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy.
  1. Citi. "How Long Do Balance Transfers Take?"

  2. Capital One. "What Does 0% APR Mean?"

  3. Federal Trade Commission. “Signs of a Debt Relief Scam.”

  4. myFICO. "How a Balance Transfer Impacts Your Credit."

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