Abdullah Al Mamun Sardar

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Jan 31, 2024 03:58AM

The Bourne Identity
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Jan 31, 2024 03:58AM

The Talbot Odyssey
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Richard P. Feynman
“Study hard what interests you the most in the most undisciplined, irreverent and original manner possible.”
Richard Feynmann

Charles Bukowski
“Do you hate people?”

“I don't hate them...I just feel better when they're not around.”
Charles Bukowski, Barfly

Steve Jobs
“Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”
Steve Jobs

Christopher Hitchens
“Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are god. Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they draw the conclusion that they are gods.”
Christopher Hitchens, The Portable Atheist: Essential Readings for the Nonbeliever

Blaise Pascal
“All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone.”
Blaise Pascal, Pensées

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