Someone Like You Quotes

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Someone Like You Someone Like You by Sarah Dessen
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Someone Like You Quotes Showing 1-30 of 38
“Life is an awful, ugly place to not have a best friend.”
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You
“There are some things in this world you rely on, like a sure bet. And when they let you down, shifting from where you've carefully placed them, it shakes your faith, right where you stand.”
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You
“You can't just plan a moment when things get back on track, just as you can't plan the moment you lose your way in the first place.”
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You
tags: life
“You can't just turn your heart off like a faucet; you have to go to the source and dry it out, drop by drop.”
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You
“I watched my mother do what she did best, and realized there would never be a way to cut myself from her entirely. No matter how strong or weak I was, she was a part of me, as crucial as my own heart. I would never be strong enough, in all my life, to do without her.”
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You
“Don't be a fool. Don't give up something important to hold onto someone who can't even say they love you.”
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You
“I've given lots of people chances," she said suddenly, as if Marion was still in the room to hear us. "But there's only so much faith you can have in people.”
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You
“Macon: “It’s true. And if that doesn’t work, use the Jedi Mind Trick. But only if you really have to.”
Halley: “The what?”
Macon: “The Jedi Mind Trick.” He looked at me. “Didn’t you ever see Star Wars?”
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You
“I wondered again why the right thing always seemed to be met with so much resistance, when you'd think it would be the easier path. You had to fight to be virtuous...”
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You
“When I pictured myself, it was always like just an outline in a coloring book, with the inside not yet completed. All the standard features were there. but the colors, the zigzags and plaids, the bits and pieces that made up me, Halley, weren't yet in place. Scarlett's vibrant reds and golds helped some, but I was still waiting.”
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You
“Mom." I couldn't believe she was doing this again. She was taking this moment, this time when I was strongest, away from me.

"I don't care what I have to do," she said, her voice low and even. "I don't care if I have to send you away or switch schools. I don't care if I have to follow you twenty-four hours a day, you will not see him, Halley. You will not destroy yourself this way."

"Why are you just assuming I'm going back to him?" I asked her, just as she was drawing in breath to make another point.

"Why don't you ask me what I said to him out there?"

She shut her mouth, caught off guard. "What?"

"Why don't you ever wait a second and see what I'm planning, or thinking, before you burst in with your opinions and ideas? You never even give me a chance."

"Yes, I do," she said indignantly.

"No," I said. "You don't. And then you wonder why I never tell you anyone or share anything with you. I can never trust you with anything or share anything with you. I can never trust you with anything, give you any piece of me without you grabbing it to keep for yourself."

"That's not true," she said slowly, but it was just now hitting her, I could see it. "Halley, you don't always know what's at stake, and I do."

"I will never learn," I said to her slowly, "until you let me."

And so we stood there in the kitchen, my mother and I, facing off over everything that had built up since June, when I was willing to hand myself over free and clear. Now I needed her to return it all to me, with the faith that I could make my own way.”
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You
“He wasn't what I'd thought he was; maybe he never had been. I wasn't what I'd thought I was, either.”
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You
“I knew I had to keep him to myself, as I'd slowly begun to keep everything. We had secrets now, truths and half-truths, that kept her always at arm's length, behind a closed door, miles away.”
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You
“And that was it; it was so easy for her. My own memories did not even belong to me. But I knew she was wrong. I had seen that comet. I knew it as well as I knew my own face, my own hands. My own heart.”
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You
“If you have just one person believe in you, you'll always find your way”
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You
“You can't just plan a moment when things get back on track, just as you can't plan the moment you lose your way in the first place. But standing there alone on the landing, I thought of Grandma Halley and how she'd held me close against her lap as we watched the sky together. I'd always thought I couldn't remember, but suddenly in that moment, I closed my eyes and saw the comet, finally, brilliant and impossible, stretching above me across the sky.”
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You
“Just like that, with one phone call, she was a daughter again.”
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You
“I hoped that Grace would be a little bit of the best of all of us: Scarlett's spirit, and my mother's strength, Marion's determination, and Michael's sly humor. I wasn't sure what I could give, not just yet. But I would know when I told her about the comet, years from now, I would know. And I would lean close to her ear, saying the words no one else could hear, explaining it all. The language of solace and comets, and the girls we all become, in the end.”
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You
“its reall bad”
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You
“This world is an awful/ugly place not to have a best friend.”
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You
“The language of solace, and comets, and the girls we all become, in the end.”
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You
“It was something I couldn't put my finger on or define clearly, but a whole mishmash of words and incidents, all rolling quickly and building, like a snowball down a hill, to gather strength and bulk to flatten me. It wasn't what they said, or even just the looks they exchanged when they asked me how school was that day and I just mumbled fine with my mouth full, glancing wistfully over at Scarlett's, where I was sure she was eating alone, in front of the TV, without having to answer to anyone. There had been a time, once, when my mother would have been the first I'd tell about Macon Faulkner, and what P.E. had become to me. But now I only saw her rigid neck, the tight, thin line of her lips as she sat across from me, reminding me to do my homework, no I couldn't go to Scarlett's it was a school night, don't forget to do the dishes and take the trash out. All she'd said to me for years. Only now they all seemed loaded with something else, something that fell between us on the table, blocking any further conversation.”
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You
“I didn't want to leave things the way we had, unresolved, ... and tried to tell myself he cared about me enough not to look elsewhere for what I wasn't giving him.”
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You
“As far as I was concerned, we'd come to a draw: I hadn't wanted to come, and she didn't want me to leave. We were even. But I knew my mother wouldn't see it that way. Lately, we didn't seem to see anything the same.”
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You
“Why don't you ever wait a second and see what I'm planning, or thinking, before you burst in with your opinions and ideas? You never even give me a chance.”
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You
“Best Friends.

And I thought of what she had done all the millions of times I cried to her, collapsing at even the slightest wounding of my heart or pride.
So I reached over and pulled her to me, wrapping my arms around her, and held my best friend close, returning so many favors all at once....”
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You
“Sometimes you dont even want to think aout what people are doing with their groceries.”
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You
tags: humor
“And to know me, as you have discovered, is to love me.”
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You
“And so we stood there in the kitchen, my mother and I, facing off over everything that had built up since June, when I was willing to hand myself over free and clear. Now I needed her to return it all to me, with the faith that I could make my own way.”
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You
“In midair, dangling lost above the world.”
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You

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