
The coronavirus task force expert during the COVID-19 pandemic gave a name that shouldn't be too surprising.
Dr. Stella Immanuel got a slap on the wrist for prescribing hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 without patients' informed consent.
And the late-night host has a suggestion for the state in question.
The Sooner State wants to return the $2 million stockpile of hydroxychloroquine it amassed for COVID-19.
The state bought over a million pills last year after then-President Trump touted, with little evidence, the use of the drug as a COVID-19 treatment.
The EU's medical agency recommends that product information for hydroxychloroquine mention possible psychiatric risks.
Dr. Sean Conley, as a military medical officer, is bound to adhere to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which prohibits lying, an expert said.
Board members bought stock before the announcement Kodak would be using U.S. money to manufacture drugs, including Trump-touted hydroxychloroquine.
Read this to figure out if your physician has some sketchy beliefs not supported by science. Illness is caused by demon sex, for example.