Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights: The Basics

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Kittikorn Nimitpara / Getty Images 

Have a brilliant new concept that you’re sure will make you a fortune? There’s a crucial step any inventor or artist should take before taking an idea to market: protecting it with a patent, trademark, or copyright from the government.

All three provide a legal shield against copycats trying to make a buck off your idea; however, each designation applies to a specific type of intellectual property, so it’s important to know the differences.

Key Takeaways

  • A patent is a property right issued by a government authority allowing the holder exclusive rights to the invention for a certain period of time.
  • There are three types of patents: utility patents, plant patents, and design patents.
  • A trademark is a word, symbol, design, or phrase that denotes a specific product and differentiates it from similar products.
  • Copyrights protect “original works of authorship,” such as writings, art, architecture, and music.

What Is a Patent?

A patent safeguards an original invention. The inventor hands over comprehensible details about its process, design, or invention to a sovereign authority and is granted exclusive rights to it for a specified period of time.

There isn't one worldwide universal authority in charge of issuing patents. They are granted at a national or regional level. The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is an example of a national patent office. Regional offices tasked with handling patents for various countries include the African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI), the Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO), and the European Patent Office (EPO).

By granting the right to produce a product without fear of competition for the duration of the patent, an incentive is provided for companies or individuals to continue developing innovative new products or services.

Types of Patent

There are three types of patents: utility patents, plant patents, and design patents.

Utility Patent

A utility patent covers the creation of a new or improved product, process, or machine. Also known as a “patent for invention,” it bars other individuals or companies from making, using, or selling the creation without consent. Utility patents are good for up to 20 years after the patent application is filed, but require the holder to pay regularly scheduled maintenance fees.

While most people associate patents with machines and appliances, they can also apply to software, business processes, and chemical formulations such as in pharmaceutical products. Utility patents are the most common form of patent. In recent years, they represented approximately 90% of all patents issued in the U.S., according to the USPTO.

Plant Patent

A plant patent protects a new and unique plant’s key characteristics from being copied, sold, or used by others. It is also good for up to 20 years after the application is filed.

To qualify, the plant must be asexually reproducible with reproduction being genetically identical to the original and performed through methods such as root cuttings, bulbs, division, or grafting and budding. Plant patents are not subject to maintenance fees.

Design Patent

A design patent applies to the unique look of a manufactured item. Take, for example, an automobile with a distinctive hood or headlight shape. These visual elements are part of the car’s identity and may add to its value; however, without protecting these components with a patent, competitors could potentially copy them without legal consequences.

In the U.S., design patents can last 14 or 15 years, depending on when the application was filed. If it was filed on or after May 13, 2015, the patent term will last 15 years from the date of the grant. Conversely, if it was filed before, the number of years the patent stays in effect is 14. Design patents are not subject to maintenance fees.

3.5 million

The total number of patents issued worldwide in 2022.

What Is a Trademark?

Unlike patents, a trademark protects words and design elements that identify the source of a product. Brand names and corporate logos are primary examples. A service mark is similar, except that it safeguards the provider of a service instead of a tangible good. The term “trademark” is often used in reference to both designations.

Some examples of trademark infringement are fairly straightforward. You’ll probably run into trouble if you bottle a beverage and call it Coca-Cola or even use the famous wave from its logo since both have been protected for decades.

However, a trademark actually goes a bit further, prohibiting any marks that have a “likelihood of confusion” with an existing one. Therefore, a business can’t use a symbol or brand name if it looks similar, sounds similar, or has a similar meaning to one that’s already on the books, at least if the products or services are related. If the trademark holder believes there’s a violation of these rights, it may decide to sue.

Trademarks never expire and are usually denoted by the ® symbol if they are registered and the ™ symbol if they are not.

A trademark does not necessarily need to be registered for the owner to prevent others from using it or a confusingly similar mark. However, going down this route generally makes it easier to safeguard them.

Trademarks can be registered on a national or regional level, such as the USPTO in the U.S. For international protection, the owner can file a trademark application with the trademark office of each country where they are seeking protection, or use the World Intellectual Property Organization's (WIPO) Madrid System.

What Is a Copyright?

Copyrights protect “original works of authorship,” such as writings, art, architecture, and music. For as long as the copyright is in effect, the copyright owner has the sole right to display, share, perform, or license the material.

One notable exception is the “fair use” doctrine, which allows some degree of distribution of copyrighted material for scholarly, educational, or news-reporting purposes.

Technically, you don’t have to file for a copyright to have the piece of work protected. It’s considered yours once your ideas are translated into a tangible form, such as a book, music, or published research; however, officially registering with the copyright office before—or within five years of—publishing your work makes it a lot easier to establish that you were the original author if you or your patent attorney ever have to go to court.

You don't have to register a trademark or copyright with the relevant authorities to guarantee they are protected. Proof the work was the owner's creation should be sufficient to successfully take legal action.

The duration of a copyright can vary. According to WIPO, in countries that are members of the Berne Convention, the time limit should be 50 years or more after the creator’s death.

Countries may extend this protection over a longer period. For example, in the U.S., since 1978, most compositions have been copyright-protected for 70 years after the author’s death. After that time, individual works enter the public domain and can be reproduced by anyone without permission. 

As a general rule, the author retains ownership of copyright privileges, even if the material is published by another company. There is an important exception to this rule, though.

Materials you create for your employer as part of your job requirements, such as, for example, contributions to a podcast the company publishes, are usually considered "works for hire." The employer, not you, retains the copyright. If there’s a gray area, you can try to negotiate with the publisher over copyright ownership prior to creating the piece; just be sure to get it in writing.

What Is the Difference Between a Patent, Copyright, and Trademark?

A patent protects new inventions, processes, or scientific creations, a trademark protects brands, logos, and slogans, and a copyright protects original works of authorship.

What Are the 3 Types of Patents?

The three types of patents are design, utility, and plant. Utility patents are for new discoveries, compositions of matter, machines, or processes. Plant patents are for anyone that discovers or develops and asexually reproduces a new variety of plant. A design patent is for anyone that creates a new, original, and ornamental design.

What Is Included in a Trademark?

A trademark includes words, phrases, designs, or any combination of these that particularly identify a good or service.

The Bottom Line

The decision to pursue a patent, trademark, or copyright depends on the type of intellectual property you’re trying to shield. Whether it’s a new product, logo, or creative work, registering your idea with the appropriate body can help ensure you enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Article Sources
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  1. United States Patent and Trademark Office. "Patent Basics."

  2. World Intellectual Property Organization. "Frequently Asked Questions: Patents."

  3. United States Patent and Trademark Office. "Patent Process Overview."

  4. United States Patent and Trademark Office. "Description of Patent Types."

  5. World Intellectual Property Organization. "IP Facts and Figures."

  6. United States Patent and Trademark Office. "Trademark, Patent, or Copyright."

  7. United States Patent and Trademark Office. "Likelihood of Confusion."

  8. United States Patent and Trademark Office. "What Is a Trademark?"

  9. International Trademark Association. "Trademark Symbols."

  10. United States Patent and Trademark Office. "Why Register Your Trademark?"

  11. World Intellectual Property Organization. "Trademarks."

  12. United States Patent and Trademark Office. "Copyright Basics."

  13. U.S. Copyright Office. "Can I Use Someone Else's Work? Can Someone Else Use Mine?"

  14. U.S. Copyright Office. "Copyright in General."

  15. World Intellectual Property Organization. "Frequently Asked Questions: Copyright."

  16. U.S. Copyright Office. "How Long Does Copyright Protection Last?"

  17. Copyright. "Stopping Copyright Infringement."

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