Ariana Gassel

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A.W. Tozer
“O God, I have tasted Thy goodness, and it has both satisfied me and made me thirsty for more. I am painfully conscious of my need for further grace. I am ashamed of my lack of desire. O God, the Triune God, I want to want Thee; I long to be filled with longing; I thirst to be made more thirsty still. Show me Thy glory, I pray Thee, so that I may know Thee indeed. Begin in mercy a new work of love within me. Say to my soul, ‘Rise up my love, my fair one, and come away.’ Then give me grace to rise and follow Thee up from this misty lowland where I have wandered so long.”
A.W. Tozer

Mark Twain
“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to reform (or pause and reflect).”
Mark Twain

A.W. Tozer
“I want the presence of God Himself, or I don't want anything at all to do with religion... I want all that God has or I don't want any.”
A.W. Tozer

Jane Austen
“My idea of good the company of clever, well-informed people, who have a great deal of conversation; that is what I call good company.'
'You are mistaken,' said he gently, 'that is not good company, that is the best.”
Jane Austen, Persuasion

Jane Austen
“You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope...I have loved none but you.”
Jane Austen, Persuasion

1186082 My Cousin's BookClub — 55 members — last activity Jun 29, 2024 12:57PM
Hey cousins! We're an Atlanta based book club for women who love to read novels of all genres. There will more than likely be margaritas at our monthl ...more
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