12 Financial Tips for Military Families

Resources to help you and your family with finances

Whether you're a recent recruit, about to leave the service, or somewhere in between, you know that military service creates unique financial challenges for military families. Unexpected or frequent moves, difficulty spouses have obtaining employment, and transitions to civilian life or retirement are just a few of the roadblocks to a stable, financially sound family life.

Fortunately, there are solutions both in and out of the military infrastructure. Here are a dozen helpful financial tips for members of the military and their families.

Key Takeaways

  • Resources to help military families with their finances are widely available both inside and outside the government.
  • Access to most resources must be initiated by the service member, although some such as spousal employment assistance can be initiated by the family member.
  • The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act is a wide-ranging law that provides numerous legal and financial protections for service members and their families.
  • Newer policies, including the right to share GI Bill education benefits with family members, are less well known.
  • Separating or retiring from military service, though stressful for service members and their families, is well covered by various agencies.

1. Use Available Tools to Help Deal With the Pandemic's Economic Impact

Civilians were urged to hunker down during the worst part of the pandemic. Military personnel and their families were different. Deployment, relocation, and other factors created both personal and financial risks for service members and their families. Many of those problems remain. Fortunately, there are some helpful tools available.

The following applies to members of the military or family members of someone who serves:

  • The military provides hardship duty pay in increments of $50, $100, or $150 depending on the location. The rate went up to as high as $1,500 per month for service members forced to self-isolate away from home during the pandemic.
  • Basic housing allowance for dependents who moved while you stayed behind or vice versa
  • Emergency family financial relief for Army, Navy, Marines, or Air Force including interest-free loans or grants
  • Interest-free loans for members of the National Guard and their families
  • Financial counseling to help with personal finance basics, credit problems, debt repayment, and emergency financial assistance through Military OneSource.

2. Take Advantage of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA)

The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) provides special financial and legal benefits for service members, including a 6% interest rate cap on any loans you took out before you began active duty. You must apply for this benefit through the lender. This is especially helpful to members of the Reserve or National Guard who may take a significant pay cut when activated.

The SCRA also gives you as a service member additional rights, including postponement of foreclosure and civil court matters, deferred income taxes, eviction, and default judgment protection, protection of small business assets, and the right to terminate a residential lease, automobile lease, or phone service.

Other provisions include protection from repossession of property, life insurance coverage protection, the ability to suspend professional liability insurance, and protection of voting rights in your home state. All this is contingent on orders for a permanent change of station or temporary deployment of 90 days or more.

Credit monitoring is not the same as the annual access to free credit reports available to everyone. Credit monitoring provides continuous surveillance of your credit files and alerts you if anything is amiss.

3. Sign Up for Free Credit Monitoring

If you are in the National Guard or on active duty, a recent Federal Trade Commission (FTC) rule lets you receive free credit monitoring to provide protection from fraud or identity theft. To enroll in the program, go to the military monitoring webpage at one of the three major credit agencies, Equifax, Experian, or TransUnion.

When you sign up, you will be notified by mobile app, email, or text if certain changes occur in your credit file, including a change of address, payments that are more than 30 days late, bankruptcy information, foreclosure, liens, or new accounts opened in your name.

4. Get Help Finding Employment As a Military Spouse

The Department of Defense (DOD) Spouse Education & Career Opportunities (SECO) program and the Military Spouse Employment Partnership offer educational and job placement opportunities for military spouses to help overcome many of the obstacles your spouse may face finding and retaining employment as well as pursuing a career path of their choosing given the rigors of military family life.

5. Know and Use Available Housing Resources

In addition to protections provided by the SCRA (see No.2 above), you have access to additional help with housing issues. These include a tax-free housing allowance and the ability to take out a Veterans Administration (VA) loan, which lets you borrow with no down payment and no private mortgage insurance (PMI).

If you are having trouble paying your mortgage, you may qualify for military hardship. This could apply if you received PCS orders, are currently on active duty, or you or your spouse were injured on active duty. Finally, consult the National Resource Directory for a list of housing resources for members of the military.


The monthly premium for $500,000 in SGLI life insurance for active-duty service members.

6. Take Advantage of Inexpensive Life Insurance and Survivor Benefits.

Active-duty service members and family members have access to low-cost life insurance through Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI) and Family Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (FSGLI) respectively. Coverage of up to $500,000 for service members, $100,000 for spouses, and $10,000 per dependent child is available at low monthly rates or, in the case of dependent children, free.

When you separate from service, you may be eligible to switch to Veterans' Group Life Insurance (VGLI) and keep it as long as you pay the premiums. Your spouse, covered under FSGLI, can convert their FSGLI policy to a permanent individual life insurance policy when you separate or retire. Some veterans and family members may also be entitled to burial benefits, death benefits, and memorial items. The rules are complicated, but a phone call to USA.gov at 1-844-872-4681 (8 a.m. to 8 p.m.) Eastern, Monday through Friday, can get you an answer.

7. Learn About Low-Cost Investment Opportunities

The Thrift Savings Plan lets active-duty service members invest at low cost and choose from among short-term U.S. Treasury securities, index funds made up of domestic and international stocks, and several target-date (lifecycle) funds, each of which becomes more conservative as you age.

Contribution limits for 2023 are $22,500 ($23,000 in 2024) in elective deferrals with an additional $7,500 ($8,000 in 2024) catch-up limit if you are 50 or older. You automatically receive 1% of your basic pay even if you don’t contribute. You can receive up to 3% matching with up to 3% in contributions and 50% of the next 1% in contributions. There is no agency/service matching after 5%. Contributions can be traditional or Roth. Your spouse cannot contribute to a TSP unless they are also eligible through government employment or are active-duty service members themselves.

8. Earn 10% in a High-Interest Savings Account

The DOD Savings Deposit Program pays 10% interest, compounded quarterly, on invested amounts of up to $10,000 while you are deployed to a designated combat zone. You must be receiving Hostile Fire Pay and be deployed for at least 30 consecutive days (or one day in each of three consecutive months) in order to participate in the program.

You can close your account after you leave the combat zone, but interest will continue to accrue for 90 days after you return from deployment, so you might want to leave the money where it is. Your spouse (with power of attorney) can initiate and change savings amounts in your account.

9. Leverage Tax-Free Residency for Longer

You can maintain legal residence in one state, even if you are transferred to another. This could help if, for example, you are stationed in and have established residence in a tax-free state such as Florida or Texas and move to another state where you would be subject to state income taxes. The SCRA protects you and your spouse from being forced to change legal residence when either of you move. Yours (and your spouse’s) state of legal residence is typically where you:

  • Maintain voter registration
  • File and pay state income taxes (if applicable)
  • Maintain a driver’s license
  • Register vehicles

This applies only to your military income. If you have other work or income outside the military, that income must be reported to the state where it is earned. For your spouse, SCRA applies to any income they earn in the state where you are stationed.

The provisions of SCRA do not apply to military-dependent children. If your child is required to file state income taxes, they need to file where they physically reside.

10. Transfer Your GI Bill Benefits to Your Family

If you have served for at least 36 months since Sept. 11, 2001, you have access to the Post-9/11 GI Bill. This can cover the cost of in-state tuition and fees for a public college for up to four academic years or up to $27,120.05 per year for a private college or foreign school. Further, you can transfer your benefits to your spouse or children provided the following are true:

11. Don’t Forget Military Discounts

This one is simple: Just about everywhere you spend money, ask if there is a military discount. Some places advertise; others do not. The only way to find out for sure is to ask. To save time, go online and search for military or veteran discounts by store or brand name. Most businesses that offer a discount require a military ID or proof of military service. Family members may or may not be able to take advantage of the discount, depending on the individual policy of the business.

12. Make the Most of Resources for Life After the Military

At some point you will ETS, otherwise known as expiration term of service. Some will separate and move on to another career. Others will retire and begin collecting their military retirement annuity.

You and your family need not transition alone. Some people find it difficult to translate their military skills to the civilian job market. Others are unsure where they want to live post-retirement.

For veterans seeking post-separation employment, USA.gov lists several job and training resources for veterans. You should also check out the Veterans Benefits Timetable, which lists important dates and deadlines for various VA benefits as well as where to go to get them.

If you are retiring from military service, refer to the Military OneSource's Military Retirement: Do You Have This Covered? page, which lists important retirement actions and when they need to be completed.

How Can I Grow my Money While I'm in the Military?

Saving money is a principle that shouldn't change whether you're a civilian or in the military. Make sure you have a budget and a spending plan so you can see how much you have at the end of the month. Take advantage of retirement plan benefits that you may get through the military. You also have the option of putting your money in an individual retirement account (IRA) in addition to military-sponsored retirement plans. And remember to keep your debts in check. Consult a financial professional if you need help managing your money. You can get free financial advice through Military OneSource as an active service member.

Does the Military Have a 401(k) for Service Members?

No, the military doesn't have 401(k) plans. These plans are designed for employees of corporations. But this doesn't mean that you can't save for retirement as you have several other options available as a member of the military:

  • You can invest up to the maximum annual contribution limit in an IRA plus the catch-up contribution if you are 50 or older.
  • You can invest in the Legacy Retirement System if you enlisted on or before Dec. 31, 2017, or the Blended Retirement System if you enlisted on or after Jan. 1, 2018. The first is like a defined-benefit plan while the second is a hybrid of a defined-benefit pension and a defined contribution plan.
  • You can set aside a portion of your pay on a pre- or after-tax basis to a Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) if you qualify.

What Is the Military Lending Act?

The Military Lending Act is a federal law that provides a series of protections for active-duty service members. It includes caps on interest rates and no prepayment penalties. The law extends protection to the spouses of qualifying military members as well as certain dependents. The MLA covers different types of loans, including certain student loans and overdraft lines of credit. It does not extend to various secured loans, such as residential mortgages and auto loans. Lenders that violate the rules of the law may be subject to fines and penalties.

The Bottom Line

Financial hurdles are common for anyone. If you're serving in the military, you may face some unique challenges when it comes to your finances. But there are certain resources that you can use to help you overcome these speedbumps. Following the 12 steps we've laid out above may help you smooth things out and ensure that your personal financial situation is in check.

Article Sources
Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy.
  1. Defense Finance and Accounting Service. "Hardship Duty Pay - Location (Notes 1 & 2)."

  2. Department of Defense. "Hardship Duty Pay (HGP)."

  3. U.S. Department of Defense. "Hardship Duty Pay-Restriction of Movement (HDP-ROM)." Page 1.

  4. U.S. Department of Defense. "Fact Sheet: COVID-19 Military Personnel, Pay, and Benefits Policy."

  5. U.S. Department of Defense. “Military Support Organizations.”

  6. National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) We Care for America Foundation. "Loans, Financial Assistance, Interest-Free Loans."

  7. National Guard Relief Foundation. “We Care for America Foundation.”

  8. Military OneSource. “Personal Financial Management Counseling Options.”

  9. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. “The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA).”

  10. Military OneSource. "Servicemembers Civil Relief Act."

  11. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. “Credit Reporting Companies Should Do More to Ensure That Servicemembers Receive the Free Credit Monitoring Services They Are Legally Entitled to.”

  12. Federal Trade Commission. "Free Electronic Credit Monitoring Coming Soon to the Military."

  13. Military OneSource. "Military Spouses."

  14. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. “VA Housing Assistance.”

  15. Military OneSource. "Financial Management.”

  16. National Resource Directory. "Spotlight Resources for Housing."

  17. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. "Life Insurance."

  18. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. "Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI)."

  19. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. "Family Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (FSGLI)."

  20. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. "Veterans’ Group Life Insurance (VGLI)."

  21. U.S. General Services Administration. "USAGov Contact Center and 1-844-USA-GOV1."

  22. Thrift Savings Plan. "Lifecycle (L) Funds."

  23. Thrift Savings Plan. "How to Invest."

  24. Internal Revenue Service. "401(k) Limit Increases to $23,000 for 2024, IRA Limit Rises to $7,000.”

  25. Thrift Savings Plan. "Traditional and Roth Contributions."

  26. Thrift Savings Plan. "Maximize Your Savings."

  27. U.S. Department of Defense. "Savings Deposit Program."

  28. The United States Department of Justice. "Congressional Research Service: The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA): An Explanation," Page 21.

  29. Military OneSource. "Filing State Income Taxes in the Military."

  30. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. "Post-9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33)."

  31. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. “Post-9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33) Rates.”

  32. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. "Transfer your Post-9/11 GI Bill Benefits."

  33. U.S. Department of Defense. “Leave Benefits at Separation.”

  34. Congressional Research Services. “Military Retirement: Background and Recent Developments,” Page 6.

  35. U.S. Department of Defense. "A Guide to the Uniformed Services Blended Retirement System," Page 8.

  36. CFPB. "What is the Military Lending Act and what are my rights?"

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Saving and Investing for Military Personnel