Behind HuffPost's New Logo And Look

How we're reimagining our site for the next chapter.

Since it was founded nearly 12 years ago, HuffPost has cut a blazing trail for media in the digital world, bringing a fresh voice to news coverage and combining technology and editorial vision in unprecedented ways.

Today, we embark on the next chapter ― debuting a new logo and a new look to celebrate our new leadership under Editor-in-Chief Lydia Polgreen.

We began this project by thinking about what sets us apart. We’ve never been afraid to cut through the noise of news coverage and call it like we see it, often with a wink and a nod. This spirit is best embodied by the sharp headline and image we use every day to bring you the top story on our site and app: our splash. This new design pumps up the volume on the splash and weaves more of them into the experience of our site.

HuffPost's redesigned front page.
HuffPost's redesigned front page.

We’re most excited about a new feature that allows the splash to travel. Splash cards will accompany our best stories when you share them on Facebook and Twitter. HuffPost’s splash will be right in our readers’ timelines, where many first find us.

Once we started looking at new designs, it was clear we needed a new logo to usher in our new era. We wanted something bolder and cooler to kick off this new chapter, but we also wanted to pay tribute to our past. Becoming the first digital-native news brand to reach this scale, to win a Pulitzer Prize and to serve dedicated daily audiences is a history worth celebrating.

We think our new logo does just that. We fell in love with the new typeface (National, for all you font nerds) because it’s strong and a little quirky. The bold italic carries the eye forward, in the same way our brand has grown and evolved over the last 12 years. The shapes are the evolution of an early concept our collaborators at the creative strategy firm Work-Order presented us, which featured a forward slash to either side of the name. We loved it because, again, they point us forward, but are also reminiscent of the slashes in URLs.

Above you can see us agonizing over all the font and shape options.
Above you can see us agonizing over all the font and shape options.

We landed on this final version because we love what happens when the two shapes join together as the new icon for our apps and social channels. The mark itself forms a road, a slash, an abstract H ― everyone sees something different, and we embrace all the possibilities. We’ve also updated our signature green, the color audiences associate with HuffPost, and brightened it for this new era.


Today marks a big step forward for our design evolution, but it’s just the beginning. We plan to improve on the new design for our web and mobile products, to extend it to more corners of the site and to our global editions over the next several months. Got feedback? Let us know! Send us your thoughts at


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