
If Biden doesn’t run, Harris gets first dibs on their joint fundraising account, per campaign finance experts.
"I had a bad night," the president told "The Earl Ingram Show."
Donald Trump typically likes to be the one in the spotlight.
“My advice to the Democrat Party would be total surrender now,” a Trump campaign official said on the conservative network.
The magazine slammed the president’s debate performance, calling him “incapable.”
The U.S. remains an outlier in not guaranteeing workers paid holidays or other time off.
Ruth Ben-Ghiat highlighted “one of the most alarming things” about the right-wing Heritage Foundation’s handbook for a potential second Trump term.
The South Dakota governor, who once shot her puppy in a gravel pit, complained that the vice president isn’t relatable.
Former Fox News pundit Jonah Goldberg had CNN’s Jake Tapper laughing with his response.
The former president ripped into his rivals in newly leaked footage.