Joe Biden's Potential Presidential Campaign 'Ramping Up,' Says Adviser

A political adviser says the vice president is "90 percent in."

Vice President Joe Biden "is 90 percent in" when it comes to making a decision about running for the White House, according to one political adviser.

Biden’s advisers told ABC News that "his political team has been ramping up in recent days, entering what they call a more active phase," Cecilia Vega reported Sunday on “This Week.”

"In camp Biden, there are discussions about fundraising and launching a political action committee, and while the vice president himself hasn't authorized any of these moves, one adviser tells ABC News he believes Biden is 90 percent in," Vega said.

After the vice president's son Beau Biden died of brain cancer in May, several of his friends encouraged Biden to run for president in 2016, according to The Huffington Post's Howard Fineman.

If Biden decides to run for the third time, he will go against Democratic candidates that include former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) and former Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.).

In a recent Quinnipiac poll, 13 percent of those surveyed said they would vote for Biden, while 55 percent would vote for Clinton. However, Clinton's favorability ratings have been sliding in recent weeks. According to the Quinnipiac poll, 57 percent of voters have an unfavorable view of the former first lady. The same poll showed Biden with his highest favorability rating -- 49 percent -- in seven years.


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