Joe Biden

“We’ll probably know in the next couple of days how the president feels about all this,” Hawaii Gov. Josh Green said.
The Minnesota congresswoman praised Biden on Saturday for his "decades of service" before urging him to make way for "a new generation of leaders."
He told ABC's George Stephanopoulos that he and Democrats have defied gloomy surveys before.
The president's session with ABC was his first nationally televised interview since his disastrous debate with Donald Trump.
The president shared whether his difficulties were the product of a "bad night" — or something more serious.
The dam hasn't broken, but there's a steady drip of statements from Democrats skeptical of Biden being the Democratic nominee.
"I saw what I saw. Do not ask me to wipe my brain clean with a neuralizer and tell me everything is fine," said the former "Full Frontal" host.
"This was a hard truth to face," the newspaper's editorial board imagined the president saying.
The president’s team shared a picture from “The Handmaid’s Tale.”