Faculty & Research at Heinz College

Our research programs are best described as data-intensive social science. Our economists, statisticians, operations researchers, computer scientists, and management experts sit side by side, collaborating constantly and not sitting in traditional departmental silos. For this reason, they are able to approach complex societal problems in an altogether different way. The future of work, the future of mobility, the loss of privacy, seismic shifts in entertainment—these are the problems of our age. These are the problems on our minds.

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Recent Best Paper Awards


Amanda Coston — IEEE Conference on Secure and Trustworthy Machine Learning, Best Paper


Alessandro Acquisti — Management Science, Best Paper

Runshan Fu — INFORMS Information Systems Society’s Nunamaker-Chen Dissertation Award, winner; INFORMS Society for Marketing Science’s Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Competition, Winner

Akshaya Jha — Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource EconomistsEditor's Choice

Shihan Li — International Network for Social Network Analysis, Best Student Paper of the Year

Peter Zhang — 2022 INFORMS Junior Faculty Forum Paper Competition, Winner


George Chen — AAAI Workshop on AI for Behavior Change, Best Paper

Akshaya Jha — United States Association for Energy Economics, Young Professional Research Award and Best Paper

Ramayya Krishnan & Beibei Li — Information Systems Research, Best Paper Finalist

Rema Padman — Association of Information Systems, SIGHealth section, Best Paper


Leman Akoglu — SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), Best Paper

Beibei Li — International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Best Paper

Beibei Li — Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS), Best Paper 

Ananya Sen  Workshop on Information Systems and Economics, Best Paper

Zhe Zhang — ACM, Best Doctoral Dissertation Runner-Up


Alessandro Acquisti  Management Information Systems Quarterly, Best Paper

Leman Akoglu  ECML PKDD, Best Paper

Martin Gaynor — National Institute of Health Care Management Research, Best Paper