Ren Halvin

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Thirteen Reasons Why
Ren Halvin is currently reading
by Jay Asher (Goodreads Author)
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A Kiss From a Dra...
Ren Halvin is currently reading
by Charlotte Swan (Goodreads Author)
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Mark Twain
“If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.”
Mark Twain

J.K. Rowling
“If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.”
J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Elbert Hubbard
“A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.”
Elbert Hubbard

Friedrich Nietzsche
“Without music, life would be a mistake.”
Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols

I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn
“I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.”
Marilyn Monroe

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