Between the Acts Quotes

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Between the Acts Between the Acts by Virginia Woolf
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Between the Acts Quotes Showing 1-28 of 28
“Books are the mirrors of the soul.”
Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts
“Often on a wet day I begin counting up; what I've read and what I haven't read.”
Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts
“Empty, empty, empty; silent, silent, silent. The room was a shell, singing of what was before time was; a vase stood in the heart of the house, alabaster, smooth, cold, holding the still, distilled essence of emptiness, silence.”
Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts
“For I hear music, they were saying. Music wakes us. Music makes us see the hidden, join the broken. Look and listen.”
Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts
“Do you think people change? I meant ourselves — do we change?”
Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts
“Suppose the looking glass smashes, the image disappears, and the romantic figure with the green of forest depths all about it is there no longer, but only that shell of a person which is seen by other people - what an airless, shallow, bald, prominent world it becomes! A world not to be lived in. As we face each other in omnibuses and underground railways we are looking into the mirror that accounts for the vagueness, the gleam of glassiness, in our eyes.”
Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts
“Love. Hate. Peace. Three emotion made the ply of human life.”
Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts
“But we have other lives, I think, I hope,’ she murmured. 'We live in others, … We live in things.”
Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts
“Thats what makes a view so sad, and so beautiful. It'll be there when we're not.”
Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts
“But she had nothing. She had forbidden music. Grating her fingers in the bark, she damned the audience. Panic seized her. Blood seemed to pour from her shoes. This is death, death, death, she noted in the margin of her mind; when illusion fails. Unable to lift her hand, she stood facing the audience.
And then the shower fell, sudden, profuse.
No one had seen the cloud coming. There it was, black, swollen, on top of them. Down it poured like all the people in the world weeping. Tears. Tears. Tears.”
Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts
“When they were alone, they said nothing. They looked at the view; they looked at what they knew, to see if what they knew might perhaps be different today. Most days it was the same.”
Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts
“But none speaks with a single voice. None with a voice free from the old vibrations. Always I hear corrupt murmurs; the chink of gold and metal. Mad music...”
Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts
“She looked before she drank. Looking was part of drinking. why waste sensation, she seemed to ask, why waste a single drop that can be pressed out of this ripe, this melting, this adorable world? Then she drank. And the air round her became threaded with sensation.”
Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts
“Why, if one wants to compare life to anything, one must liken it to being blown through the Tube at fifty miles an hour - landing at the other end without a single hairpin in one's hair!”
Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts
“The window was all sky without colour. The house had lost its shelter. It was night before roads were made, or houses. It was the night that dwellers in caves had watched from some high place among rocks. Then the curtain rose. They spoke.”
Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts
“Cum de inima mea poate - cum mai poate, cum mai poate, repetă, pufăind din havană. Tânjind în singurătate, chinul vieții să-l îndure?”
Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts
“Noi jucăm roluri diferite; dar suntem aceeaşi.”
Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts
“She tapped on the window with her embossed hairbrush. They were too far off to hear. The drone of the trees was in their ears; the chirp of birds; other incidents of garden life, inaudible, invisible to her in the bedroom, absorbed them. Isolated on a green island, hedged about with snowdrops, laid with a counterpane of puckered silk, the innocent island floated under her window. Only George lagged behind.”
Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts
“There is little blood in my arm," Isabella repeated.”
Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts
“So she sat down to morning tea, like any other old lady with a high nose, thin cheeks, a ring on her finger and the usual trappings of rather shabby but gallant old age...”
Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts
“Am I treading, like angels, where as a fool I should absent myself?”
Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts
“Empty, empty, empty, silent, silent, silent. The room was a shell, singing of what was before time was; a vase stood in the heart of the house, alabaster, smooth, cold, holding the still, distilled essence of emptiness, silence.”
Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts
“Miss La Trobe was pacing to and fro between the leaning birch trees. One hand was deep stuck in her jacket pocket; the other held a foolscap sheet. She was reading what was written there. She had the look of a commander pacing his deck. The leaning graceful trees with black bracelets circling the silver bark were distant about a ship’s length.”
Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts
“And then the shower fell, sudden, profuse. No one had seen the cloud coming. There it was, black, swollen, on top of them. Down it poured like all the people in the world weeping. Tears. Tears. Tears.”
Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts
“Lagan ali promenljiv vetar, koji su najavili meteorolozi, lepršao je žutu zavesu bacajući svetlost, pa senku. Vatra je posivela, onda je zaplamsala, a koprivar je udarao o donje okno prozora; udarao, udarao, udarao; ponavljajući da ako nijedno ljudsko biće nikako ne dođe, nikad, nikad, nikad, knjige će pobuđaviti, vatra se ugasiti, a pegavi leptir umreti na oknu''. -”
Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts
“How tempting, how very tempting, to let the view triumph; to reflect its ripple; to let their own minds ripple; to let outlines elongate and pitch over--so--with a sudden jerk.”
Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts
“But it was summer now. She had been waked by the birds. How they sang! attacking the dawn like so many choir boys attacking an iced cake.”
Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts
“Los libros son el espejo del alma”
Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts