cardiac arrest

Video from the incident shows tournament officials watching Chinese athlete Zhang Zhijie for around 40 seconds before medical help arrives.
"We basically went through this whole life-or-death experience,” Andy Hoang said after her ordeal.
Research found that 50% of patients had at least one of these symptoms within 24 hours before the event.
The Buffalo Bills safety told the James family he was there for them “just like you have been for me my entire process.”
If your child is enrolled in youth sports, you'll want to ensure their program is up to standard.
The Buffalo Bills player's diagnosis revelation stirred more controversy from vaccine skeptics.
"He’s here, and he’s in a great headspace to come back and make his return,” Brandon Beane said of the player who almost died.
The Access to AEDs Act will improve access to automated external defibrillators and training programs in schools.
Experts reveal what's going on in the body and what to do if you or someone else is experiencing the issue.
"On the day of my husband’s cardiac arrest, many things had to go right for him to survive."