Sameness Quotes

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Sameness Sameness by K. Weikel
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Sameness Quotes Showing 1-30 of 32
“I was different in a world of things of the same, something we'd strived for generation after generation--but... I never understood why we had to be the same. Of course, I kept this to myself. Equality apparently worked.”
K. Weikel, Sameness
“An emotion I’d never felt such an extent of washed over me. Sadness. It was blue and black like a bruise.”
K. Weikel, Sameness
“And perhaps that is why death was something never spoken about or thought about—why I was so surprised and confused at my new friends willingness to jump from the top of our building—because death makes you selfish.”
K. Weikel, Sameness
“Being different isn't something small. It never has been. Even back then, before all this sameness.”
K. Weikel, Sameness
“It was as though space had come to greet me as my mind left the atmosphere, gasping and begging for air where there was none.”
K. Weikel, Sameness
“Shame on me. Shame on me… It was excluding me from the Society by saying you. By saying yourself. And I could feel it. Every letter clung to my heart like a disease, and I couldn’t tell if I was going insane or if I was seeing things for the first time.”
K. Weikel, Sameness
“The Waker. It buzzed and hummed as all three serums slipped into my veins as if I were a gas chamber and it was the air that would choke the life from me. I didn’t want to sleep. I still had seventy-five days to be awake. But I was being different.

So I was being punished.”
K. Weikel, Sameness
“As the last tube was placed in my head, the terrible doctor leaning over me and staring into my eyes as if I were an abused, tamed animal and it was my master.”
K. Weikel, Sameness
“I felt like a blind, caged bird who was told it could fly like the other birds, but didn’t know it was trapped in a cage.”
K. Weikel, Sameness
“The newly acquired depth of emotion rooted inside me like trees began to sink lower, digging its roots deeper into my intestines.”
K. Weikel, Sameness
“If you tell a lie enough times, it becomes the truth. Not because it's pure truth, but because so many people believe it is. History tells us that.”
K. Weikel, Sameness
“Wasn’t the point of making all these rules to keep us the same all the time, no matter what? Because I was feeling terribly different and like a sore thumb in a sea of toes.”
K. Weikel, Sameness
“The dark clouds hung over them as well, draining the life from the room and letting mourning enter, a pain we weren’t accustomed to. A pain we’d been separated from for a long time. Pain that escaped my eyes in the form of liquid.

The pain of death.”
K. Weikel, Sameness
“In order to have equality among a society’s people, there must always be someone, or a group of people, who are not equal to the bigger mass. They produce rules and enforce sameness upon the people who are below them. We must give the illusion of equality in order to satisfy those who beg for it, even if it’s something intangible.”
K. Weikel, Sameness
“Knowing too much about something can be more dangerous than ignorance”
K. Weikel, Sameness
“Never fear knowledge hidden from you.”
K. Weikel, Sameness
“They have technologies that are about to be introduced, and the public will welcome them with open arms for equality and in ignorance. They have created diseases that will enter into your bloodstream and kill you, the cure hidden from sight until years have passed and the right moment has arrived.”
K. Weikel, Sameness
“Things I used to know had about-faced; they'd all changed in my eyes.”
K. Weikel, Sameness
“But if I was a robot, if all of us were robots, and we were told we were human--that this is what humans looked like, wouldn't my hands appear human to me, even if they weren't?”
K. Weikel, Sameness
“It's the chip... It makes us forget we aren't all the same.”
K. Weikel, Sameness
“...worries littered my system like pollution...”
K. Weikel, Sameness
“But how can someone who was raised to be the same as everyone else be told they're different because of something out of their control?”
K. Weikel, Sameness
“We are few, but we are not alone.”
K. Weikel, Sameness
“Sometimes, we are broken away from the mass, and 'we' become 'I'.”
K. Weikel, Sameness
tags: alone
“Sometimes those around us aren't a part of us, and that is something we must come to terms with. Sometimes we are alone. Sometimes we aren't plural.”
K. Weikel, Sameness
“We is a strong word for something one person is going through.”
K. Weikel, Sameness
“Has this sameness created apathy in its purest form?”
K. Weikel, Sameness
“What's so wrong with being different?”
K. Weikel, Sameness
“After all, isn't there always something more when something simple stands in your way, or when you're told it's there for your safety, but you aren't sure what for?”
K. Weikel, Sameness
“Was it so bad to be different, when everyone around you screamed to be the same?”
K. Weikel, Sameness

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