an image demonstrating screenshots from our Bounty product
HackerOne Bounty

Bug Bounty: Outmatch Cybercriminals and Minimize Your Threat Exposure

Tap into a legion of ethical hackers to pinpoint application vulnerabilities and minimize your threat exposure around the clock.

See HackerOne Bounty in action

Preemptive security testing that scales with your business

A fully managed bug bounty program with HackerOne enhances your in-house team by leveraging a global pool of security experts to detect costly vulnerabilities without hindering innovation.

Continuous vigilance for your growing attack surface

Keep watchful eyes on your expanding digital landscape at all times including applications, cloud assets, APIs, IoT, and software supply chain.

Catch exploits that automated tools miss

Flag elusive vulnerability classes that only human ingenuity and precision can uncover and avoid the false positives that come from automated scanners.

Scale the reach of your security team

Access security skills that align with your technology stack and free up resources to focus on more strategic initiatives.

What is Bug Bounty?

A bug bounty is a monetary reward given to ethical hackers for successfully discovering and reporting a vulnerability or bug to the application's developer. Bug bounty programs allow companies to leverage the ethical hacking and security researcher community to improve their systems’ security posture over time continuously. Bug bounties can complement existing security controls by exposing vulnerabilities that automated scanners miss, and incentivize security researchers to emulate what a potential bad actor would attempt to exploit.

an image of our hacker profiles along with their skills listed
Global Community and Expertise

Skills you need, expertise you can trust

Close internal skills gaps by mapping your technology stack to varying backgrounds, skill sets, and perspectives to cover diverse attack surfaces including web, cloud, mobile, IoT, and more. Our bug bounty redefines the traditional static, signature-based model of security testing by providing an offensive perspective on the enterprise internet environment.

  • Leverage HackerOne’s global community to aid in your rapid response in the event of another zero-day like log4j. Access experts in cloud, mobile, hardware, IoT and more.
  • Select ID-verified and background-checked ethical hackers to analyze sensitive internal assets. Additional verification requirements provided by our Clear offering include citizenship, residency, age restrictions, and proven performance levels.
  • Monitor and access control to sensitive assets using our Gateway solution, powered by Cloudflare.
an image demonstrating screenshots from our Bounty product
DevSecOps Workflows

Workflows that adapt to your development life cycle

With HackerOne’s DevSecOps integrations, embed real-world security feedback directly into your existing toolset to accelerate response, reduce risk, and scale your bounty program.

  • Integrate vulnerability findings with the security and development tools you use today.
  • Fix vulnerabilities faster with remediation guidance and retesting capabilities.
  • Direct hacker attention to new product and feature releases with time-bound bounty incentives and targeted testing options.
World-Class Triage

Triage you can count on

HackerOne Triage services remove the burden of validating incoming vulnerability submissions. Our triage team communicates with hackers, validates their submissions, removes duplicates, and ranks the remaining vulnerabilities by severity.

  • Eliminate false positives, and accelerate remediation.
  • Our team manages ethical hacker communication and provides you with actionable reports.
  • Proven track record of speed, accuracy, and responsiveness.
an image demonstrating screenshots from our Bounty project
Enterprise Reporting and Tracking

Size up potential threats and take action

HackerOne’s centrally-managed SaaS platform tracks the health of your bug bounty program and helps prioritize which vulnerabilities pose the greatest risk to your business.

  • Real-time analytics showcase key program metrics including response targets, submissions, bounty spend, remediation status and more.
  • See how your high-severity issues stack up against industry norms and track effectiveness
  • Access scoring data that uses Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) and Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE).

Hai: Your HackerOne AI Copilot

Achieve record-speed vulnerability response times with HackerOne’s in-platform GenAI copilot. Hai provides a deeper and more immediate understanding of your security program so you can make decisions and deliver fixes faster.  Effortlessly translate natural language into precise queries, enrich vulnerability reports with relevant context, and use platform data to generate insightful recommendations.

Want to learn more about how a bounty program can reduce risk?

Tell us about the challenges you are hoping to overcome and one of our experts will contact you.


Real-world security insights protect your business

HackerOne Bounty connects you with global security expertise with integrations into your existing workflows.

Bounty Campaigns

Incentivize hacker attention to fit your program goals.

Video Reporting

See a recorded report to verify issues and remediations.

API and Webhooks

Automate event calls and report creation.

Hacker Retesting

Verify vulnerability fixes using hackers.

Hacker Payment Processing

Issue tax forms, do OFAC checks, and send payouts in 50+ currencies.

Slack and Microsoft Teams Notifications

Reduce context switching, increase transparency, and speed up work.

Duplicate Detection

Learnings from other accounts reduce duplicates in yours.

Hacker Collaboration

Run targeted tests on new features, specific CVEs, or for proof of coverage.

Hacker One Bug Bounty Solution Brief

HackerOne Bug Bounty

As a key capability of the HackerOne Attack Resistance Platform, HackerOne Bug Bounty helps minimize your threat exposure by leveraging a legion of ethical hackers to provide preemptive and continuous oversight for your expanding digital landscape.

Learn more about Bug Bounty