A Lick of Frost Quotes

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A Lick of Frost (Merry Gentry, #6) A Lick of Frost by Laurell K. Hamilton
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A Lick of Frost Quotes Showing 1-16 of 16
“I will love you always. When this red hair is white, I will still love you. When the smooth softness of youth is replaced by the delicate softness of age, I will still want to touch your skin. When your face is full of the lines of every smile you have ever smiled, of every surprise I have seen flash through your eyes, when every tear you have ever cried has left its mark upon your face,I will treasure you all the more, because I was there to see it all. I will share your life with you, Meredith, and I will love you until the last breath leaves your body or mine.”
Laurell K. Hamilton, A Lick of Frost
“We are not created equal in talent. But the place where we are least equal is the heart. You can work at a talent, take lessons, but love, love either works or it doesn't. You love someone or you don't. You can't change it. You can't undo it.”
Laurell K. Hamilton, A Lick of Frost
tags: love
“More than honor, more than life, I love thee." What do you say when a man whose entire existence had been his honor offers to give it up for you? You say the only thing you can.
More than any crown or throne or title, I love thee," I said. "more than any power in faerie, I love thee.”
Laurell K. Hamilton, A Lick of Frost
tags: love
“What do you do when you know you are breaking someone's heart, but to do anything else would break your own?”
Laurell K. Hamilton, A Lick of Frost
“I watched her fade, but I loved her always. Because it was her love that made me real, Merry. Not faerie, not wild magic, but the magic of love. I thought I was giving up what life I had to save Rose, but the consort had asked if I would give up everything I was, and I did. I became what she needed me to be. When I realized that I would not age with her I wept, because I could not imagine being without her."

He came to his knees and put his hands on my arms, and stared down into my face. "I will love you always. When this red hair is white, I will still love you. When the smooth softness of youth is replaced by the delicate softness of age, I will still want to touch your skin. When your face is full of the lines of every smile you have ever smiled, of every surprise I have seen flash through your eyes, when every tear you have ever cried has left its mark upon your face, I will treasure you all the more, because I was there to see it all. I will share your life with you, Meredith, and I will love you until the last breath leaves your body or mine”
Laurell K. Hamilton, A Lick of Frost
“I smiled at him, as Doyle squeezed my hand and I squeezed back. "Some people are addicted to falling in love, Doctor. Some people love that rush of new emotions, and when that first rush of new love is spent, they move on to the next, thinking the love wasn't real. What I felt in her, and potentially in you, is the love of years. Love that knows that that first rush of freshness isn't the real thing. It's the tip of the iceberg.”
Laurell K. Hamilton, A Lick of Frost
“...but there were no faerie godmothers. There were only mothers and grandmothers, and there was no magic wand to wave over a person's heart and make it all better. The fairy tales lied. ...Fucking Brothers Grimm.”
Laurell K. Hamilton, A Lick of Frost
“I will love you always. When this red hair is white, I will still love you. When the smooth softness of youth is replaced by the delicate softness of age, I will still want to touch your skin. When your face is full of the lines of every smile you have ever smiled, or every surprise I have seen flash through your eyes, when every tear you have ever cried has left its mark upon your face, I will treasure you all the more, because I was there to see it all. I will share your life with you, Meredith, and I will love you until the last breath leaves your body or mine.”
Laurell K. Hamilton, A Lick of Frost
“He whispered, “More than life, more than honor, I love thee.” What do you say when a man whose entire existence had been his honor offers to give it up for you? You say the only thing you can. “More than any crown or throne or title, I love thee,” I said. “More than any power in faerie, I love thee.” The”
Laurell K. Hamilton, A Lick of Frost
“Why do you borrow such sorrows when they are far away, and I am right here?”
Laurell K. Hamilton, A Lick of Frost
“I will love you always. When this red hair is white, I will still love you.
When the smooth softness of youth is replaced by the delicate softness of age, I will still want
to touch your skin. When your face is full of the lines of every smile you have ever smiled,
of every surprise I have seen flash through your eyes, when every tear you have ever cried has
left its mark upon your face,I will treasure you all the more, because I was there to see it all.
I will share your life with you, Meredith, and I will love you until the last breath leaves your
body or mine.”
Laurell K. Hamilton, A Lick of Frost
“I was sidhe enough that I didn't understand the American trait of being totally fascinated with sex, and totally uncomfortable with it...'You are totally comfortable with this line of questioning, aren't you Meredith?' he asked. 'I am not ashamed of anything I've done, Mr. Verducci. They Fey, outside of some in the Seelie court, see no shame in sex, as long as it's consentual...It's sex. There's nothing wrong with sex.”
Laurell K. Hamilton, A Lick of Frost
“Meredith,” Taranis said, “how can you insult me like this? These men attacked a lady of my court, savaged her. Yet you stand there with them…touching you, as if they are your court favorites.” “But, uncle, they are some of my favorites.” “Meredith,” he said, and he sounded shocked, like an elderly relative who just heard you say “fuck” for the first time. Biggs”
Laurell K. Hamilton, A Lick of Frost
“He looked up at me then, and there was fierceness in his face. “I watched her fade, but I loved her always. Because it was her love that made me real, Merry. Not faerie, not wild magic, but the magic of love. I thought I was giving up what life I had to save Rose, but the consort had asked if I would give up everything I was, and I did. I became what she needed me to be. When I realized that I would not age with her I wept, because I could not imagine being without her.” He came to his knees and put his hands on my arms, and stared down into my face. “I will love you always. When this red hair is white, I will still love you. When the smooth softness of youth is replaced by the delicate softness of age, I will still want to touch your skin. When your face is full of the lines of every smile you have ever smiled, of every surprise I have seen flash through your eyes, when every tear you have ever cried has left its mark upon your face, I will treasure you all the more, because I was there to see it all. I will share your life with you, Meredith, and I will love you until the last breath leaves your body or mine.” He leaned down and kissed me, and this time I kissed him back. This time I melted into his arms, his body, because I could do nothing else.”
Laurell K. Hamilton, A Lick of Frost
“It is not merely happiness we all seek. We seek some place where we belong. For the lucky few, we find it in childhood with our own families. But for most of us we spend our adult lives seeking that place or person or organization that makes us feel that we are important, that we matter, and that without us something would go undone and undoable. We all need to feel that we are irreplaceable.”
Laurell K. Hamilton, A Lick of Frost
“He smiled at me and it filled his eyes with something more than just happiness. He had a place in my life. He belonged. It is not merely happiness we all seek. We seek some place where we belong. For the lucky few, we find it in childhood with our own families. But for most of us we spend our adult lives seeking that place or person or organization that makes us feel that we are important, that we matter, and that without us something would go undone and undoable. We all need to feel that we are irreplaceable.”
Laurell K. Hamilton, A Lick of Frost