New! Bronze Seal holders are now eligible to use Apple Pay for donations. Learn more

Reach millions of funders through your Candid Profile

Claim your Candid profile

You have the power to choose what tens of millions of potential donors see about your organization. Claim your free Candid profile to boost your online presence.

Already a Profile Manager? Sign in

Claim your free Candid profile and share your story

  • Showcase your programs and your impact
  • Send fresh information to 200+ charitable sites, including Facebook, and Network for Good
  • Use your profile as the perfect handout in funder meetings
  • Celebrate your diversity and share your staff & board’s demographics
  • Bonus: By earning a Bronze Seal, you are eligible to use Apple Pay for donations
Get started now

Special offer to support small nonprofits

Earn a 2024 Gold Seal and get free access to Foundation Directory Essential, a resource that helps you win more grants. Offer details.

Questions? View of Help Center?

claim your profile

Funding opportunities are waiting. Get noticed today by:

  • Facebook
  • Network for Good
  • VolunteerMatch
  • All major U.S.-based donor-advised funds including Fidelity Charitable
  • Dozens of private foundations, including the California Endowment

Update your Candid profile in three easy steps

claim profile

Step 1

Claim your profile

Request access to your organization's profile

get approved

Step 2

Get approved

We verify your affiliation and approve your access

tell your story

Step 3

Tell your story

Showcase your programs and your impact to fast-track your funding

View the Candid profile best practices guide for a simple step-by-step walkthrough.

Funders reward organizations with Seals

Research links earning a Seal of Transparency to a 53% increase in contributions for nonprofits.

Seals give funders insights into your organization, enabling educated grant giving decisions. It’s easy and free to earn Seals—get started today.

Donors and funders have questions—don’t make them ask, tell them

2024 Bronze Seal of Transparency

Bronze Seal

Make sure donors find you

~5-minute update

  • Organization mission and contact details
  • Donation information
  • Leadership information

Apple Pay for Donations

Simply earn a 2024 Bronze Seal to be eligible for donations with Apple Pay.

2024 Silver Seal of Transparency

Silver Seal

Guide funding decisions

~10-minute update

  • Program(s) information
  • Brand details (website, social media, logo)
  • Plus Bronze info

2024 Gold Seal of Transparency

Gold Seal

Gain trust and support

~15-minute update

  • Audited financial report or basic financial information
  • Board Chair names and leadership demographics
  • Plus Silver info

Special offer

Small nonprofits are eligible for free Foundation Directory Essential for a year.

2024 Platinum Seal of Transparency

Platinum Seal

Highlight your impact and boost funding

~15-minute update

  • Strategic plan or strategy and goal highlights
  • At least one metric demonstrating your progress and results
  • Plus gold info

Download a PDF of full Seal Level requirements.

By claiming and updating your organization’s Nonprofit Profile you are agreeing to our Terms of Use.

Ready to fast-track your organization's funding? Claim your profile now

Still have questions? Visit the Help Center

What people are saying

Candid profiles help the sector take a leap forward from data and information about charities to powerful knowledge and insight to help us make informed decisions.

—Victoria Vrana
Senior Program Officer, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

My experience being a board member at Village Enterprise, where we have a Platinum Seal, is that it’s made fundraising easier. The Platinum Seal helps us stand out since there are so many nonprofits for donors to choose from.

—Jamie Austin
Board Member, Village Enterprise Fund

Our Candid profile probably saves us 40 hours a week. We’re constantly asked for our financials, details about our mission, and reviews. Sending people to our Nonprofit Profile frees us up to focus on our mission.

—Janet Wenholz
Grant Writer, Operation Freedom Paws

Ready to gain access to your profile and earn your first Seal of Transparency? Get started now